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partim is an R package to compute model-agnostic relative importance for linear and nonlinear regression models using a graph partitioning approach that approximates Shapley regression values. The relative importance of features in a regression measures the contribution of each feature to the model prediction. When the goodness-of-fit of a model is measured using $R^2$ (i.e. the percentage of target variance explained by the model), then meaningful importance values should provide an additive decomposition of $R^2$, such that a feature’s importance represents that feature’s percentage of target variance explained.

The most theoretically sound approach to decomposing explained variance in a linear regression is the Shapley regression (typically referred to as “LMG” in R packages that implement the technique1). However, the LMG method is computationally complex with an $\mathcal{O}(2^k)$ runtime where $k$ is the number of features. Furthermore, LMG is limited to the linear regression context with no implementation for regularized or nonlinear models available in R (to the author’s knowledge).

This package makes two contributions:

  1. It provides a fast approximation of LMG that uses graph partitioning with an $\mathcal{O}(k^2)$ runtime
  2. It is generalizable to nonlinear and regularized regression models

The proposed approach reduces the dimensionality of the model-space using hierarchical clustering and graph-corrected nested coalition Shapley values for each feature.


partim can be installed from Github with:

# Dev version
# install.packages("devtools")

Overview and usage

The partim function computes importance values and can take formula and data arguments or x and y arguments:

# formula syntax
data <- MASS::Boston
imp <- partim(medv ~ ., data)

# ---- OR ----

# 'x' and 'y' syntax
x <- data[, 1:13]
y <- data[, 14]
imp <- partim(x, y)

partim recursively splits the features (x) into clusters and allocates importance to each cluster using one of 3 available methods (see Methodology for a more detailed discussion):

  1. method = "tree_entropy" (the default) is a graph-based approximation of the Shapley regression (LMG importance) but adjusts for unbalanced tree structures using the entropy of common component loadings in the clusters. The approach is equal to tree_lmg when a balanced hierarchical graph is used.
  2. method = "tree_lmg" is a direct graph-based approximation of the Shapley regression without adjustments. It consequently works best with balanced trees.
  3. method = "tree_pmvd" is a graph-based approximation of the “proportional marginal variance decomposition” (PMVD) approach (Feldman 2005).


The Shapley regression calculates the importance of the $i \text{th}$ feature, $\gamma_i$, by fitting a linear regression of the dependent variable $y$ on every possible subset of features and computing the average increase in $R^2$ achieved by adding feature $i$ to each subset that excludes $i$. This approach is feasible only for small values of $k$.

Partition importance reduces the dimensionality of the problem by calculating recursive coalition importance values for the predicted values $\hat{y}$. Suppose a regression is estimated such that

$$ \hat{y} = \mathcal{f}(\mathbf{x}), $$

where $\mathcal{f}(\cdot)$ is an arbitrary linear or nonlinear function, and $\mathbf{x}$ is an $n\times k$ matrix of features.

Now let $\mathbb{A}^i_{\ell} \in \lbrace1,...,k\rbrace$ be a set that contains $i$ and is the $\ell\text{th}$ node in a hierarchical graph of the features. For instance, if $k=8$, $\mathbb{A}^1 = \lbrace\mathbb{A}^1_j\rbrace$ could be given by

$$ \mathbb{A}^1 = \begin{cases} \mathbb{A}^1_0 : \lbrace1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8\rbrace\\ \mathbb{A}^1_1 : \lbrace1,2,3,4\rbrace\\ \mathbb{A}^1_2 : \lbrace1,2\rbrace\\ \mathbb{A}^1_3 : \lbrace1\rbrace \end{cases} $$

Furthermore, let $\mathbb{B}^i_{\ell}$ be the complementary set at each level in the hierarchy defined as $\mathbb{A}^i_{\ell-1}\setminus\mathbb{A}^i_{\ell}$, so that

$$ \mathbb{B}^1 = \begin{cases} \mathbb{B}^1_0 : \lbrace\rbrace\\ \mathbb{B}^1_1 : \lbrace5,6,7,8\rbrace\\ \mathbb{B}^1_2 : \lbrace3,4\rbrace\\ \mathbb{B}^1_3 : \lbrace2\rbrace \end{cases} $$

At the $\ell\text{th}$ level, the importance of features $\mathbb{A}^i_{\ell}$ is computed using the $R^2$ of a regression of $\hat{y}{\ell}^{a}$ on $\mathbf{x}a$, where $\mathbf{x}a$ is shorthand to denote a matrix of $\lbrace 1,...,k\rbrace\setminus \mathbb{B}{\ell}^a$ feature values and $\hat{y}{\ell}^a$ is defined below. Let this $R^2$ be denoted by $r{\ell}^a$.

Now the importance of features $\mathbb{A}^i_{\ell}$ is given by

$$ \gamma^a_{\ell} = \omega r_{\ell}^a + (1-\omega) (1 - r_{\ell}^b). $$

$\hat{y}{\ell}^a$ is defined to ensure that $\gamma{\ell}^a + \gamma_{\ell}^b = 1$, by setting

$$ \hat{y}_{\ell}^a = \omega \mathcal{f}(\mathbf{x}a) + (1 - \omega)(\hat{y}{\ell-1}^a - \mathcal{f}(\mathbf{x}_b)). $$

$\omega$ is the weight that allocates the common variation of $\mathbf{x}a$ and $\mathbf{x}b$ between the importance values. In the case of the Shapley regression, $\omega = 0.5$, while in the case of PMVD $\omega = \frac{1-r{\ell}^b}{2-r{\ell}^a-r_{\ell}^b}$.

