Create and Test that all methods have an alias in
and that the signatures match -
Improve README for end users:
- Add more common use cases examples beyond basic profile retrieval
- Explain token persistence between sessions (DONE)
- Provide overview of available resources/endpoints
- Verify correct callback URI guidance (check if "https://localhost:8080" is actually the correct/optimal value to recommend)
✅ Review and improve all documentation files in docs/ from an end-user perspective
- ✅ Split NAMING_AND_TYPING.md into TYPES.md and NAMING.md
- ✅ Update cross-references between documentation files
- ✅ Fix intraday data support information in DEVELOPMENT.md
- ✅ Add information about disabling data logging to LOGGING.md
PyPi deployment
For all
methods, add the ID from the response to logs and maybe something human readable, like the first n characters of the name??. Right now:
[2025-02-05 06:09:34,828] INFO [fitbit_client.NutritionResource] create_food_log succeeded for foods/log.json (status 201)
base.py: reorganize and see what we can move out.
- Rename to
? Files it first, makes it clearer that everything in it is private
- Rename to
- exceptions.py Consider:
- Add automatic token refresh for ExpiredTokenException
- Implement backoff and retry for RateLimitExceededException
- Add retry with exponential backoff for transient errors (5xx)
Performance profiling
Docs! https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/#get-started (put on github pages?)
Why does this log twice:
[2025-02-07 16:41:38,471] ERROR [fitbit_client.NutritionResource] ValidationException: Intensity level "MEDIUM" available only if weight objective is to lose weight. [Type: validation, Status: 400], Field: intensity
[2025-02-07 16:41:38,472] ERROR [fitbit_client.NutritionResource] ValidationException in create_food_goal for foods/log/goal.json: Intensity level "MEDIUM" available only if weight objective is to lose weight.
For methods with paging, figure out how to encapsulate it...do they call
with the URL in the response, or what? Does the response return a 2-tuple where the first item is the response and second is a pre-baked function that can me called? See: https://g.co/gemini/share/ce142f7e323a- Implement as
(response, page_forward, page_backward)
so that the user can use the namesnext_page
, eg.next_page = page_forward()
- hopefully we can put this is
somehow, so that it can be reused. - We may need a public version of a generic
- Implement as
Form to change scopes are part of OAuth flow? Maybe get rid of the cut and paste method altogether? It's less to test...
Extension ideas:
- Make the food download_food_logs method (rename to
) and food log to CSV part of one helper package. It should expand the foods to have their complete nutrition (a separate call for each unique food) (put this in atools
package??) - PRIVATE filters on methods that return PUBLIC and PRIVATE stuff (API doesn't seem to have this). Would require a sidecar database or pickle - it just needs to be a hash with a few elements to facilitate a lookup via the api
- Consider e.g., a "replace_food_log" extension that does a delete + an add in one. (there might be several of these that make sense--just take an ID and then the signature of the "create" method).
- Make the food download_food_logs method (rename to
Enum for units? (it'll be big, maybe just common ones?)