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Deploy development RP

Prerequisites - all

  1. Install Go 1.13 or later, if you haven't already.

  2. Install a supported version of Python, if you don't have one installed already. The az client supports Python 2.7 and Python 3.5+. A recent Python 3.x version is recommended.

  3. Install the az client, if you haven't already.

  4. Log in to Azure:

    az login
  5. Git clone this repository to your local machine:

    go get
  6. You will need the Contributor and User Access Administrator roles on your subscription.

Configuration - Red Hat ARO engineering

  1. Fetch the development environment secrets:

    make secrets
  2. Edit and source your environment file. The required environment variable configuration is documented immediately below:

    cp env.example env
    vi env
    . ./env
    • LOCATION: Location of the resource group where the development RP will run (default: eastus).

    • RESOURCEGROUP: Name of the new resource group into which you will deploy your RP assets.

    • RP_MODE: Set to development to enable the RP to read its development configuration, and the az aro client to connect to the development RP.

Configuration - non-Red Hat ARO engineering

  1. Edit and source your environment file. The required environment variable configuration is documented immediately below:

    cp env.example env
    vi env
    . ./env
    • LOCATION: Location of the resource group where the development RP will run (default: eastus).

    • RESOURCEGROUP: Name of the new resource group into which you will deploy your RP assets.

    • RP_MODE: Set to development to enable the RP to read its development configuration, and the az aro client to connect to the development RP.

    • AZURE_TENANT_ID: Azure tenant UUID.

    • AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: Azure subscription UUID.

    • AZURE_ARM_CLIENT_{ID,SECRET}: Credentials of an AAD application which fakes up the ARM layer.

      Later it will be granted:

      • User Access Administrator on your subscription.
    • AZURE_FP_CLIENT_ID: Client ID of an AAD application which fakes up the first party application.

      Later it will be granted:

      • ARO v4 FP Subscription on your subscription.

      This application requires client certificate authentication to be enabled. A suitable key/certificate file can be generated using the following helper utility; then configure it in AAD.

      go run ./hack/genkey -extKeyUsage client firstparty-development
    • AZURE_CLIENT_{ID,SECRET}: Credentials of an AAD application which fakes up the RP identity.

      Later it will be granted:

      • Reader on RESOURCEGROUP.
      • Secrets / Get on the key vault in RESOURCEGROUP.
      • DocumentDB Account Contributor on the CosmosDB resource in RESOURCEGROUP.
      • DNS Zone Contributor on the DNS zone in RESOURCEGROUP.
    • PULL_SECRET: A cluster pull secret retrieved from Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager

    • ADMIN_OBJECT_ID: AAD object ID (e.g. an AAD group, or your AAD user) for key vault admin(s)

    • DOMAIN_RESOURCEGROUP, DOMAIN_NAME: Resource group and name of a publicly resolvable parent DNS zone resource in your Azure subscription.

  2. Set up the RP role definitions and assignments in your Azure subscription. This mimics the RBAC that ARM sets up. With at least User Access Administrator permissions on your subscription, do:

    az deployment create \
      -l $LOCATION \
      --template-file deploy/rbac-development.json \
      --parameters \
        "armServicePrincipalId=$ARM_SERVICEPRINCIPAL_ID" \
  3. Create an RP serving key/certificate. A suitable key/certificate file can be generated using the following helper utility:

    go run ./hack/genkey localhost

Deploy development RP - all

  1. Create the resource group and deploy the RP resources:

    az group create -g "$RESOURCEGROUP" -l "$LOCATION"
    az group deployment create \
      -g "$RESOURCEGROUP" \
      --template-file deploy/rp-development.json \
      --parameters \
        "adminObjectId=$ADMIN_OBJECT_ID" \
        "databaseAccountName=$COSMOSDB_ACCOUNT" \
        "domainName=$DOMAIN" \
        "keyvaultName=$KEYVAULT_NAME" \
        "rpServicePrincipalId=$SERVICEPRINCIPAL_ID" \
  2. Load the keys/certificates into the key vault:

    az keyvault certificate import \
      --vault-name "$KEYVAULT_NAME" \
      --name rp-firstparty \
      --file "$FP_KEYFILE"
    az keyvault certificate import \
      --vault-name "$KEYVAULT_NAME" \
      --name rp-server \
      --file "$KEYFILE"
  3. Create nameserver records in the parent DNS zone:

    az network dns record-set ns create --resource-group "$DOMAIN_RESOURCEGROUP" --zone "$(cut -d. -f2- <<<"$DOMAIN")" --name "$(cut -d. -f1 <<<"$DOMAIN")"
    for ns in "$(az network dns zone show --resource-group "$RESOURCEGROUP" --name "$DOMAIN" --query nameServers -o tsv)"; do
      az network dns record-set ns add-record \
        --resource-group "$DOMAIN_RESOURCEGROUP" \
        --zone "$(cut -d. -f2- <<<"$DOMAIN")" \
        --record-set-name "$(cut -d. -f1 <<<"$DOMAIN")" \
        --nsdname "$ns"

Running the RP and creating a cluster

  1. Run the RP

    go run ./cmd/rp
  2. Before creating a cluster, it is necessary to fake up the step of registering the development resource provider to the subscription:

    curl -k -X PUT \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
      -d '{"state": "Registered", "properties": {"tenantId": "'"$AZURE_TENANT_ID"'"}}' \
  3. To create a cluster, follow the instructions in using az aro. Note that as long as the RP_MODE environment variable is set to development, the az aro client will connect to your local RP.

  4. The following additional RP endpoints are available but not exposed via az aro:

    • Delete a subscription, cascading deletion to all its clusters:

      curl -k -X PUT \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{"state": "Deleted", "properties": {"tenantId": "'"$AZURE_TENANT_ID"'"}}' \
    • List operations:

      curl -k \


  • Get an admin kubeconfig:

    hack/ "/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$CLUSTER"
    export KUBECONFIG=admin.kubeconfig
    oc version
  • SSH to the bootstrap node:

    hack/ "/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$CLUSTER"