Manuscripts is the GrimoireLab tool to produce reports. It uses data from GrimoireLab indexes in ElasticSearch, and produces PDF documents with charts and tables, useful for getting an idea of how the project is performing.
Reporting with GrimoireLab Manuscripts is easy. You need to have enriched ElasticSearch indexes, produced by GrimoireELK (see Producing Kibana dashboards with GrimoireELK) or Mordred (see Mordred: orchestrating everything), and of course, having grimoirelab-manuscripts
installed. The rest is pretty easy.
For example, to produce a report about Git data in the standard GrimoireLab enriched index in my local ElasticSearch (accessible in the standard http://localhost:9200 location), you only need to run:
(gl) $ manuscripts -d /tmp/reports -u http://localhost:9200 \
-n GrimoireLab --data-sources git
The report will be produced as /tmp/reports/report.pdf
, using GrimoireLab
as the name of the analyzed project, when presented in the report.
Note: This requires pdflatex to be installed.