- 7c597b3 Removing firefox from the testing matrix until I can sort out audio device issue :/ (@DamonOehlman)
- 3468cd3 Update to [email protected] (@DamonOehlman)
- 85e61a6 Curate dependencies (@DamonOehlman)
- e9e7d03 Upgrade to [email protected] (@DamonOehlman)
- 6fc8d6e Remove 2nd arg string check (@DamonOehlman)
- bd62231 Include test for ensuring a custom numeric id is ok (@DamonOehlman)
- c9b61c8 Update to use rtc-io testing repo (@DamonOehlman)
- 81eb4b4 Remove opts to ensure code path causing #23 is tested (@DamonOehlman)
- fc91472 Check opts exist prior to attempting attribute access - closes #23 (@DamonOehlman)
- 3dad926 Bump version to 1.1.1 (@DamonOehlman)
- d40894d Removed pre-flight check for iceConnectionState != checking (@DamonOehlman)
- 36275c6 Bump version to 1.1.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- 503c42f Added debug call before closing connection (@DamonOehlman)
- cd68d7b Ensure connection is open before attempting to set the remote description (@DamonOehlman)
- fbd4ccd Bump version to 0.20.2 (@DamonOehlman)
- b8e69b7 Abort negotiation and attempting to setLocalDesc when a connection is closed (@DamonOehlman)
- db59a7e Bump version to 0.20.1 (@DamonOehlman)
- 5bf30c6 Initial implementation of a cleanup helper (@DamonOehlman)
- 2c37420 gendocs (@DamonOehlman)
- 6986914 Cleanup after a short delay to ensure close related events fire (@DamonOehlman)
- c8c8e0f Use cleanup instead of manual decoupling (@DamonOehlman)
- 56ff103 Use cleanup helper to cleanup (@DamonOehlman)
- 0548da7 Bump version to 0.20.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- b4d0bf8 gendocs (@DamonOehlman)
- 52d8dab gendocs (@DamonOehlman)
- 6bb5926 gendocs: update heading levels (@DamonOehlman)
- 9cf0114 Remove firefox 26 from testing (@DamonOehlman)
- ac4f3f1 Cleanup generator tests (@DamonOehlman)
- 9b3c5b1 Cleanup generators (@DamonOehlman)
- f1cf9c5 Use rtc-core^1 (@DamonOehlman)
- 8043959 Remove trailing comma (@DamonOehlman)
- 011c08e Added test to check that local connections know when they are closed (@DamonOehlman)
- c1b08e2 Include appropriate createOffer / createAnswer constraints if specified in opts (@DamonOehlman)
- 10aa04a Include additional tests (@DamonOehlman)
- 8813606 Validate connections can be made when coupling constraints are used (@DamonOehlman)
- 2192861 Bring in peerpair for monitor testing (@DamonOehlman)
- 3ab82b1 Added monitor test to check monitor in isolation from couple (@DamonOehlman)
- ffb455c Ensure we create a datachannel so we can test firefox (@DamonOehlman)
- 75be48e Include monitor test (@DamonOehlman)
- 3261fed Release references after the test (@DamonOehlman)
- a67dbfb Ensure tests clean up references so we can check that peer connections are getting cleaned up (@DamonOehlman)
- 3ec59c4 Better cleaning up after decouple (@DamonOehlman)
- 9d90199 Cleanup signallers too (@DamonOehlman)
- 7520650 Bump version to 0.19.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- 599f164 gendocs (@DamonOehlman)
- e3c2a87 Fix getting started example (@DamonOehlman)
- 7acffe6 Tweak monitor docs (@DamonOehlman)
- a9f15f0 Added test server for better signalling tests (@DamonOehlman)
- 7b66cd0 Update to use the local signaling server (@DamonOehlman)
- de90e51 Include the switchboard (@DamonOehlman)
- 0ad37c8 Watch the signalling state in addition to the peer connection state (@DamonOehlman)
