Returns a list of drivers in alphabetical order by driverId
URL : /ergast/f1/drivers/
Filters only drivers that participated in a specified season. Year numbers are valid as is current
to get the current season list of drivers.
-> ex: /ergast/f1/2024/drivers/
Note: To utilize the season
parameter, it needs to be the first argument after /ergast/f1/
Filters only drivers that participated in a specified round of a specific season. Round numbers 1 -> n
races are valid as well as last
-> ex: /ergast/f1/2024/1/drivers/
Note: Note: To utilize the round
parameter it needs to be used with the season
filter and be the first argument after /ergast/f1/{season}
Filters for only drivers who have participated in a race at a given circuit.
-> ex: /ergast/f1/2024/circuits/albert_park/drivers/
Filters for only drivers who have raced for a specified constructor.
-> ex: /ergast/f1/constructors/williams/drivers/
Filters for only drivers that match the specific driverId
-> ex: /ergast/f1/drivers/hamilton/
Filters for only drivers that finished a race with a lap that was the ranked in the specified position.
-> ex: /ergast/f1/fastest/1/drivers/
Filters for only drivers who have started a race in a specific grid position.
-> ex: /ergast/f1/grid/1/drivers/
Filters for only drivers who have finished a race in a specific position.
-> ex: /ergast/f1/results/1/drivers/
Filters for only drivers who have finished a race with a specific statusId
-> ex: /ergast/f1/status/2/drivers/
Code : 200 OK
Response Fields :
: The object containing the list of the all drivers.
: The list of all drivers returned.
: A given driver object.
Field | Always Included | Description | type |
driverId | ✅ | Unique ID of the Driver | String |
permanentNumber | 🟡 | Permanent Number assigned to the driver | String |
code | 🟡 | Driver Code, usually 3 characters | String |
url | 🟡 | Wikipedia URL to the Drivers profile | String |
givenName | ✅ | First name | String |
familyName | ✅ | Last name | String |
dateOfBirth | 🟡 | Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD format) | String |
nationality | 🟡 | Nationality of Driver | String |
"MRData": {
"xmlns": "",
"series": "f1",
"url": "",
"limit": "30",
"offset": "0",
"total": "860",
"DriverTable": {
"Drivers": [
"driverId": "abate",
"url": "",
"givenName": "Carlo",
"familyName": "Abate",
"dateOfBirth": "1932-07-10",
"nationality": "Italian"
"driverId": "abecassis",
"url": "",
"givenName": "George",
"familyName": "Abecassis",
"dateOfBirth": "1913-03-21",
"nationality": "British"
- Note this is missing Logan Sargent as he did not start the race even though he participated in the weekend.
"MRData": {
"xmlns": "",
"series": "f1",
"url": "",
"limit": "30",
"offset": "0",
"total": "19",
"DriverTable": {
"season": "2024",
"circuitId": "albert_park",
"Drivers": [
"driverId": "albon",
"permanentNumber": "23",
"code": "ALB",
"url": "",
"givenName": "Alexander",
"familyName": "Albon",
"dateOfBirth": "1996-03-23",
"nationality": "Thai"
"driverId": "alonso",
"permanentNumber": "14",
"code": "ALO",
"url": "",
"givenName": "Fernando",
"familyName": "Alonso",
"dateOfBirth": "1981-07-29",
"nationality": "Spanish"