For larger contributions create an issue for any required discussion
Implement solution on a branch in your fork
Make sure to include issue ID (if created) in commit message, and make the message speak for itself
Once you’re done create a pull request and ask at least one of the maintainers for review
Remember to title your pull request properly as it is used for release notes
Prerequisites: Java and Maven
Ensure Java 8 or 11 is available.
$ java -version
Use the alternate Java 8.
$ export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`
$ echo $JAVA_HOME
Ensure Maven > 3.6.0 is installed and included in the PATH environment variable.
$ mvn --version
Use the below commands to build remoting-opentelemetry-engine.jar locally.
$ mvn package -pl monitoring-engine
We are creating and using simple configuration framework.
See config documentation for details