- 793b909 Monitor improvements (@DamonOehlman)
- 8200a80 Improved disconnection monitoring (@DamonOehlman)
- 81bb792 Test improvements (@DamonOehlman)
- 640539d Test that id reuse is now possible (@DamonOehlman)
- 8bcd991 Suppress debug logging (@DamonOehlman)
- 5cb2017 Disconnect signaller for reuse test (@DamonOehlman)
- 9f3fa4b Bump version to 0.18.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- 7f5bcdf Update monitor docs (@DamonOehlman)
- bef96c2 Remove couple attempts documentation (@DamonOehlman)
- b8c71f0 Update deps (@DamonOehlman)
- 6cc538e Upgrade devdeps (@DamonOehlman)
- 639c202 Cleanup decoupling logic (@DamonOehlman)
- d3c1c34 Only send /endofcandidates if we actually receieved candidates (@DamonOehlman)
- 9d29a12 Tweak dependencies to read more sensibly (@DamonOehlman)
- 21278d1 Include signaller as a devDependency also (@DamonOehlman)
- 403d8a9 More helpful debugging during couple and monitor (@DamonOehlman)
- 6a31d51 Refactor monitoring logic (@DamonOehlman)
- d8594b9 Tweak tests to be more informative (@DamonOehlman)
- 30dddf3 Update node version to look sensible (@DamonOehlman)
- 419fd1d Bump version to 0.17.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- 93e7d9a Cleaned jshint warnings (@DamonOehlman)
- 1b079b3 Fixed jshint warnings (@DamonOehlman)
- 824574d Add zuul configuration (@DamonOehlman)
- 4e229ed Update browsers (chrome >= 32, ff >= 26) (@DamonOehlman)
- 7b32e91 Using zuul for testing (@DamonOehlman)
- 485ac57 Added travis configuration (@DamonOehlman)
- 7272c98 gendocs (@DamonOehlman)
- 9aecf3a Added capture close test (highlight breaking case) (@DamonOehlman)
- 8d1d27b Monitoring changes to try and identify connection close (@DamonOehlman)
- a831bd0 Refactor coupling logic based on monitoring changes (@DamonOehlman)
- 56dd76f Include capture close tests (@DamonOehlman)
- 1b3d2f8 Accept disconnect as well as close (@DamonOehlman)
- c542e6e Rename conn --> pc for consistency (@DamonOehlman)
- 4d05e75 Watch for "connected" state not active (@DamonOehlman)
- 6e74666 Implement disconnection monitor for handling iceConnectionState of "disconnected" (@DamonOehlman)
- e483303 Removed debug logging (@DamonOehlman)
- 4031f72 Removed console.log statement (@DamonOehlman)
- b5002d2 Only test the capture-close functionality on chrome at this stage (@DamonOehlman)
- e820826 Remove lib folder - not used (@DamonOehlman)
- ea7f749 gendocs (@DamonOehlman)
- d64c7d1 Bump version to 0.16.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- 6a89767 Include dummy data with endofcandidates message (@DamonOehlman)
- 8356095 Bump version to 0.15.2 (@DamonOehlman)
- 381289a Send /endofcandidates message when candidates gathered (@DamonOehlman)
- ce6ab1f Bump version to 0.15.1 (@DamonOehlman)
- 18b396c Update package versions (@DamonOehlman)
- 7dc7e6e index.js (@DamonOehlman)
- f21ccfd Use onfoo variants of event listeners as this is compatible with wrtc node module (@DamonOehlman)
- b86e8c3 Bump version to 0.15.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- 1bb23fd Removed redundant tests and logging from tests (@DamonOehlman)
- 610195d Update package versions, add rtc-media for examples (@DamonOehlman)
- b638d8a Added getting started example (@DamonOehlman)
- 6ac3982 gendocs (@DamonOehlman)
- 0af13aa gendocs (@DamonOehlman)
- 5232faf Tweaked example so it works nicely in firefox too (@DamonOehlman)
- b0d4471 gendocs (@DamonOehlman)
