- [WIP] How to add a chart for visualization
- [WIP] How to add a report
- [WIP] How to add a cleaning action
- [WIP] How to add a suggested cleaning action
Directions at brew.sh.
More details at Homebrew website.
Note: We are currently using Node 14 as of 11/1/21, but Node 16 became the latest LTS version as of 10/26/21. You can try using Node 16, but if there are issues running the app, revert to Node 14.
# Node v14
$ brew install node@14
# Node v16
$ brew install node@16
If switching between Node versions is needed, use nvm, but uninstall any Node versions installed with Homebrew first. Refer to nvm's docs for details on installing and using different Node versions.
# Install nvm
$ curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.0/install.sh | bash
# Uninstall any existing node versions (e.g. through Homebrew) FIRST.
$ nvm install 16
$ nvm use 16
More details at Yarn website.
$ npm install -g yarn
Change directory into the front-end folder.
$ cd mage-ai/mage_ai/frontend
Install Node modules using yarn
$ yarn install
While in the directory mage-ai/mage_ai/frontend
run the following command to launch the UI locally.
$ yarn run dev
Now visit http://localhost:3000/datasets to view the tool.
Change directory into the root folder.
$ cd mage-ai
Install Python packages
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Change directory into the server folder.
$ cd mage-ai/mage_ai/server
Set an environment variable to development
$ export ENV=development
While in the directory mage-ai/mage_ai/server
run the following command to launch the backend locally.
$ flask run
Now visit http://localhost:5000 to make HTTP requests to the backend server.