If you are here to remove the "Card Rating History" label, change Show Label to "false"
- Determines if the rating history should show on both question and answer sides
- Default: "false"
- When "false", only shows on the answer side
- When "true", shows on both question and answer sides
- Controls whether to hide reviews that occurred before a manual forget
- Default: "false"
- When "true", clears history before manually forgotten cards
- Maximum number of review history squares to display
- Default: "30"
- Accepts positive integers
- Color for manually forgotten cards
- Default: "white"
- Accepts CSS color values (hex, rgb, or color names)
- Controls whether to show learning reviews for cards not in the learning stage
- Default: "true"
- When "true", only shows learning reviews for cards currently in learning
- Color for cards rated "Again"
- Default: "#c03c1c"
- Accepts CSS color values
- Color for cards rated "Easy"
- Default: "#006344"
- Accepts CSS color values
- Color for cards rated "Good"
- Default: "#B9D870"
- Accepts CSS color values
- Color for cards rated "Hard"
- Default: "#D8A700"
- Accepts CSS color values
- Controls visibility of the "Card Rating History" label
- Default: "true"
- Valid values: "true" or "false"
- Controls the CSS zoom level of the rating history display
- Default: "100%"
- Uses percentage values (e.g., "75%", "150%")
- Determines whether the rating history appears at the top or bottom of the reviewer
- Default: "bottom"
- Valid values: "top" or "bottom"
- Controls the width of the rating history display
- Default: "inherit"
- Accepts CSS width values (e.g., "100px", "50%")
- All boolean values should be specified as strings ("true" or "false")
- Color values can be any valid CSS color format
- The add-on will automatically adjust its display based on these settings
- Invalid configurations will fall back to default values