- 15221a3 Removed build.js helper (@DamonOehlman)
- 33306c5 Only respond to onnegotiationneeded events when reactive flag is set, ref #15 (@DamonOehlman)
- 7a46292 Add new non-reactive coupling tests (@DamonOehlman)
- b3df820 Refactor existing coupling tests as reactive tests (@DamonOehlman)
- 37f464f Implement non reactive coupling tests, only invoke reactive tests within chrome (@DamonOehlman)
- b0081d1 Bump version to 0.14.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- cb54932 Added data channel creation to coupling test (@DamonOehlman)
- fc9c030 Progress on reliably recreating SetLocalDescription failure bug (@DamonOehlman)
- 62ebae4 Remove rtp data channels specification (@DamonOehlman)
- 8d95920 Refactor ice candidates queuing logic (also consider signalingState) - closes #12 (@DamonOehlman)
- f344c69 Minor refactoring to checking logic - make sure appropriate negotiation function is called (@DamonOehlman)
- f3f90ad Bump version to 0.13.5 (@DamonOehlman)
- 5deb583 Include the peer connection as part of the change status event (@DamonOehlman)
- deef325 Refactor preflight checks implementation so checks can be run on answers also (@DamonOehlman)
- c7f9163 Coupling test tweaks (@DamonOehlman)
- 8407424 Bump version to 0.13.4 (@DamonOehlman)
- 188557c Look for connectionState of checking in the createOffer preflight checks (@DamonOehlman)
- a6c1630 Bump version to 0.13.3 (@DamonOehlman)
- 11b159f Emit change events for state (@DamonOehlman)
- c89e212 Always send individual candidates - do not batch (@DamonOehlman)
- 6e4eb27 Bump version to 0.13.2 (@DamonOehlman)
- 613fbb3 Handle the case where an offer is in progress when a negotiate request is received (@DamonOehlman)
- 1645075 Generate concurrent offers (@DamonOehlman)
- ededcce Bump version to 0.13.1 (@DamonOehlman)
- a2b2e1f Tweaked couple logic so that master only creates offers (@DamonOehlman)
- b07d20b Removed hack constraints for couple test (@DamonOehlman)
- 3feb726 Merge branch 'master' into oneway-offer (@DamonOehlman)
- 25e2214 Fixed allowed flag for coupling (@DamonOehlman)
- c3298fc Bump version to 0.13.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- e27035c Updated package versions (@DamonOehlman)
- 21fe33c Updated couple to always report errors via console.error rather than debug (@DamonOehlman)
- eb42000 Update devdeps to use [email protected] (@DamonOehlman)
- 125c293 updated couple to work with latest signaller (@DamonOehlman)
- 4e9d77c Bump version to 0.12.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- 762694d Bump version to 0.11.1 (@DamonOehlman)
- 304fa85 Do not reset queue when remote sdp is received - that was an old hack (@DamonOehlman)
- 8da1982 Bump version to 0.11.2 (@DamonOehlman)
- 7fb7c63 Bump version to 0.11.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- 61167c3 Added some messenging delay into coupling logic (@DamonOehlman)
- 3df3ad3 reset the task queue on lock failure (@DamonOehlman)
- ea8772c gendocs (@DamonOehlman)
- 9fc720b Improve rtc/couple docs (@DamonOehlman)
- 8f78a94 gendocs (@DamonOehlman)
- a0979c6 Removed testling badge (for the moment) (@DamonOehlman)
- 7359ef9 Upgrade cog, use the next signaller (@DamonOehlman)
- d1cfe00 Upgrade rtc-core (@DamonOehlman)
- 2384798 rtc/couple now compatible with rtc-signaller#next (@DamonOehlman)
- 0311608 Bump version to 0.10.2 (@DamonOehlman)
- 1fa6ecc Update devDeps (@DamonOehlman)
