This is a resubmission. In this version I have:
- Changed http to https for CRAN in README
This is the first attempted CRAN release of janeaustenr, and my first submission to CRAN.
- Local OS X install: R 3.2.4, R-devel
- Ubuntu 14.04 (on Travis-CI): R 3.2.4, R-devel
- Win-builder: R-devel and R-release
0 errors | 0 warnings | 2 notes
There is 1 note about me being a new maintainer.
There is 1 note about non-ASCII, marked UTF-8 strings; there are 2 in the data sets.
has a British pound symbol.persuasion[7066]
has an e with an accent grave (in the word "arrangè")
I believe it would be inappropriate to change these as these are the published texts, so I would like to keep them as is.
Also, there was a message about possibly invalid URLs for the Project Gutenberg URLs in the .Rd files, and about possibly mis-spelled words in DESCRIPTION ("Austen's" at 2:30 and 6:34, "Northanger" at 8:32).
- Project Gutenberg blocks automated traffic, which caused the issue with the possibly invalid URLs.
- Those words are spelled correctly.