- Pipes the result of a command into a subsequent command
- Redirects the output of the result of a command
- Redirects the stderr as output of a command
- Asterisk * or wildcard
- Home directory shortcut
- Any string which ends with a given string, e.g.: 'png$'
- Any string which starts with a given string, e.g.: '^$Screen'
- Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line
- Moves the cursor to the end of the line
- Moves the cursor forward by a word
- Moves the cursor backward by a word
- Swaps the current character with the one preceding it
- Clears the screen
- Reverse search
- Reverses the search direction
- Leave the search
- Cut / kill to the end of the line
- Cut / kill to the beginning of the line
- Yanks the line
- Cut / kill to the previous whitespace of the line
- Cut / kill to the next whitespace of the line
- Edits the current command in an editor
- Repeats the previous argument
sudo !!
- !! expands into the previous command
sudo !N
- !N expands into the nth previous command in the history list
ls !$
- !$ expands into the previous command's last parameter
ls index.*
- Matches any file with an arbitrary file ending
ls index.???
- Match any file with a three letter file ending
cmd1 && cmd2
- Executes the first and then the second command
cmd1 || cmd2
- Executes cmd1 and then cmd2 if cmd1 returns a non-zero exit code
cmd1 | cmd2
- Executes both commands sequentially by sending cmd1 output to cmd2
cmd1 |& cmd2
- Execues both commands sequentially by sending cmd1 output and error data to cmd2
cmd1 ; cmd2
- Executes both commands sequentially regardless of the exit codes
cmd1 & cmd2 &
- Executes both commands as background jobs
pushd /var/www/html
- Changes directory and pushes the directory on the stack
- Shows the current directories on the stack
- Changes directory and pops the directory from the stack
(cd /pathtosome/dirc; somecommand)
- Executes somecommand in a subshell in a specific directory
- Shows the historical commands entered in the shell
history 3
- Shows the previous three command of the history
history | sort -nr | less
- Shows the latest to earliest entry in less
history | grep -w cd
- Shows the historical commands containing the word cd
history | peco
- Shows the historical commands with an interactive search
history | cut -c 8-
- SHows the historical commands without line numbers
history -c
- Clears the history
- Provides an interactive search of the historical commands
- Shows the history size
- Shows the location of the shell history
- Sets the variable which ignores duplicates in the history
- Repeats the previous command even if it was only printed
- Repeats the most previous command starting with grep
- Repeats the most previous command containing grep
- Repeats the third previous command from the history
- Prints the third previous command from the history
- Repeats the previous command but replaces jg with jpg
- Repeats the last argument of the previous command
- Repeats the last argument of the previous command
- Repeats the n-th argument of the previous command
eval $command
- Runs a command stored in a variable (breakout possible!)
which cp
- Locates a command in the search path
type cp
- Locates a command in the search path including aliases, functions and shell builtins
echo $PATH | tr : "\n"
- Shows the directories of the search path
- Shows the available aliases
source .zshrc
- Rereads a configuration file
cd dir && touch new.txt
- Conditional list of commands where the second command is only executed if the first command was successful
cd dir || mkdir dir
- Conditional list of commands where the second command is only executed if the first command was not successful
sleep 300; echo "remember to walk the dog"
- Unconditional list where the second command is executed if the first command is done
mv $(grep -l "Artist: Kansas" *.txt) kansas
- Command substitution
diff <(ls *.jpg | sort -n) <(seq 1 1000 | sed 's/$/.jpg/'
- Process substitutuion where <(
performs the commands in a new process
bash -c "ls -l"
- Passes the given command to a new shell
echo "ls -l" | bash
- Pipes the given command to a new shell
echo "ls -" > outfile" | ssh -T myhost.example.com
- Passes a given command to a remote host using ssh
read -s -k '?Press any key to continue.'
