I'm writing down notes as I work on this, so that when I look back I will have some idea how to use Rails and R, and how to solve a number of issues I've run into along the way.
In case I need to make changes... These are the rails commands to create the database model:
bin/rails g model course name term year:integer institution instructor folder_name
bin/rails g model session session_code name participation performance
min_response min_response_string date:datetime course:references
bin/rails g model question name start stop
num_seconds:integer question_index:integer
response_a:integer response_b:integer
response_c:integer response_d:integer response_e:integer
correct_a:integer correct_b:integer correct_c:integer correct_d:integer
correct_e:integer is_deleted session:references
bin/rails g migration AddDetailsToQuestion
question_type:integer question_pair:integer
bin/rails g model vote clicker_id first_answer_time:float
total_time:float num_attempts:integer loaned_clicker_to
first_response response question:references
bin/rails generate controller Courses bin/rails generate controller ClassPeriods bin/rails generate controller Sessions new bin/rails generate controller Questions
useful commands that I've forgotten since 2014:
- nrow: number of rows in a dataframe
- aggregate with ~ and *
& and && are not the same thing! https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6558921/r-boolean-operators-and
When splitting things up across line breaks, DO NOT START A LINE WITH +!!! R will think that the + is a unary operator. So this works:
ggplot(subset(ses, question_type == 3 & num_correct_answers == 1), aes(pct1st_correct, pct2nd_correct)) + geom_point(aes(color = factor(course_name)), alpha = 0.1)
But this is an error:
ggplot(subset(ses, question_type == 3 & num_correct_answers == 1), aes(pct1st_correct, pct2nd_correct))
- geom_point(aes(color = factor(course_name)), alpha = 0.1)
The := operator did not work for setting precision of a column: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17093416/write-a-dataframe-with-different-number-of-decimal-places-per-column-in-r
For whatever reason, it seems impossible to use sink() inside a function in order to write something to a file. Instead, for xtable try using print: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43263993/writing-to-file-with-xtable-in-r That's an hour of my life that I can never, ever get back.
To get rid of the fake/synthetic numbering R has for all rows of all data frames, use include.rownames = FALSE in the print call for xtable https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5430338/remove-data-frame-row-names-when-using-xtable
Trying to map a lookup function that uses an env (basically a hash or map) to map course_ids to a string, and put this into each table I'm generating. This will be useful for anonymizing the paper. But apply, lapply, etc are annoying as shit to work with. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18503177/r-apply-function-on-specific-dataframe-columns
- Son of a bitch! I can't seem to apply/lapply toString to an integer in the same way as other functions that just change the int (like function(x) x+1). No idea why.
I have used R on multiple projects and I still don't understand the difference between x[1] and x[,1]. R is a terrible language.
I don't know the differences between apply, lapply, and sapply. To map a function that looks up values and returns strings and use it to look up column names, we have to use apply, not lapply. I honestly have no idea why.
checking if a vector contains a value: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1169248/r-function-for-testing-if-a-vector-contains-a-given-element Also works with columns of a data frame, i.e. 2 %in% ses$course_id or match(2, ses$course_id) > 0 (or check that it's not NA; didn't fully check match)
validators cannot be created through the rails model generator. So it's not clear how to keep models and migrations up to date if you change the name of a table with a migration, and then also change its validator.
all of these functions are confusing: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#path-and-url-helpers
find_all_by has been replaced by where: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12057790/have-find-by-in-rails-return-multiple-results
local postgres: create role iclickerviewer with createdb login password iclickerviewer;
postgres is super weird about shell variables like PGUSER and .pgpass. The passwords in .pgpass are actually just there to be matched. These are NOT settings like with a .my.cnf file. So the default is always to connect with the currently logged in user (i.e. jspacco), not with the user I want, which is iclickerviewer. You can't set a database user or a database in .pgpass, just passwords to match.
