- Run the NixOS installer to get
- Clone this repository
- Move
to ./nix/nixos/$SYSTEM/hardware-configuration
(+ link in ./nix/nixos/flake.nix
- (From
) Build the initial system using the updated flake, i.e.:
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#$SYSTEM
- (From
) link the system flake:
for ext in {nix,lock}; do sudo ln -s "$(realpath flake.$ext)" "/etc/nixos/flake.$ext"; done
- The system will point to the appropriate system from then on:
sudo nixos-rebuild switch
- Push the local changes upstream
- (From host) Start tmate server:
nix run github:jcarrag/dotfiles#tmate
// or without 'nix-command' & 'flakes' as default
nix run --extra-experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' github:jcarrag/dotfiles#tmate
- (From host) Enter tmate session password
- (From client) Connect to tmate server: