All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Additional token refresh edge case handling
- Token refresh now correctly handles expired tokens
- Added support for did:web users
- Fixed a bug with access token hash generation
- Client#handle_callback now returns session did as part of the response
- Configurable storage backend system for managing OAuth state
- In-memory storage implementation included by default
- Redis storage implementation for production environments
- Thread-safe storage operations with atomic locks
- Storage encryption for sensitive data
- Automatic cleanup of expired tokens and session data
- Storage interface for custom backend implementations
- Storage configuration is now required in AtprotoAuth.configure
- Default configuration uses thread-safe in-memory storage
- Session and token management now use configured storage backend
- Improved thread safety for all storage operations
- Initial release