This package allows to use type unions in C#. A type union represents a value that can be one of two types.
Create TypeUnion instances:
/// <summary>
/// Tries to parse the date. Returns either a DateTime on success, the original string otherwise.
/// This example is stupid, but demonstrates how things work
/// </summary>
TypeUnion<DateTime, string> TryParseDate(string date)
if (DateTime.TryParse(date, out var outDateTime))
// Return a `Left`, i.e. a `DateTime` instance
return new TypeUnion<DateTime, string>.Left(outDateTime);
// Return a `Right`, i.e. a `DateTime` instance
return new TypeUnion<DateTime, string>.Right(date);
Sometimes, the value you represent can be of two types at the same time (the anyOf case of the JSON deserialization):
// Yes, C#9 records are supported !
public record Paging(int Page, int ItemsPerPage);
public record Ordering(bool Ascending);
public void DemoBoth()
TypeUnion<Paging, Ordering> queryParameters;
// Can be left (Paging)
queryParameters = new TypeUnion<Paging, Ordering>.Left(new Paging(1, 50));
// Can be right (Ordering)
queryParameters = new TypeUnion<Paging, Ordering>.Right(new Ordering(true));
// But can also be both at the same time!
queryParameters = new TypeUnion<Paging, Ordering>.Both(new Paging(10, 10), new Ordering(false));
public void UsingTypeUnion(TypeUnion<Paging, Ordering> queryParameters)
// Detect with `is` and the Left, Right and Both classes
if (queryParameters is TypeUnion<Paging, Ordering>.Left p)
Console.WriteLine($"This is a Paging only at page {p.Value.Page} with {p.Value.ItemsPerPage} items per page");
// With pattern matching
switch (queryParameters)
case TypeUnion<Paging, Ordering>.Left left:
case TypeUnion<Paging, Ordering>.Right right:
case TypeUnion<Paging, Ordering>.Both right:
// But if you need ordering info, you will need to test both Right and Both.
// Or you could use this helper syntax :
if (queryParameters.TryGetRight(out var ordering))
Console.WriteLine($"Ordering {(ordering.Ascending ? "Ascending" : "Descending")}");
The type parameters cannot contain nullable types (you cannot write TypeUnion<string?, DateTime>
nor TypeUnion<string, DateTime?>
), but you can make your whole union nullable (TypeUnion<string, DateTime>?
This library only supports 2 type parameters for now. If you need more parameters, nest them : TypeUnion<A, TypeUnion<B, C>>