Yes! Have a look at StaticObject.
There is an images directory on the client, you can load any images in there with Image.Create. I.e. for images/horse.jpg, the path for Image.Create would be horse.jpg.
You can also use .zip files and a dropzone directory. (This is not Just Cause 2's dropzone.) Modules can only use the .zip file with their name. I.e. for dropzone/, the path for Image.Create would be horse.jpg
No, they must manually download and install them. We plan on adding Steam Workshop support in a later release, which will allow clients to automatically download assets.
No, the default chat system currently only supports one color for custom messages.
You cannot do what singleplayer mods can, such as change the top speed to whatever you want. However, for agency vehicles, you can set their upgrades by setting their template. (See Vehicle.Create) Agency vehicles are the ones that you can spawn in singleplayer, such as the Silverbolt and Traver-Z.
Most agency vehicles take the following vehicle templates:
- Default
- WeaponUpgrade0
- WeaponUpgrade1
- FullyUpgraded
No, not currently.
Everything uses meters.
Everything uses radians. You can use the Lua functions math.rad(degrees) and math.deg(radians) to convert numbers between the two. If you want the string representation of an Angle in degrees, you can use Angle:DegreesString.