A cyber security research environment for training and development of security human and autonomous agents. Contains a common interface for both emulated, using cloud based virtual machines, and simulated network environments.
Install CybORG locally using pip
# from the cage-challenge-2/CybORG directory
pip install -e .
Create a CybORG environment with:
from CybORG import CybORG
path = str(inspect.getfile(CybORG))
path = path[:-10] + '/Shared/Scenarios/Scenario2.yaml'
cyborg = CybORG(path, 'sim')
To create an environment where the red agent has preexisting knowledge of the network and attempts to beeline to the Operational Server use:
red_agent = B_lineAgent
cyborg = CybORG(path, 'sim', agents={'Red': red_agent})
To create an environment where the red agent meanders through the network and attempts to take control of all hosts in the network use:
red_agent = RedMeanderAgent
cyborg = CybORG(path, 'sim', agents={'Red': red_agent})
To create an environment where the red agent always takes the sleep action use:
red_agent = SleepAgent
cyborg = CybORG(path, 'sim', agents={'Red': red_agent})
To alter the interface with CybORG, wrappers are avaliable.
- OpenAIGymWrapper - alters the interface to conform to the OpenAI Gym specification.
- FixedFlatWrapper - converts the observation from a dictionary format into a fixed size 1-dimensional vector of floats
- EnumActionWrapper - converts the action space into a single integer
- IntListToActionWrapper - converts the action classes and parameters into a list of integers
- ReduceActionSpaceWrapper - removes parameters from the action space that are unused by any of the action classes
- BlueTableWrapper - aggregates information from observations and converts into a 1-dimensional vector of integers
To evaluate an agent's performance please use the evaluation script.
The wrap function defines what wrappers will be used during evaluation.
def wrap(env):
return ChallengeWrapper(env=env, agent_name='Blue')
The agent under evaluation is defined here. To evaluate an agent, extend the BaseAgent. We have included the BlueLoadAgent as an example of an agent that uses the stable_baselines3 library.
# Change this line to load your agent
agent = BlueLoadAgent()
For further guidance on the CybORG environment please refer to the tutorial notebook series.
Title = {Cyber Autonomy Gym for Experimentation Challenge 2},
Note = {Created by Maxwell Standen, David Bowman, Son Hoang, Toby Richer, Martin Lucas, Richard Van Tassel, Phillip Vu, Mitchell Kiely},
Publisher = {GitHub},
Howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/cage-challenge/cage-challenge-2}},
Year = {2022}
- David Bowman - [email protected]
- Martin Lucas - [email protected]
- Toby Richer - [email protected]
- Maxwell Standen - [email protected]