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File metadata and controls

211 lines (153 loc) · 6.96 KB


The following CLIs are available in this project:

  • bin/create - generates factory stubs
  • bin/inspect - generates and displays the JSON Schema and Policy template.
  • bin/load - loads factories

Create Factory Stubs


To create a new Factory, run the following:

bin/create <factory-name>

This will create two stub files in factories/custom/<factory-name>/v1:

  • config.json - defines the variables for the factory
  • policy.yml - defines the Factory's Conjur Policy

Optionally, the factory with a classification and/or a version:

bin/create \
  --classification authenticators \
  --version 2 \

The above command will create the factory stub files in the directory: lib/custom/authenticators/<factory-name>/v2.

Create Reference

View all options via the help flag:

bin/create --help

A tool that generates Policy Factory starting templates.

Synopsis: bin/create [command options] <factory-name>

Usage: bin/create [options] <factory-name>:

    -c, --classification <name> Classification for a factory.  By default, the classification will be 'default'

    -h, --help                  Shows this help message.

    -v, --version <version>     Version for a factory. By default, the version will be 'v1'.

Inspecting Factories

Before loading a new Factory it's helpful to view the JSON Schema and Policy template that will be pushed to Conjur. The following command allows you to inspect any Factory:

bin/inspect <path-to-factory>

As an example, let's look at the default/core/host/v1 Factory:

bin/inspect factories/default/core/host/v1

It results in the following:

Factory Schema:
  "version": "v1",
  "policy": "LSAhaG9zdAogIGlkOiA8JT0gaWQgJT4KPCUgaWYgZGVmaW5lZD8ob3duZXJfcm9sZSkgJiYgZGVmaW5lZD8ob3duZXJfdHlwZSkgLSU+CiAgb3duZXI6ICE8JT0gb3duZXJfdHlwZSAlPiA8JT0gb3duZXJfcm9sZSAlPgo8JSBlbmQgLSU+CjwlIGlmIGRlZmluZWQ/KGlwX3JhbmdlKSAtJT4KICByZXN0cmljdGVkX3RvOiA8JT0gaXBfcmFuZ2UgJT4KPCUgZW5kIC0lPgogIGFubm90YXRpb25zOgo8JSBhbm5vdGF0aW9ucy5lYWNoIGRvIHxrZXksIHZhbHVlfCAtJT4KICAgIDwlPSBrZXkgJT46IDwlPSB2YWx1ZSAlPgo8JSBlbmQgLSU+Cg==",
  "policy_branch": "<%= branch %>",
  "schema": {
    "$schema": "",
    "title": "Host Template",
    "description": "Creates a Conjur Host",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
      "id": {
        "description": "Resource Identifier",
        "type": "string"
      "annotations": {
        "description": "Additional annotations",
        "type": "object"
      "branch": {
        "description": "Policy branch to apply this policy into",
        "type": "string"
      "owner_role": {
        "description": "The role identifier that will own this host",
        "type": "string"
      "owner_type": {
        "description": "The resource type of the owner of this host",
        "type": "string"
      "ip_range": {
        "description": "Limits the network range the host is allowed to authenticate from",
        "type": "string"
    "required": [

Factory Policy:
- !host
  id: <%= id %>
<% if defined?(owner_role) && defined?(owner_type) -%>
  owner: !<%= owner_type %> <%= owner_role %>
<% end -%>
<% if defined?(ip_range) -%>
  restricted_to: <%= ip_range %>
<% end -%>
<% annotations.each do |key, value| -%>
    <%= key %>: <%= value %>
<% end -%>

This is verbose, but gives some detail into the JSON Schema (used by Conjur's implementation of Policy Factories).

Inspect Reference

View all options with the help flag:

bin/inspect --help

A tool that shows the JSON Schema and corresponding Policy generated and loaded into Conjur.

Synopsis: bin/inspect [command options] <factory-path>

Usage: bin/inspect [options] <factory-path>:

    -h, --help                  Shows this help message.

Loading Factories

There are a few key bits of information required to load Factories:

Value Environment Variable Comments
URL CONJUR_URL Full URL of the Conjur Leader
Account ACCOUNT The account the factories should be loaded into
Username CONJUR_USERNAME Username to use when logging into Conjur
API Key API_KEY [Optional] API key to use instead of a password
Password Password for the user. This is collected via the CLI if the API key is not present
Auth Token CONJUR_AUTH_TOKEN [Optional] Authenticate using a previously generated Conjur Auth Token. This takes precedence over the API key or password. Auth Token should be used with Conjur SaaS.
Target Policy TARGET_POLICY [Optional] The policy to load Factories into. By default, this is conjur/factories. This setting is required for Conjur SaaS, and must match the defined Conjur SaaS Policy Factory configuration.

Note: The role used to load factories must have permission to add policy into the root namespace.

Loading default Factories

This CLI comes with a set of Policy Factories. These are intended to speed up the development of new Factories and provide a solid set of Factories for customers to use.

To load default Factories:

CONJUR_URL=https://<conjur-url> ACCOUNT=<account> CONJUR_USERNAME=<role> bin/load default

Loading custom Factories

By default, calling bin/load loads factories from factories/custom.

Note: This command loads ALL factories present in the factories/custom.

With a username/password

This following is an example run against Conjur running via Conjur Intro:

CONJUR_URL=https://localhost ACCOUNT=demo CONJUR_USERNAME=admin bin/load

You'll be prompted for your password prior to performing the load.

With an API Key

Alternatively, a user can use a role's API key:

API_KEY=21mjk4v31pbfr94zpzhbght4v5380zwd02hbjgj4t8geya1wqbhzj CONJUR_URL=https://localhost ACCOUNT=demo CONJUR_USERNAME=admin bin/load

When using an API key, you will not be prompted for a password.

With an Auth Token

CONJUR_URL=http://localhost:3000 ACCOUNT=cucumber CONJUR_USERNAME=admin CONJUR_AUTH_TOKEN=$auth_token bin/load

When using an Auth token, you will not be prompted for a password.