- Also, PGUSER also does not seem to make any difference. The only way to connect with a user other than the one who is logged in (i.e. the unix username jspacco) is to set --user on the command line with psql. This is not what the documentation seems to suggest. Ugh.
- to start/stop the server: sudo su - postgres -c "/Library/PostgreSQL/9.6/bin/pg_ctl -D /Library/PostgreSQL/9.6/data stop"
heroku pg:info
- heroku pg:credentials postgresql-parallel-76813
- heroku pg:reset
- heroku pg:psql
to push from local DB to heroku:
PGUSER=iclickerviewer PGPASSWORD=iclickerviewer heroku pg:push iclickerviewer postgresql-parallel-76813
To connect command line to Heroku: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/connecting-to-heroku-postgres-databases-from-outside-of-heroku DATABASE_URL=$(heroku config:get DATABASE_URL -a your-app) your_process
Had to re-name all of the migrations so that they happen in the order in which the primary keys are needed (i.e. courses, then sessions which ref courses, then questions which ref sessions, then votes which ref questions).
- could be postgres v9.4 (local) vs postgres v9.6 (heroku)
when pulling Heroku db to local: update schema_migrations set version = '20170706214116' where version = '20170706214115'; This is because I ended up changing one of the migration numbers for some reason earlier. I can't remember why I changed the migration number, and I have no idea why it works on heroku but doesn't work locally. It's probably the right move to get these synched up again so that I can just pull the heroku db without doing anything else.
Check rails config: RAILS_ENV=production rake about
The power of renaming a migration: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/753919/run-a-single-migration-file
To create a single user in the Rails console (rails console full)
User.new(name: "T Honor Goat", email: "[email protected]", username: "thgoat", password: "tiberius99", password_confirmation: "tiberius99")
- Rails error: form_tag(session_path(@session), method: :patch) IS NOT THE SAME AS form_tag url: session_path(@session), method: :path
The first one is correct, and creates a form for patching, which uses HTTP POST but sets a special _method hidden parameter.
The 2nd one creates a standard POST, and passes it a hash with keys "url" and "method" and the given values. This is an example of a place where all of the syntactic sugar provided by Ruby and Rails has definitely confused me.
render :show in a controller re-directs the view ONLY. It does not call the show method of the controller, so any variables needed by the show view will need to be loaded by the current controller.
Use .object to get at the underlying instance inside a FormBuilder
before_action in controller: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34330481/rails-options-for-select-send-nil-when-no-option-selected
create unique index: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1449459/how-do-i-make-a-column-unique-and-index-it-in-a-ruby-on-rails-migration
has_many self-referential inverse
html multiple select using has_many through: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8826407/rails-3-multiple-select-with-has-many-through-associations
database.yml is processed with ERB when run inside Rails, which is how the ENV substitutions happen. However, command_line.rb needs to explicitly set these variables because reading the YAML file with Ruby ends up with the string literals. app/cmdline/command_line.rb contains a workaround.
Not sure how to specify test vs development in database.yml; current everything is configured to use the default because otherwise test seems to be the default.
- Try setting RAILS_ENV=test when running
You can't open up page source in Chrome, and then reload the window showing the page source. This doesn't actually reload the original page, and won't do what I thought it did. There goes a day of my life :(
check autoloads path: bin/rails r 'puts ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths'
javascript sort() method can take a function as a parameter, and use that function like a compareTo method.
To install phashion, I needed to do 'brew install jpeg' because I got an error about -ljpeg not being available. Phashion uses native (i.e. compiled C) libraries that need to be installed for Ruby to use it. I also did gem install phashion -v '1.2.0' but I think that this also would have worked with the bundle installer.
You need to grant SUPERUSER to the postgres account to run any of the tests https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30729723/ruby-on-rails-deleting-fixtures-with-foreign-keys ALTER USER iclickerviewer WITH SUPERUSER;
For Rails testing, the test/fixtures folder is run to create things in the DB, so it needs to be modified or emptied because it may try to insert rows that violate foreign key constraints.
