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Run AQA GitHub Action Documentation


On any Pull Request (PR), make a comment starting with the keywords run aqa followed by any arguments to start a build.


run aqa --sdk_resource nightly --build_list openjdk --target sanity.openjdk --jdk_version 8 11 --jdk_impl hotspot --platform x86-64_linux


Most arguments are similar to their Jenkins Grinder counterparts.

All arguments allow more than one parameter. The parameters of each argument will be used to create a matrix job that will test every combination of the parameters.


This argument accepts no values. When this argument is supplied, a comment will be created with a link to this documentation. All other arguments will be ignored and no builds will be started.

This argument is equivalently invoked by -h.


Supported values are:

  • nightly
  • releases
  • customized

nightly and releases pull the latest from Adoptium.

If nightly / releases is specified, the values of --jdk_version and --jdk_impl are used to determine the JDK version and implementation to pull.

If customized is specified, the SDK archive is downloaded from the URL provided to the argument --customized_sdk_url and is unpacked according to the archive extension provided to the argument --archive_extension. The value of--jdk_version should be set accordingly since it is used to cache JDKs which are used multiple times during the workflow.


A URL to an SDK archive. The archive will be unpacked according to the archive extension provided to the argument --archive_extension.

This argument is only used when --sdk_resource is customized.


Supported values are:

  • .zip
  • .tar
  • .7z

If --customized_sdk_url downloads a zip file, specify .zip.

If --customized_sdk_url downloads a tar or tar.gz file, specify .tar.

If --customized_sdk_url downloads a 7z file, specify .7z.

This argument is only used when --sdk_resource is customized.

The default value is .tar.


The test category / directory.

Supported values are:

  • openjdk
  • functional
  • system
  • perf
  • external

The default value is openjdk.


The test target to execute. Can be a specific testcase name or different test level under build_list.

e.g. _jdk_math under the openjdk build_list.

The default value is _jdk_math.


The platform to run the build on.

Can be the name of any GitHub-hosted runner (e.g. ubuntu-latest) or one of the following:

  • x86-64_linux
  • x86-64_mac
  • x86-64_windows

Each of the above x86-64_* options map to ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, and windows-latest GitHub-hosted runners respectively.

The default value is ubuntu-latest.


The Java version that tests are running against.

Supported values are: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, ...

The default value is 8.


JVM implementation.

Supported values are:

  • hotspot
  • openj9

The default value is openj9.


GitHub repository and branch of the aqa-tests to use.

The format is <repository>:<branch>.

The default value is adoptium/aqa-tests:master.

This option is unavailable in aqa-tests repositories because it will always use the head repo and branch of the PR instead.


GitHub repository and branch of the OpenJ9 to use.

The format is <repository>:<branch>.

The default value is eclipse-openj9/openj9:master.

This option is unavailable in openj9 repositories because it will always use the head repo and branch of the PR instead.


GitHub repository and branch of the TestKitGen (TKG) to use.

The format is <repository>:<branch>.

The default value is adoptium/TKG:master.

This option is unavailable in TKG repositories because it will always use the head repo and branch of the PR instead.

Status Reports

After every successful invocation of run aqa, a bot will respond to you with a comment containing the list of build parameters it will run against, and provide a hyperlinked run ID that can be followed to view the status of the workflow.

If the invocation of run aqa was unsuccessful due to missing or invalid arguments, the bot will instead respond with a comment containing an appropriate error message.

Once the builds are completed, the bot will create a new comment notifying you of the workflow status, and provide another hyperlinked run ID which can be followed to view more details of the builds that occurred in the workflow.