- declarative vs imperative
- module
- view
- controller
- service between the controller
- directive -> view
<div ng-app="tekflix">
<input type="text" ng-model="sg"/>
{{ msg }}
- changes the dashes to camelcase
<div ng-app="tekflix">
<tek-movie src="http://jdksafjldf"></tek-movie>
<div ng-app="tekFlix">
- provider, factory, service: functions off of module, all very connected
- just stick with service, if just starting out
- test in isolation, run fast and not have external dependencies
- Angular provides mock services
- protractor - find elements & setup scenario
- TypeScript || Dart || JS
- controllers and scopes are going away
- 2-way databinding is kind of going away
- new part: component (like directive)