To dump database to fixtures: https://gist.github.com/iiska/1527911
To list everything in an AWS S3 bucket: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3337912/quick-way-to-list-all-files-in-amazon-s3-bucket
Model Callbacks, hopefully will make matching_questions easier to manage https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24310533/symmetrical-self-referential-habtm-relationship
different kinds of updates in ActiveRecord http://www.davidverhasselt.com/set-attributes-in-activerecord/
to run rails scripts from the command line: rails r cmdline/post_process_near_duplicates.rb
To use a where clause on the many-to-many join table: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9033797/how-to-specify-conditions-on-joined-tables-in-rails matches = q1.matched_questions.where(:matching_questions => {:is_match => 1})
This assumes that q1 is a Question, matched_questions is the symmetric name for a self-join back to the Question table through the matching_questions table. So we are applying a where clause to the matching_questions join table, not to either Question (q1) or matched_questions (which also a Question because it's a self-join).
This trick with where clauses seems to work in general.
For joins, we really use getters, but getting the plurality correct is annoying: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25938632/rails-join-table-a-to-table-c-where-a-has-many-b-and-b-has-many-c Note that its ':has_many :itemS, through: :boxes'; it has to be plural for this to work (apparently)
For creating a postgres file for database merges, maybe try this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1745105/postgres-dump-of-only-parts-of-tables-for-a-dev-snapshot Basically, we're going to try to use the postgres copy command to create sql insert statements for only some rows of the table. To prevent errors from PK overrides: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20169372/postgresql-copy-method-enter-valid-entries-and-discard-exceptions
OK, simpler way to merge things into the Heroku DB is to just use Heroku: DATABASE_URL=$(heroku config:get DATABASE_URL -a iclickerviewer) rails runner cmdline/test.rbThis sets the database url to connect to the Heroku DB, but it's actually running locally. This means we can run cmdline/parse.rb to process local data, but write it to the Heroku DB. We may need to turn off the thing with processing the votes, and in fact we may want to generate the vote information later, since votes only rely on the primary key of the question. Actually, yes, this is the right way to go here.NOTE: in parse.db, we need to specifically connect using DATABASE_URL because for some reason, rails doesn't pick up on this variable, and was still using the local database. -
OK folks, an even simpler way to do this! For example (not that this file needs to be committed and pushed to be available on Heroku): heroku run bin/rails runner cmdline/update_cached_stats.rb
Upgrading to hobby-basic (10M rows max) for the DB on heroku was not that difficult to do and works pretty well. We still aren't storing the votes on heroku, but we probably could, and it looks like parse can create them from folder_name/SessionData without too much trouble.
Dammit, it's possible to hide the console.log statements from the JS debugger view in Chrome! Make sure you don't have accidentally set the console log message to be hidden or filtered out.
In JQuery, when you say $(document).ready(func), func is a function to be called, not a function call. It's another example of passing a function to JS.
To ignore a whole class period, we want to default an integer column to 0. Looks like we do that like this: In schema: t.integer "ignore", default: 0 In migration: t.integer :ignore, :default => 0 I haven't done this yet because we can just skip class periods that have no non-error questions
If I need to turn html into images, try imgkit https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4563707/rails-convert-html-to-image
ActiveRecord won't let me send multiple SQL statements to execute or exec_query, so I had to use split(';') and then run the commands separately.
Finally learned what * means in Ruby! It's the "splat" operator, of course. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5227290/pass-array-into-vararg-in-ruby Can be used with an array to pass to a method looking for varargs. I have no idea if there is something like this in Python or other languages. Maybe it's a dynamically typed scripting language thing?
Apparently rails does not allow you to use send_data and redirect_to together in the same controller, because send/redirect both send responses. The solutions all seem to use JS, or opening up a new window for the download. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30296653/in-rails-cant-we-use-send-file-and-redirect-to-together-gives-render-and-or-re?noredirect=1&lq=1