layout | permalink | title | class |
page |
/teaching/ |
Teaching |
projects |
{% assign coursetypes = | where: "panel", "true" | group_by:"type" %} {% comment %} This tells us if the course is Current or Past {% endcomment %} {% for type in coursetypes %} {% comment %} Note that the data type is strange, each entry of coursetitles is an array containing items of the form {name: title}{items: an array of all the courses with that title} {% endcomment %}
{% assign coursetitles = type.items | group_by:"title" %} {% comment %} I only want to show one panel per unique course, so group by course title {% endcomment %}
{% for course in coursetitles %}
{% comment %} Now for each course in course titles, {% endcomment %}
{% assign project = course.items[0] %}
{% comment %} Pick the most recent course. {% endcomment %}
{% include project.html project=project %}
{% comment %} I want the link to go to the most recent course, and there to be a button on THAT page that allows people to access previous year pages. {% endcomment %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}