- fca2d14 Bump version to 0.10.3 (@DamonOehlman)
- 82245ac Bump version to 0.10.1 (@DamonOehlman)
- 1e19a06 Updated couple to clear queued tasks when sdp is received (@DamonOehlman)
- 4c44535 Cleanup of new coupling logic (@DamonOehlman)
- e3fdba2 Coupling logic stability tweaks (@DamonOehlman)
- 23abfa3 Remove channel close when connected (@DamonOehlman)
- e8e367f Bump version to 0.9.3 (@DamonOehlman)
- 02858c8 Improvements to coupling resilience (@DamonOehlman)
- 9caa33e Bump version to 0.9.2 (@DamonOehlman)
- 86bbc17 Only attempt release of forward write locks on a channel (@DamonOehlman)
- 9f98a8b Initial commit (@DamonOehlman)
- 9686a5c Started adding docs on simple signalling (@DamonOehlman)
- 43da7e2 Mocking out implementation of the "Conversation" abstraction (@DamonOehlman)
- 2eda2be Continuing flesh out conversation implementation (@DamonOehlman)
- 364cb86 Tweaked conversation initialization, added .jshint options file (@DamonOehlman)
- c6b3200 Tweaking conversation initialization, updated simple signalling docs (@DamonOehlman)
- 1433e0a Made media object more flexible in its implementation (@DamonOehlman)
- 46fcc97 Changes to conversation and media implementation (@DamonOehlman)
- 00c0320 Started on simplification of what is offered (@DamonOehlman)
- 4f230a5 Removed pieces that have been moved into other libraries (@DamonOehlman)
- 25a1bee Added signaller (@DamonOehlman)
- 1029b9e Updated package references to use new NICTA git endpoint (@DamonOehlman)
- eb68320 Moved peer --> peerconnection, added defaults (@DamonOehlman)
- a3ee304 peer connections getting established :) (@DamonOehlman)
- 9a38129 Refactored peerconnection for more generic and flexible offer and answer exchange (@DamonOehlman)
- 65dad31 Validate connection using tunnelid - closes #4 (@DamonOehlman)
- 2f4dabb Renamed tunnelid -> tunnelId (@DamonOehlman)
- 08e0bb4 Added media import, and main convenience package (@DamonOehlman)
- 3ab434b Added ice candidates handling (@DamonOehlman)
- 6b68214 Bump version to 0.0.1 (@DamonOehlman)
- 98eb0bc Tweaked rtc/signaller to have more connection smarts (@DamonOehlman)
- 95fd34d Implemented peer:leave monitoring logic (@DamonOehlman)
- e0f8b19 Tweaks to connection handshaking (@DamonOehlman)
- 38b885b Updated RTCPeerConnection constructor first arg to config (@DamonOehlman)
- faba0a3 Improved ice candidate handling, create new offers when renegotiation required (@DamonOehlman)
- 9ad7d57 Simplified handshake (@DamonOehlman)
- 868b46d Handshake fixes (@DamonOehlman)
- 217822a Bump version to 0.0.2 (@DamonOehlman)
- 55d3d6d Backing out some of the firefox specific fixes (@DamonOehlman)
- a6a898d Signaller wrapper connect method renamed to dial (@DamonOehlman)
- 432efd1 Added valid media constraints for createOffer call (@DamonOehlman)
- 6384034 Bump version to 0.0.3 (@DamonOehlman)
- 749a0a8 Conformant style, generated README (@DamonOehlman)
- 9ac8688 Regenerated docs, more style updates (@DamonOehlman)
- 14a7888 Moved detect script from rtc-detect into this package (@DamonOehlman)
- fdf72fb Updated documentation to include detect info (@DamonOehlman)
- d889518 Remove rtc-detect
- 48a83ac Fixing some more paths to Telepresence.
- ed591fb Fixed detect script (@DamonOehlman)
- b8cd6cf Bump version to 0.0.4 (@DamonOehlman)
- a689743 jshint window global setting (@DamonOehlman)
- a25c0eb Adding authors and license files.
