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Jakarta EE Dependency Analysis With jQAssistant


This project provides a setup to scan Maven Central repository for Jakarta EE artifacts and provide GraphML and PlantUML/SVG reports about dependencies of the involved specifications:

jakarta ee dependencies PlatformDependencyDiagram

See here for further example reports.


  • Java Development Kit 11 or later (17+ recommended)

  • Maven 3.5.x or later

How To Use It

  • Clone the project

  • Execute the following command

    mvn verify
    The first scan fetches the full index from Maven Central, this will take time.
  • After analysis the following reports are created in the folder target/jqassistant/report:

    • plantuml/jakarta-ee-dependencies_PlatformDependencyDiagram.plantuml|svg: The artifacts and their dependencies as PlantUML component diagram.

    • graphml/jakarta-ee-dependencies_PlatformDependencyDiagram.graphml: The artifacts and their dependencies as GraphML file.

    • plantuml/jakarta-ee-dependencies_SpecificationDependencyDiagram.plantuml|svg: The dependencies grouped by specification as PlantUML component diagram.

    • graphml/jakarta-ee-dependencies_SpecificationDependencyDiagram.graphml: The dependencies grouped by specification as GraphML file.

      GraphML reports may be viewed using yEd. After opening a file you should apply a layout, e.g. Layout→Hierarchical (Alt-Shift-H) and property mapping (Edit→Properties Mapper) for nodes should be set to use fqn or name as Label Text.
      An Open Source alternative is Gephi. After opening the file Show Node label(s) must be activated in the tool palette at the bottom and fqn or name selected in Attributes to be displayed as node label.
    • csv/jakarta-ee-dependencies_PlatformDependencyVersionsByArtifact.csv: The dependencies as CSV collection all versions grouped by groupId and artifactId.

The reports are created using Cypher queries and implemented as jQAssistant rules which are located in jqassistant/jakarta-ee-dependencies.xml.

Known Issues

  • The scan and queries used for analysis might be expensive. If an OutOfMemoryError is reported then the heap size for Maven should be set using the environment variable, e.g. MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx16G.