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File metadata and controls

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Load the model package

import 'package:tba_api_dart_dio_client/api.dart';


Name Type Description Notes
key String TBA match key with the format yyyy[EVENT_CODE]_[COMP_LEVEL]m[MATCH_NUMBER], where yyyy is the year, and EVENT_CODE is the event code of the event, COMP_LEVEL is (qm, ef, qf, sf, f), and MATCH_NUMBER is the match number in the competition level. A set number may be appended to the competition level if more than one match in required per set.
compLevel String The competition level the match was played at.
setNumber int The set number in a series of matches where more than one match is required in the match series.
matchNumber int The match number of the match in the competition level.
alliances MatchSimpleAlliances [optional]
winningAlliance String The color (red/blue) of the winning alliance. Will contain an empty string in the event of no winner, or a tie. [optional]
eventKey String Event key of the event the match was played at.
time int UNIX timestamp (seconds since 1-Jan-1970 00:00:00) of the scheduled match time, as taken from the published schedule. [optional]
actualTime int UNIX timestamp (seconds since 1-Jan-1970 00:00:00) of actual match start time. [optional]
predictedTime int UNIX timestamp (seconds since 1-Jan-1970 00:00:00) of the TBA predicted match start time. [optional]
postResultTime int UNIX timestamp (seconds since 1-Jan-1970 00:00:00) when the match result was posted. [optional]
scoreBreakdown JsonObject Score breakdown for auto, teleop, etc. points. Varies from year to year. May be null. [optional]
videos BuiltList<MatchVideosInner> Array of video objects associated with this match. [optional]

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