- Waits in zsh for any key
read -s -k $'?Press any key to continue.\n'
- Waits in zsh for any key with new line
vared -p 'What would you like to do?: ' -c tmp
- Input a line of text in zsh
ls > output
- Redirects the stdout
cp nonexistent.txt file.txt 2> errors
- Redirects the stderr
cp nonexistent.txt file.txt 2>> errors
- Redirects the stderr and appends to erros
ls &> output
- Redirects both stdout and stderr
echo 'filename with spaces.txt'
echo "filename with spaces.txt'
echo filename\ with\ spaces.txt
echo "with double quotes $VARIABLES are evaluted"
echo 'with single quotes $VARIABLES are not evaluated"
echo "with double quotes \$VARIABLES are not evaluated if the \$ is esacaped"
cat <<< 'hello'
- Passses a here string to the cat command
cat <<EOF
- Passes a here document to the cat command
bat < /home/foobar
- Passes the foobar file to the bat command std in
find . -name "*.tmp" -print0 | xargs -0 rm
- Passes the result of the first command to the second command using xargs
ls | xargs -I XYZ echo XYZ is my favorite food
- Passes the result of ls to xargs where XYZ is a placeholder for the passed argument
mv file{,extension}.log
- Appends "extension" to the file name
for f in *.pdf; do mv "$f" "$(date "+%Y%m%d"-"$f").pdf"; done
- Prepends file date to the file name
for f in *; do mv $f "$(echo $f | sed s/20211100/20211109/g)"; done
- Renames files using sed search and replace
for f in *.*; do mv -v "$f" "${f:11}"; done
- Removes first eleven characters from a filename
Renames file ending of all files matching *.txt, where *.txt
is a globbing pattern, --
marks the end of the option list, ${f%.txt}
is a parameter expansion
for f in *.txt; do
mv -- "$f" "${f%.txt}.text"
tr --delete '\n' < file.txt
- Removes newline character from file.txt
tr -d '\n' < file.txt > newfile.txt
- Removes newline character from file.txt and writes the result to newfile.txt
echo bla | tr 'abcd' 'jkm'
- Replaces all occurences of a character with another character
echo foobar | sed 's/bar/bla/'
- Replaces the first occurence of bar with bla
echo foobar | sed 's/bar/bla/g'
- Replaces all occurences of bar with bla
echo foobar | cut 2- | rev | cut 2- | rev
- Removes the first and the last character of a string
ls -l /usr/lib | cut -c1
- Lists the /usr/lib directory and extracts the first column
cut -f1 grades | sort | uniq -c
- Extracts the first column from grades, sorts and counts unique elements
cut -f3 file.txt | sort -nr | head -n1
- Extracts the third column, sorts reverse and shows the first element`
head -n5 /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1
- Extracts the fifth column of /etc/passwd and extracts the first column using the : delimiter
md5sum *.jpg | cut -c1-32 | sort | uniq -c
- Takes a subpart of the md5sum, sorts and counts duplicates
echo {1..10}
- Prints numbers from 1 to 10
echo {10..1}
- Prints the numbers from 10 to 1
ls file{2..4}
- Lists the files file2 file3 and file4
ls file[2-4]
- Matches existing filesnames as square brackets are pattern matching
touch count-{123}.txt
- Generatres three files count-1.txt, count-2.txt and count-3.txt
touch count-{1..3}.txt
- Generates the same files as above
ls -ld $(date +%B).txt
- Performs a command substitution which embeds the result in an another command
echo ${animal}s
- Performs a parameter substitution where a character immediately follows the variable name
mkdir dir && cd $_
- Creates a command while changing directory to it as $_ holds the argument passed to the previous command
echo !^
- Echos the first argument of the previous command
echo !$
- Echos the last argument of the previous command
echo !*
- Echos all arguments of the previous command
echo !:2
- Echos the second argument of the previous command
echo !:2-3
- Echos the second to third argument of the previous command
echo !:2-$
- Echos the second to last argument of the previous command
echo !:2*
- Echos the second to last argument of the previous command
echo !:0
- Echos the previous command
- Repeats the previous line
Performs a command substitution which considers a variable $var1.
var2=$(echo "$var1")
- Repeats print the character y until terminated
yes woof!
- Repeats printing woof! until terminated
openssl rand -base64 12
- Generates a base64 string with a length of 12
openssl rand -hex 13
- Generates a hex string with a length of 1## Generating
less +f
- Less and follow (shift-f to reattach after scrolling)
dosth &
- Runs the command in the background, the process can be stopped using ctrl+z and continue it with bg or in the foreground with fg
nohup dosth &
- Runs the command in the background while decoupeling it from unix signals
dosth &> /dev/null &
- Runs the command in the background while detaching it from the output/error streams of the shell
- Shows the currently running jobs
- Return to the background job
fg %2
- Return to the background job 2
kill %2
- Kill the background job 2
- Kill the current foreground job
- Pause the current foreground job
- Background and resume a job again
echo "command_to_be_run" | at 09:00
- Runs the given command at 9 am
at 09:00 -f /home/linux/script.sh
- Runs the given command at 9 am
cat somefile | tee -a log.txt | cat > /dev/null
- Log output but not show on the console
export E="I am an environment variable
- Sets an environment variable
L="I am just a local variable
- Sets a local variable
for dir in */; do
zip -r ${dir}.zip $dir
Iterates through the directories in the current directory and zips the directories.
for COLOR in red white; do
< wine-$COLOR.csv tr '[A-Z]; ' '[a-z],_' | tr -d \" > wine-${COLOR}-clean.csv
Iterates the string list 'red white' and applies it to the line which follow do and prepends done. tr replaces and deletes some characters.
`for i in {0..100..2}
> do
> echo "$i^2" | bc
> done | trim
Iterates from 0 to 100 with steps of 2 and passes the value to bc.
