- CentOS 8
- Ubuntu 18.04
ansible-galaxy install jpcasas.ibm_mq
- name: setup a MQ development environment
hosts: <host>
mq_qm_name: QM1
mq_install_dev_objects: yes
mq_admin_password: password
mq_enable_webserver: yes
mq_detect_download_installer: yes # Installs last MQ Advanced Developper from repo IBM
# mq_local_installer: /vagrant/IBM_MQ_9.1.5_LINUX_X86-64.tar.gz
- jpcasas.ibm_mq
- install ansible
- create a file playbook-mq.yml with the content above
- Configure the host example: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/network/getting_started/first_playbook.html
- Run the command
ansible-playbook playbook-mq.yml