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Receiving FSK signal lower RSSI than RF noise floor #594

Answered by jgromes
Sumya99 asked this question in Q&A
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Short answer - no, you cannot receive FSK signal that is below noise floor, at that point, the signal is lost. There are modulations which can overcome this limit (such as LoRa), but that's not the case for FSK.

Instead, you have to design your link so that at the end, your signal-to-noise ratio is sufficient. Since you mentioned CubeSats, this will usually involve a large tracking yagi antenna, which can add 13 - 15 dB gain at the receiving end. Combined with things like low-noise amplifiers, you can receive signals from 1500 km away (which is the actual distance to a CubeSat on 500 km orbit couple of degrees above the horizon).

Proper link budget is a bit more complicated than just gett…

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