$ while read line
> do
> echo "Sending invitation to ${line}."
> done < emails
Reads from the stdin an echos some text.
$ for chapter in /data/*
> do
> echo "Processing Chapter ${chapter}."
> done
Loops over files in a directory.
$ while read line; do
> echo "$line"
> done < "$filename"
Loops over the lines of a file.
$ seq 0 2 100 | parallel "echo {}^2 | bc" | trim
- Iterates a sequence and passes the value to a parallel execution of bc
Loops over a range of dates using brace expansion.
for i in 2015-01-{01..31} ...
Loops over a range of dates using GNU date:
while [ "$d" != 2015-02-20 ]; do
echo $d
d=$(date -I -d "$d + 1 day")
# mac option for d decl (the +1d is equivalent to + 1 day)
# d=$(date -j -v +1d -f "%Y-%m-%d" $d +%Y-%m-%d)
Loops over an array of directories:
for x in array; do
echo $x
- Fix or change a really long command that you run last with a text editor
ls -s
- Don't add a command to the history
ls $_
- Rerun a command (i.e. ls) with the last argument
ls !$
- Rerun a command (i.e. ls) with the last argument
tar -zcvf archive.tar.gz directory-name
- Tar.gz a whole directory
curl -h "Accept-Encoding: gzip" -I https://www.google.com
- Retrieves a web page asking for a gzip compression
rsync -avu --delete "/home/user/A/" "/home/user/B"
- Syncs the files of A into B while preserving the file system attributes, verbosly, with a newer modification time and delete if a file does not exist in the source
wscat -c ws://websocket-echo.com
- Connects to host via web sockets
date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"
- Return a formatted datetimestamp
- Prints the date in the default format
date +%Y-%m-%d
- Prints the date in the year-month-day format
date +%H:%M:%S
- Prints the date in the hours:minute:second format
date +"I cannot believe it's already %A!"
- Prints the day within a sentence
- Shows a calendar in the terminal
lsof -u joel
- Gets the open files of the user joel
kill -9 ``
lsof -t -u joel
` ``` - Kills all open files of the user joel
lsof -i :8090-9090
- Gets the connections between port 8090 and 9090
lsof -p 23619
- Gets the process of pid 23619
netstat -tulpn
- Gets all ports in use
- Shows network traffic
lspci | egrep -i 'network|ethernet'
- List network interfaces
curl ip.sb
- Shows the current ip
curl ifconfig.me
- Shows the the current ip
sudo shutdown -h 19:05 "Some message..."
- Shutdown at a specific time
sudo !!
- Reruns to the previous command with sudo prepended
sudo systemctl start servicename
- Starts a service using systemd
sudo systemctl stop servicename
- Stops a service using systemd
sudo systemctl restart servicename
- Restarts a service using systemd
sudo systemctl status servicename
- Checks the status of a service using systemd
sudo systemctl enable servicename
- Enables a service using systemd
sudo systemctl disable servicename
- Disables a service using systemd
sudo systemctl edit servicename
- Edits a systemd unit file with an overwrite
sudo journalctl -u servicename
- Shows the logs of a servvice
crontab -e
- Edits the cronjobs
- Shows the system resources as an alternative to top
- Shows the system resources as an alternative to top
ps -ef
- Gets all processes
ps aux --sort=-%mem
- Gets all processes and sorts them by memory
pgrep chrome
- Helps to quickly find the process id of the chrome application
sudo lsof -i :3000
- Returns the process id of the application hodling the 3000 port
sort -u input.txt
- Remove duplicates with sort command
awk '!a[$0]++
- Remove duplicates with awk command
tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'
- Replaces lower case with upper case letters
tr -d '[:space:]'
- Remove space characters, form feeds, new-lines, carriage returns, horizontal tabs, and vertical tabs
tr -d .
- Remove . character from the string
sed -r 's/[xyz]+/_/g'
- Remove some characters from the passed string
sed -i $'s/\r$//' filename
- Replaces dos with unix line endings
grep -oh "\w*th\w*" *
- Match some characters from the passed string
grep -rn /foobar/ -e text_to_find
- Find a text in a directory resursively
echo "${s%%.*}"
- Match some characters from the passed string
tac poem1.txt poem2.txt
- Reverses the lines of a file line by line
paste poem1.txt poem2.txt
- Combines the lines of files side by side line by line
diff file1 file2
- Compares two files line by line
- Translates characters into other characters
- Reverses characters on a line
and sed
- General purpose transformers
pandoc -f markdown readme.md > readme.html
- Converts markdown into html
echo -n "$x"
- Adds a newline to the printed line
`echo "$x\c" - Adds a newline to the printed line
echo "4+2" | bc
- Basic caluclator which adds 2 to 1
echo "abcd" | xxd -r -p | base64
- Turn a hex encoded string into a base64 encoded string
echo "foobar" | base64 --decode | od -t x1 -An
- Turn a base64 encoded string into a hex encoded string
echo -ne "\x1e\x07" | od -t x1
- Turns a unicode bytes into a hex encoded string
truncate -s -1 file
- Removes one byte from the file
cat example.json | jq '.'
