For a simple starting point and direct testing of the labels use this precompiled firmwares for the 2.9" ST-GR29000 Label with a few modifications from @atc1441
- No greyscale but faster refresh with OTP LUT
- Better sleep, also while updating the screen. ~2,5uA
- Showing a black line instead of the "ASSOCIATE READY" screen when offline to leave image showing
- After a new Pairing it will show the last valid image again instead of erasing everything
- HW_Upair option via P1.0 Pin added
- On power up settings will be erased and the display refreshes to default
- Better connection status showing on display
The source of the newest firmware is from this repo
Since the custom firmware expects a 8 byte MAC address in the Infopage of the SOC at 0x10 offset it is needed write it there, here is how:
The flashing of a MAC can happen before or after flashing the firmware.
Step 1. Dump the current infopage with the zbs_flasher via "zbs_flasher COMxx readI dump_infopage.bin"
Step 2. Use a tool like "HxD" on windows to edit the "dump_infopage.bin" and put in a random 8 byte MAC at the second line / offset 0x10 and save the file
Step 3. Flash the modified file back via "zbs_flasher COMxx writeI dump_infopage.bin"
To get started under windows downlaod and install MinGW as descripted here:
Add both the "C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin" and "C:\MinGW\bin" folder to your system PATH!, you may also want to add the ZBS_Flasher.exe folder to it for simplicity.
after having installed MinGW restart your Mashine and test it via a CMD line by entering "make" and it should not show any errors.
Clone this repository and CD into the "firmware_ch11_low_power" folder and execude the "compile.bat" file it will now build the firmware and will try to flash it via the "zbs_flasher" you may want to put your correct COM port into the "compile.bat" file. It will use the included SDCC to build the firmware. (to build the other custom firmwares copy SDCC into it)
This is a step by step guide on how to build the firmware for Solum SEM9110 alias ZBS243 Tags under Linux, that is talked about in Dmitrys blog.
Use an Arch Linux or set up a docker container with the archlinux image to build the firmware. Other Distros can cause problems, e.g. the firmware does not find the MAC address.
Download the files with the following commands or get it from
Install the "unzip" package with the following command, so that you will be able to unzip the downloaded files:
pacman -Syy unzip
Unzip the files with the following commands:
After unpacking
, change the "#include" of the "proto.h" in the files comms.c and main.c.
For example:
#include "../../../arm/einkTags/patchedfw/proto.h"
#include "../dmitrygr-eink/solum_BW_4.2_fw/proto.h"
NOTE: The new proto.h is found in the unzipped folder of
Comment out the line #include "datamatrix.h"
in the drawing.c. Yes, really!
Install the "binutils" package with the following command, so that you will be able to use the make
command for the Makefile:
pacman -Syy binutils
Sometimes the following commands are needed:
pacman-key --init
pacman -Syy base-devel
Install the "sdcc" package with the following command, so that you will be able to compile the code:
pacman -Syy sdcc
Go into the /firmware folder of the unzipped
folder and enter the following commands to build your main.bin, which can be used to flash it to your Solum SEM9110 alias ZBS243 Tag:
make clean
make BUILD=zbs29v026 CPU=8051 SOC=zbs243
For the CH11 Low Power Version 2.9" use:
make clean
make BUILD=zbs29v033 CPU=8051 SOC=zbs243
For the 1.54" Version:
make BUILD=zbs154v033 CPU=8051 SOC=zbs243
Now you are able to flash the main.bin for example with the ZBS_Flasher by atc1441
NOTE: Before flashing, please BACKUP THE INFOPAGE!
The infopage-binary contains calibration data. Starting from byte 0x10 of the infopage-binary, 8 bytes of a mac address can be set.