Returns a season's constructors standings from first to last place.
URL : /ergast/f1/{season}/constructorstandings/
Filters for the constructors standing of a specified season. Year numbers are valid as is current
to get the current seasons constructors standings.
-> ex: /ergast/f1/2024/constructorstandings/
Note: To utilize the season
parameter, it needs to be the first argument after /ergast/f1/
Filters for the constructors standings after a specified round in a specific season. Round numbers 1 -> n
races are valid as well as last
-> ex: /ergast/f1/2024/5/constructorstandings/
Note: To utilize the round
parameter it must be combined with a season filter and needs to be the first argument after /ergast/f1/{season}/
Filters for only for a specific constructors' standing information for a given year.
-> ex: /ergast/f1/2024/constructors/ferrari/constructorstandings/
Filters for only the constructor in a given position in a given year.
-> ex: /ergast/f1/2024/constructorstandings/1/
Note: The position must be at the end after any filters and after /constructorstandings/
Code : 200 OK
Response Fields :
: The object containing the season's constructors standing information.
: The filtered season.
: The round that the season the standings represent.
: The list of constructors standings.
: A given constructors standings list object.
: The list of constructors standings objects.
Field | Always Included | Description | type |
position | 🟡 | Position in the Championship | String |
positonText | ✅ | Description of position * |
String |
points | ✅ | Total points in the Championship | String |
wins | ✅ | Count of race wins | String |
Constructor | ✅ | Constructor information (constructorId, name, url, nationality) | Object |
- Possible values for positionText include: E
Excluded (2007 McLaren), D
Disqualified, -
for ineligible or the position as a string otherwise.
"MRData": {
"xmlns": "",
"series": "f1",
"url": "",
"limit": "30",
"offset": "0",
"total": "11",
"StandingsTable": {
"season": "2007",
"round": "17",
"StandingsLists": [
"season": "2007",
"round": "17",
"ConstructorStandings": [
"position": "1",
"positionText": "1",
"points": "204",
"wins": "9",
"Constructor": {
"constructorId": "ferrari",
"url": "",
"name": "Ferrari",
"nationality": "Italian"
"position": "2",
"positionText": "2",
"points": "101",
"wins": "0",
"Constructor": {
"constructorId": "bmw_sauber",
"url": "",
"name": "BMW Sauber",
"nationality": "German"
"positionText": "E",
"points": "0",
"wins": "8",
"Constructor": {
"constructorId": "mclaren",
"url": "",
"name": "McLaren",
"nationality": "British"
"MRData": {
"xmlns": "",
"series": "f1",
"url": "",
"limit": "30",
"offset": "0",
"total": "10",
"StandingsTable": {
"season": "2020",
"round": "9",
"StandingsLists": [
"season": "2020",
"round": "9",
"ConstructorStandings": [
"position": "1",
"positionText": "1",
"points": "325",
"wins": "7",
"Constructor": {
"constructorId": "mercedes",
"url": "",
"name": "Mercedes",
"nationality": "German"
"position": "2",
"positionText": "2",
"points": "173",
"wins": "1",
"Constructor": {
"constructorId": "red_bull",
"url": "",
"name": "Red Bull",
"nationality": "Austrian"