- JENKINS-54537 Renamed property tags in RundeckNotifier to tagsList to resolve a conflict between XStream and the Jenkins-Struct-Plugin (String-Array vs String)
- JENKINS-34510 Improve Jenkins startup time and Rundeck jobs generation with job-dsl thanks to caching (please note: it has to be enabled explicitly in the global config)
- JENKINS-31423 Allow build parameters or references to environment variables in 'Job Identifier' field
- Add Jenkins Pipelines support to Option Provider
- Update RunDeck API Java client library to 13.1
- Internationalization
- Option provider : add integration with the Promoted Builds Plugin and/or Promoted Builds Simple Plugin so that we can filter only "promoted" builds.
- Use a drop-down field to select the RunDeck job (list of jobs retrieved using the API) instead of the basic text field
- New: JENKINS-22851 Support multiple Rundeck installations: Configure multiple Rundeck instances (in the global config), and choose the instance to use in the job configuration
- New: JENKINS-31150 Support Multiple SCM tags for rundeck notifier
- Fixed: JENKINS-28697 Aborted job is marked as SUCCESS if "Wait for Rundeck" is used
- Use display name for the build name
- Set the build result to failure when rundeck fails AND shouldFailTheBuild is set to true. Previously only "marked" the failure; by changing the status of the build to FAIL, other plugins that might be called after rundeck will then be able to detect the status, and handle accordingly.
- Fixed bug where log tailer returned completed even though the job was still running (output was completed). Now both execCompleted and completed are validated
- Filtered out RundeckOutputEntries with empty messages
- No longer depend on last mod for sleep timing since behaviour seems to be not aligned with expectations. Now checking if offset has changed.
- Fixed bug where checkbox wasn't visible in Jenkins
- [JENKINS-28059] Validate API version in test connection
- Added support to include Rundeck logs in the Jenkins build log
- Support jobs inside folders
- Fix for Exception when using $ARTIFACT_NAME
- Fixed: Badge icons fail is jenkins is not root as "/"
- Changed "RunDeck" text items to the correct "Rundeck"
- Updated the Rundeck client to v12.0 [Fixes JENKINS-27971 — NPE with Rundeck v2.4.2]
- Fixed issue with parsing Job options when option values have hyphens
- Build the URL using the getRootUrl method, which will use the user configured root url
- Update rundeck API client lib to latest (9.3)
- Support Token authentication
- Fix authentication against Rundeck running as a war in Tomcat
- Support RDECK_EXEC_ARG_[NAME] in triggers from Rundeck webhook notifications
- Update naming ("RunDeck" changed to "Rundeck"), update icon
- Fix JENKINS-12228 : allow to filter artifacts returned by the option provider, based on a java-regex
- Fix icon path URL - Thanks to Joe Passavanti for the patch !
- Small UI fix : don't display job's ID (in rundeck 1.3+, ID is an UUID, and it breaks the UI because it is too long)
- Allow to filter nodes when triggering a rundeck job (using the "nodeFilters" parameter)
- Configure RunDeck jobs with either a job ID, or an UUID (rundeck 1.3+), or a "reference". A job reference is expressed in the format "project:group/job", for example : "my-project-name:main-group/sub-group/my-job-name", or "my-project-name:my-job-name" (for a job without a group).
- Add a build trigger, using RunDeck 1.3 WebHook Notification, so that you can run integration tests with Jenkins after a RunDeck deployment (alternative to the "Wait for RunDeck job to finish ?" checkbox in the notifier configuration and a post-build action to schedule another job)
- Upgrade RunDeck API Java client to version 1.2
- Add token expansion for $ARTIFACT_NAME{regex} in options (see http://groups.google.com/group/rundeck-discuss/browse_thread/thread/94a6833b84fdc10b)
- Internal refactoring : use the RunDeck API Java client
- Never display the RunDeck password in logs (even in case of error)
- Change Job ID support to use Strings instead of Long, allowing UUIDs (coming in RunDeck 1.3) - Thanks to Greg Schueler for the patch !
- Fix a bug introduced in version 2.3 : NPE related to the new field (shouldWaitForRundeckJob) in already configured jobs. Workaround is to re-save job configuration or use version 2.3.1
- Add an option to wait for the RunDeck job to finish (by polling the execution every 5 seconds via the RunDeck API)
- Add a validation button on the job configuration screen, to check the RunDeck job (display job name, group and project)
- Add SSL support for RunDeck REST API (trust all certificates and hosts)
- New feature : display information about the RunDeck job on the page of a Jenkins job (with a direct link to the RunDeck job details webpage)
- Rerelease 2.0 and mark it as incompatible with versions 1.x (jobs configuration needs to be updated), so that users can see it in the update-center before updating.
Compatibility Warning !
This version won't work with RunDeck 1.0/1.1, and the configuration per job has changed, you will need to update the configuration for all your jobs that use this plugin !
- Use the new RunDeck 1.2+ HTTP REST API, and thus is incompatible with RunDeck 1.0 or RunDeck 1.1
- Use "jobId" to reference RunDeck jobs, instead of the "groupPath/jobName" couple, so you'll need to reconfigure your Jenkins jobs. We switched to the "jobId" reference because it is unique across all projects in a RunDeck instance, which is not the case for the "groupPath/jobName" couple.
- Set required Jenkins version to 1.400
- Fix JENKINS-9876 : password field in system configuration should be hidden.
- New improvement to the option provider : you can now match artifacts with a java-regex in addition to exact-match of the artifact filename (see the new 'artifactRegex' parameter).
- Fix a bug with RunDeck 1.2 : scheduling a job with options did not work on RunDeck 1.2.
- Set required Jenkins version to 1.399 (See the thread on the jenkinsci-dev mailing-list).
- Rerelease 1.5 to properly set required Jenkins version (See the thread on the jenkinsci-dev mailing-list) : the plugin now depends on Jenkins 1.398 (or higher).
- Fix bug : when using a "tag" to auto-deploy, we should also check the SCM changelog from upstream builds. So that you can commit to an upstream job, and have all downstream jobs redeployed.
- New improvement to the option provider : in addition to the list of artifacts for a given build, you can now get the list of builds (versions) for a given artifact.
- Jenkins can now be used as an "Option provider" for RunDeck, if you want to use your Jenkins build artifacts as an option to a RunDeck job.
- Jenkins environment variables specified in the "options" are now correctly expanded (GitHub issue)
- Do nothing if the build is failing
- Add a link to the RunDeck job execution page (on each Jenkins successful build)
- Validation on the form fields (test if RunDeck is alive, test credentials, etc)
- Initial release
- Compatible (and tested) with Jenkins 1.396 and RunDeck 1.1