- e3ed583 Package reorg (@DamonOehlman)
- 8077aff Bump version to 0.1.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- b768c49 Regen docs (@DamonOehlman)
- 398753f Minor doc tweaks (@DamonOehlman)
- 7094cc7 Bump version to 0.1.1 (@DamonOehlman)
- fcd8ee3 Bump version to 0.1.2 (@DamonOehlman)
- f1c68a9 Started adding testling capabilities (@DamonOehlman)
- 885e460 Bump version to 0.1.3 (@DamonOehlman)
- 33e3d66 Started adding data channels support, but first lots more tests! (@DamonOehlman)
- 41e81bb More tests (@DamonOehlman)
- ad08e93 Start of base data channel implementation working (@DamonOehlman)
- c5559e7 Tweaked testling browser flags (@DamonOehlman)
- 4dae959 rebuild docs (@DamonOehlman)
- 229916c More doc tweaks (@DamonOehlman)
- aba4ac1 Reorg library, regen docs (@DamonOehlman)
- b1bc72e Regenerated docs (@DamonOehlman)
- 02500c4 Tweaked testling browsers (@DamonOehlman)
- bf63a7b Modded to just test for canary and ff/nightly (@DamonOehlman)
- c8f0988 Testing and data channels progress (@DamonOehlman)
- 4aa8385 Tweaking event handling behaviour (@DamonOehlman)
- 0252e55 Minor fixes so helloworld mostly still works (@DamonOehlman)
- d25b395 Added connection state checking helpers, data channel tests working in chrome (@DamonOehlman)
- c6a2dab regen docs (@DamonOehlman)
- 244abcb regen docs (@DamonOehlman)
- 95d7a87 Mozilla compatibility changes (@DamonOehlman)
- e9d93fc reorg modules (@DamonOehlman)
- 72f56c5 Bump version to 0.2.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- 4794dca Getting on top of the dynamic add stream behaviour (@DamonOehlman)
- b486f0f More stability improvements (@DamonOehlman)
- cc557be Integrating rtc-signaller into core (@DamonOehlman)
- 672afc0 Tweaks, but still not working :/ (@DamonOehlman)
- 32a005a More tweaks, parity with previous rtc version in terms of stability (@DamonOehlman)
- b2aaa52 Progress on the dial API (@DamonOehlman)
- 2e1acc6 Added automation helpers (@DamonOehlman)
- e5dbf5e Fixed linter errors (@DamonOehlman)
- b60309b regen docs (@DamonOehlman)
- 98fd926 Promote generators module to first class (@DamonOehlman)
- c64f7fc Progress on adding the monitor and tweaking coupling (@DamonOehlman)
- 380cdda regen docs (@DamonOehlman)
- 9b0066b Tweaked monitor behaviour to look at iceConnectionState (@DamonOehlman)
- 2b05aae Added listen wrapper and used in the couple helper (@DamonOehlman)
- ed26094 regen docs (@DamonOehlman)
- ae135e0 Tweaked and renabled the data channel test (@DamonOehlman)
- e853cf6 Minor tweaks, still need to fix glare (@DamonOehlman)
- 2fb78a0 Added offerIntent functionality to request an "offer lock" (@DamonOehlman)
- 7462353 Progress checkin (@DamonOehlman)
- 5c73e9e Implementing browserify build (@DamonOehlman)
- 790cdc7 Implementing peer connection coupling via signaller (@DamonOehlman)
- dc4e022 Tweaks to coupling implementation (@DamonOehlman)
- 80b922e Bump version to 0.2.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- f834127 gendocs (@DamonOehlman)
- 95efccd Removed previously constructed internal couple logic (@DamonOehlman)
- 1c33661 Removed old functionality (@DamonOehlman)
- 69fca11 Bump version to 0.2.1 (@DamonOehlman)
- ed7e4ab Rebuild dist (@DamonOehlman)
- f7c74bd Bump version to 0.2.2 (@DamonOehlman)
- ab07fc3 Removed unused packages (@DamonOehlman)
- f6daeb9 gendocs (@DamonOehlman)
- 22f5870 Closed state detection (@DamonOehlman)
- 797c197 Bump version to 0.2.3 (@DamonOehlman)
- 32af381 gendocs (@DamonOehlman)
- 72b6a07 Added sdp filtering functionality, gendocs (@DamonOehlman)
- 7bfd910 Bump version to 0.3.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- 80576cd gendocs (@DamonOehlman)
- 7a19e84 linting, regen docs (@DamonOehlman)
- b8bd17e gendocs (@DamonOehlman)
- 99188f1 Removed duplicate installation instructions (@DamonOehlman)
- e95132a Updated distribution (@DamonOehlman)