- Print a json file nicely formatted
cat example.json | jq '.[0]'
- Print the first element of a json file nicely formatted
cat example.json | jq '.[0]["greeting"]'
- Print the greeting element of the first element of a json file nicely formatted
cat example.json | jq --arg e "${variable}" '.data[$e] += ["test1"]'
- Pass a variable or environment variable to jq to use it in a jq operation
jq <<< {}
- Creates an empty json document
jq '."my_arg"="my_val"' <<< {}
- Creates a json document containing only my_arg and my_val
$ command="sleep '5'; echo 'done here'"
$ jq --arg key "commands" --arg value "$command" '.[$key]=[$value]' <<< {}
Creates a json document containing a key and a value passed by arguments.
csvstack -g red,white -n type wine-{red,white}-clean.csv | 1
xsv select 2-,1 > wine.csv
Combines two csv files to a single file using xsv select as well as csvstack
in2csv input.xlsx > input.csv
Converts an excel file into csv file
exiftool '-filename<CreateDate' -d %y%m%d_%H%M%S%%-c.%%le *
- Renames a list of pictures with respect to the exif date
convert -resize x16 -gravity center -crop 16x16+0+0 avatar.png -flatten -colors 256 -background transparent favicon.ico
- Converts an image to a favicon
convert myfigure.png -resize 200x100 myfigure.jpg
- Resizes a picture
for file in 202208*_*.jpg; convert $file -resize 1000x750 resized/$file
- Converts files matching the pattern to a certain size
ps | awk '{print $1}'
- Print the first column of each line
cat /etc/passwd | awk -F ":" '{print $1}'
- Use a different column separator than space and print the first column
awk -F ":" '{print $1} /etc/passwd
- A different notation to use a different column separator than space and print the first column
awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"; OFS="-"} print $1,$6,$7}' /etc/passwd
- Replace a field separator with another field separator and print some columns
cat /etc/shells | awk -F "/" '/^\// {print $NF}' | uniq
- Last field when searching for a pattern
df | awk '/\/dev\/loop/ {print $1 $4 + $5}'
- Again awk but having a sum of $4 and $5
cat /etc/shells | awk 'length($0) > 7'
- Print only the lines which have a first column length of longer than 7
awk 'BEGIN { for(i=1; i<=10; i++) print "The square root of",i,"is",i*i;}'
- Kind of programming in AWK
cat /etc/shells | awk '{print substr($0,4)}'
- Use the substr function of AWK
df | awk 'NR==7, NR==11 {print NR, $0}'
| Print line 7 to 11 and print the line including the line number
ffmpeg -i input.mts -c:v copy -c:a copy -f mp4 output.mp4
- Converts a mts into a mp4 video
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vcodec libx265 -crf 30 output.mp4
- Convers a mts into a libx265 encoded video
openssl x509 -in keyname.pem -text
- Prints the content of a certificate
openssl s_client -connect office.com:443
- Prints the remote certificates
openssl s_client -connect office.com:443 -proxy localhost:8080
- Prints the remote certificates using a proxy
ssh -f -N -D remoteserver
- Creates a socks proxy for application level fowarding
curl --proxy socks5h:// https://remote.remoteserver
- Requests a remote server via a socks proxy
- Shows simplified and community-driven man pages
- Cat clone with syntax highlighting and git integration
bat -A file.csv
- Pretty prints a csv and shows also non-printable characters
find /tmp -name 'foo.txt'
- Search for a file called foo.txt
fd pattern
- Search for a file with the pattern
sort -u
- Sorts and removes duplicates
df -k
- Shows disk usage information
- Shows CPU usage information
man hier
- Shows a description of the file system hierarchy
- Shows the uptime of the machine
watch docker ps
- Watch a command
watch -n 5 echo "foobar"
- Watch a command every 5 seconds
ls -1 | parallel echo
- Parallel echo
parallel --jobs 2 ./slow.sh ::: {A..C}
- Parallel execution of a slow shell script
cmp <file1> <file2>
- Compares the difference between two files
comm <file1> <file2>
- Find lines in common
script <filename>
- Record a log of your terminal session
jot <number>
- Generate test data with jot
uname -a
- Shows kernel release information
- Show list of mails
delete *
- Delete all mails
smbpasswd -a username
- Readd a user to reset the password
smbpasswd -U username
- Change the password
if [[ $var ]]; then
- var is set and not empty
if [[ ! $var ]]; then
- var is not set or it is set to an empty string
Sets the number of commands in the history of the shell to 10000: