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[fit] Event Sourcing and CQRS



  • Command Query Responsibility Segregation
  • A pattern for separating read and write operations
  • Key motivation is separation of concerns

Command / Query

  • Query (read) returns data and does not alter the state of the object
  • Command (write) changes the state of an object but does not return any data

// LocationService - typical CRUD
void MarkLocationPreferred(LocationId)
Location GetLocation(LocationId)

// apply CQRS

// LocationWriteService
void MarkLocationPreferred(LocationId)

// LocationReadService
Location GetLocation(LocationId)


^ Put like this it isn't terribly interesting, though it allows some powerful options which we'll talk about

Where do you put CQRS?

  • Greg Young says ...
  • CQRS is not a top-level architecture
  • Top-level will look more like SOA and EDA [service-oriented or event-driven (messaging) architecture]

Enables Task Based UI

  • Different than CRUD
  • Domain Driven Design requires tasks
  • CQRS is not required

^ * Enables task centered UI actions

  • submit application, reserve seats, join quest
  • Tasks are more user centered
  • CRUD tends to shape the solution vs. focus on business need

Event Sourcing

DDD Definitions

Domain Model

  • Captures domain knowledge from the domain experts
  • Enables the team to determine scope and verify the consistency of that knowledge
  • Expressed in code by the developers

Ubiquitous Language

  • Defined when talking with domain experts
  • Identify nouns / verbs when talking about the business process
  • "Quest" is a noun
  • "start" is a verb
  • start, join, leave - these are your tasks

Entities, value objects, services

  • Entity - defined by an identity which is constant
  • Value objects - defined by their values
  • Services - an example would be a 3rd party service, which is typically stateless


  • A cluster of related entities and value objects that form a consistency boundary within the system
  • That consistency boundary is usually based on transactional consistency

Aggregate Root

  • Gatekeeper object for the aggregate
  • All access to the objects within the aggregate must occur through the aggregate root
  • External entities are only permitted to hold a reference to the aggregate root

Aggregate in Action

// working with an aggregate
membersJoined(cmd) {
  // load aggregate
  let agg = documents.fetchEntity(cmd.entityId)
  // call method on aggregate
  agg.membersJoined(, cmd.location, cmd.members)
  // persist aggregate

Bounded Contexts

  • A grouping of domain models, ubiquitous language, entities, etc. within the overall system
  • Larger systems may have multiple bounded contexts

^ Conference management application - Conference Reservations, Program Management (speakers, sessions), Badge Printing

Context map

  • Documentation that describes the relationships between bounded contexts

Back to the less abstract...


  • Notifications of something that has already happened
  • Immutable one-way messages
  • Published by a single source, may have multiple subscribers
documents.appendEvents(id, bookSeat({name: 'Quinn', seat: 'E23'}))

Events Cont.

  • Typically include additional information about the event
  • Should describe business intent
Seat E23 was booked by Quinn
- vs. -
In the bookings table the row with key E23 had the
name field updated with the value Quinn


^ Can possibly use separate data stores for read/write, each store optimized for its use case.

Events and Aggregates

  • Aggregates define consistency boundaries
  • Use an event raised by an aggregate to notify interested parties that a transaction has taken place
  • Use the ID of an aggregate to determine the source of the event

Event Sourcing

  • Persisting your application's state by storing the history that determines the current state of your application
  • Replay the event stream to get the current state


^ Example: a bank balance

membersJoined command

  entityId: '345',
  day: 1,
  location: 'Hobbiton',
  members: [ 'Frodo', 'Sam' ]

Command Handler

// working with aggregate
membersJoined(cmd) {
  let agg = documents.fetchEntity(cmd.entityId)
  agg.membersJoined(, cmd.location, cmd.members)

Repository Pattern

class Documents {
  save(aggregate) {
      aggregate.uncommitedChanges() // list of events

Event Sourcing

membersJoined(cmd) {
    membersJoinedEvent(, cmd.location, cmd.members)

An Aggregate

class Quest extends AggregateRoot {
  constructor(id) {
    super() = id = null

    super.handle('event:quest:started', this.applyQuestStarted)

  applyQuestStarted(event) { =

Replay Events

handle(name, handler) {
    name: name,
    handler: handler

loadFromHistory(events) {
  each(events, event => this.applyChange(event))


applyChange(event) {
  this.version = event.version

  const handle = find(
    { 'name': }



  • Create a "snapshot" of an aggregate at a current state
  • Load the snapshot and any future events vs. the whole event stream


  • Coordinate and route messages between bounded contexts and aggregates
  • Manage a long-lived business transaction or process
  • An alternative to using a distributed transaction - avoid locks
  • Duration doesn't have to be days/weeks, can be seconds

Sagas cont.

  • Manage process, not business logic
  • State machines

Aggregates without a Saga


Aggregates with a Saga


Why use CQRS?

  • Scalability
  • Reduced complexity
  • Flexability
  • Focus on the business
  • Facilitates task-based UIs

^ Scalability - the number of reads typically exceed number of writes Reduced complexity - read logic is typically much simpler and can be decoupled, separation of concerns, multiple users, performance, transactions, consistency Flexability - Add more read views (reports) without dealing with mutation logic Focus on business - CRUD tends to shape the solution, CQRS helps you focus on tasks Tasked based UI - tasks tend to focus on the domain operations and the ubiquitous language CAP Theorem - Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance - choose two

  • can choose different decisions on the write vs. read

Why use Event Sourcing

  • Audit trail
  • Performance - events are immutable
  • Simplification - simple objects that describe what happened, not a complex object
  • Additional business value from event history
  • Testing

Potential Barriers

  • Learning curve is steep
  • Stale data - "eventually consistent"

When to Avoid Event Sourcing and CQRS (according to Udi)

  • Simple domains
  • Non-collaborative environments