- fd0d443 Bump version to 0.3.1 (@DamonOehlman)
- 1ba0676 Bump signaller version to 0.3.x (@DamonOehlman)
- b69e598 Bump version to 0.4.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- 4446264 Remove dodgy data channel test (@DamonOehlman)
- c11957a Rebuild dist (@DamonOehlman)
- a34c7b0 General cleanup (@DamonOehlman)
- 002f01a Updated cog version (@DamonOehlman)
- f0d6027 Fixed couple sample code, gendocs (@DamonOehlman)
- e8b8778 Added creation constraint generation into rtc.createConnection helper (@DamonOehlman)
- f0cf286 Bump version to 0.5.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- fdf1a93 Removed reference to readyState from pc as mozilla has thankfully removed it (@DamonOehlman)
- 312bc92 Rebuild (@DamonOehlman)
- 8a01667 Bump version to 0.5.1 (@DamonOehlman)
- fa55d78 detect moz prefixed versions of RTCIceCandidate and RTCSessionDescription (@DamonOehlman)
- 8bef2a3 Updated package requirements to rtc-media~1.0.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- e1f9eb3 Bump version to 0.5.2 (@DamonOehlman)
- ccd55fb Updated to use [email protected] (@DamonOehlman)
- e21c7c3 Bump version to 0.5.3 (@DamonOehlman)
- b24a11d Include method name when invoking sdpFilter (@DamonOehlman)
- 39f470d Added new builds (@DamonOehlman)
- 5e6918f Bump version to 0.5.4 (@DamonOehlman)
- f463058 Pass the connection through to the sdp filter function also (@DamonOehlman)
- c50f1d5 Rebuild dist (@DamonOehlman)
- adb493f Bump version to 0.5.5 (@DamonOehlman)
- b8b4a66 Added the ability to specify RTCSessionDescription and RTCIceCandidate classes remotely (@DamonOehlman)
- a08c8ed Bump version to 0.5.6 (@DamonOehlman)
- 248a1a2 Updated makefile to fall into line with glue (@DamonOehlman)
- 68a6a0f Update deps (@DamonOehlman)
- 6eee40c Update dist (@DamonOehlman)
- e23538b Bump version to 0.5.7 (@DamonOehlman)
- a9684a2 Added retry functionality to connection coupling (@DamonOehlman)
- 3f5935c Changed attempt implementation (@DamonOehlman)
- 141ea34 Updated rtc-media version (@DamonOehlman)
- 62d8ed0 Extended default retry delay to 3000ms (@DamonOehlman)
- be67106 Bump version to 0.6.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- e0cc986 Removing distribution from rtc as glue and quickconnect are better entry points into rtc.io (@DamonOehlman)
- ae772d7 Updated to queue operations that cannot be executed in parallel (@DamonOehlman)
- 9f61b9e Properly handle async nature of task steps (@DamonOehlman)
- 2359ad7 Bump version to 0.7.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- 4a2e119 Updated to use [email protected] (@DamonOehlman)
- 00a33a4 Bump version to 0.7.1 (@DamonOehlman)
- 64c3e1a Updated to use [email protected] (@DamonOehlman)
- 0d6f3ed Bump version to 0.7.2 (@DamonOehlman)
- 4d60526 Added try catch block around adding ice candidate testing for resilience (@DamonOehlman)
- 82a8777 Removed media and signaller from rtc package - closes #6 and #8 (@DamonOehlman)
- bdcb358 modified tests to deal with removal of media and signaller from rtc (@DamonOehlman)
- 06e5036 Bump version to 0.8.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- 47ec183 gendocs (@DamonOehlman)
- ce707aa Updated testling configuration (@DamonOehlman)
- 53c538c Regenerate docs (@DamonOehlman)
- 9c9249e Bump version to 0.8.1 (@DamonOehlman)
- 64e0edd Remove trailing whitespace (@DamonOehlman)
- f2280e2 Added debug output when generating connection constraints (@DamonOehlman)
- 2ab2c92 Removed createOffer/createAnswer media constraints generator (@DamonOehlman)
- 6751b72 Upgrade signalling lock style to be compatible with [email protected] (@DamonOehlman)
- d5d2793 Bump version to 0.9.0 (@DamonOehlman)
- 1f17643 Fixed function typo (@DamonOehlman)
- c888f8e Bump version to 0.9.1 (@DamonOehlman)
- 4506128 Updated coupling logic to ensure channel is open before attempting comms (@DamonOehlman)