Custom clustering

How features are split into clusters can be controlled using the splitter argument. This argument takes a function that has a single input x and returns a vector of cluster allocations. partim provides an example wrapper method called fSplit, which facilitates pre-packaged correlation-based clustering with the cluster package (Maechler et al. 2022):

# A balanced single-linkage tree
splt <- fSplit(type = "agnes", method = "single", balanced = TRUE)
imp_sl <- partim(medv ~ ., data, method = "tree_lmg", splitter = splt)

# Correlation-based Divisive Analysis (the default)
splt <- fSplit(type = "diana")
imp_da <- partim(medv ~ ., data, splitter = splt)

# Partitioning around medoids
splt <- fSplit(type = "pam")
imp_pam <- partim(medv ~ ., data, splitter = splt)

As seen on the plot below, the choice of clustering algorithms can have a marked impact on the importance values when data are correlated. Generally, the divisive analysis (diana) algorithm has been observed to yield the most robust results.


plot_data <- dplyr::tibble(
  variable = colnames(x),
  `single linkage` = imp_sl,
  diana = imp_da,
  pam = imp_pam)

plot_data |> 
  tidyr::gather("method", "importance", -variable) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = variable)) +
  geom_point(aes(y = importance, color = method)) +
  theme(legend.position = "top")

Custom model fitting

Partition importance explains fitted variance instead of the target variable directly. Since 100% of the fitted variance is explained by the model, the decomposition is recursively performed along a tree with the relative importance values summing to one at each split. The product of each branch’s importance yields feature-level importance values that can be used to decompose the fitted model $R^2$ among the features.

Explaining fitted values also makes the approach model-agnostic. Arbitrary model fitting methods can customized using the fEstimate argument. The argument takes a function that has x and y inputs and returns an object with a fitted.values attribute. Examples are, stats::lm.wfit or stats::rlm. Once again, the package provides a convenience wrapper for lm, glmnet and nnet functions.

In the example below, an elastic net regression is fitted and explained using the tree_pmvd method:

est <- fEstimate(type = "glmnet", alpha = 0.5, lambda = 1)
imp <- partim(medv ~ ., data, method = "tree_pmvd", fEstimate = est)

qplot(colnames(x), imp, xlab = "variable", ylab = "importance")

It is important to note that when explaining a regularized regression using the regularized method itself, the resulting importance values will be regularized (and hence biased). In most cases, therefore, the model used to allocate importance values at the splits should be more flexible than the model used for fitting. partim accommodates this by allowing a separate fitting function to be passed to fExplain:

imp <- partim(medv ~ ., data, method = "tree_pmvd", fEstimate = est, fExplain =
qplot(colnames(x), imp, xlab = "variable", ylab = "importance")

Nonlinear regression

partim can also be used in nonlinear regressions. This is interesting since it provides a method for measuring (global) importance in black box algorithms that accounts for feature dependence within an $R^2$ decomposition framework. To illustrate, I simulate a very simple nonlinear problem:

# Four features, two of which represent noise
x <- matrix(rnorm(4*500), 500)
# Target variable with nonlinear DGP
y <- 
  x[,1] * ifelse(x[,1] > 0, -2, 2) + 
  x[,2] * ifelse(x[,2] > 0, -2, 2) + 

# Linear importance
imp_lin <- partim(x, y)
# Nonlinear neural net importance
imp_nn <- partim(x, y, fEstimate = fEstimate("nnet", size=4, maxit=1000))

plot_data <- dplyr::tibble(
  variable = names(imp_lin),
  linear = imp_lin,
  nonlinear = imp_nn)

plot_data |> 
  tidyr::gather("method", "importance", -variable) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = variable)) +
  geom_point(aes(y = importance, color = method)) +
  theme(legend.position = "top")

The plot shows that (unsurprisingly) the linear regression is unable to capture the nonlinear effect, while the neural network captures it correctly, explaining a total of (just under) 80% of the variance in y.

Feldman, Barry. 2005. “Relative Importance and Value.”

Groemping, Ulrike. 2006. “Relative Importance for Linear Regression in r: The Package Relaimpo.” Journal of Statistical Software 17 (1): 1–27.

Iooss, Bertrand, Sebastien Da Veiga, Alexandre Janon, Gilles Pujol, with contributions from Baptiste Broto, Khalid Boumhaout, Laura Clouvel, et al. 2024. Sensitivity: Global Sensitivity Analysis of Model Outputs and Importance Measures.

Lindeman, Richard Harold, Peter Francis Merenda, and Ruth Z. Gold. 1980. Introduction to Bivariate and Multivariate Analysis. Glenview, Ill: Scott, Foresman.

Maechler, Martin, Peter Rousseeuw, Anja Struyf, Mia Hubert, and Kurt Hornik. 2022. Cluster: Cluster Analysis Basics and Extensions.


  1. LMG is an acronym of the first letter of the authors’ surnames, see Lindeman, Merenda, and Gold (1980). R packages implementing the LMG method include relaimpo (Groemping 2006) and sensitivity (Iooss et al. 2024).