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Database genus2_curves

Description Genus 2 curves over Q
Status production
Contact Andrew Sutherland
Code genus2_curves
Collections curves, endomorphisms

Contributors: Andrew Booker, Jeroen Sijsling, Andrew Sutherland, John Voight, and Dan Yasaki

Todo: Match all automorphic friends and move data in temporary Lfunctions.instances collection to Lfunctions database.

Collection curves

  • Content: Basic data for genus 2 curves over QQ.
  • Contributors: Andrew Sutherland.
  • Origin: Code by Andrew Sutherland.
  • Extent: 66158 curves so far, see arXiv:1602.03715 for heuristics on the completeness of this collection.
Field Description Type of stored data Mathematical type Example of stored data Remarks
_id Mongo id ObjectId - assigned by Mongo; contains creation timestamp
aut_grp_id automorphism group (specified by GAP id) string encoding list of integers, no spaces - u;[6,2]'
class isogeny class string - u'169.a'
cond conductor integer NN 169
abs_disc absolute discriminant integer NN 169
disc_key representation of the discriminant D of the curve: the first three digits are floor(log_10 (|D|)), which is followed by digits representing the absolute value of |D|. string - u'002169'
disc_sign sign of the discriminant integer - -1
g2_inv G2 invariants string encoding list of strings representing rationals, no spaces - u"['-1/169','33/169','43/169']"
geom_aut_grp_id geometric automorphism group (shorthand) string encoding list of 2 integers, no spaces - u'[12,4]'
igusa_inv Igusa invariants string encoding list of strings representing integers, no spaces - u"['1','-33','-43','-283','-169']"
igusa_clebsch_inv Igusa-Clebsch invariants string encoding list of strings representing integers - u"['8','3172','30056','-692224']"
is_gl2_type whether the curve is of GL2-type over its base field boolean - True
label LMFDB label string - u'169.a.169.1'
eqn coefficients of minimal equation y^2+h(x)y=f(x) string representing list of 2 lists of integers, no spaces - u'[[0,0,0,0,1,1],[1,1,0,1]]
num_rat_wpts number of rational Weierstrass points integer NN_0 0
real_geom_end_alg endomorphism ring over base field tensored with RR string - u'M_2(R)'
st_group Sato-Tate group over base field string - u'E_6'
torsion_subgroup rational torsion group of the Jacobian, represented by the invariant factors [d_1, d_2, ...] for which this torsion group is isomorphic to ZZ / d_1 ZZ x ZZ / d_2 ZZ x ... string encoding list of integers, no spaces - u'[2,2,4]'
torsion_order rational torsion order of the Jacobian integer NN_0 19
two_selmer_rank 2-Selmer rank integer NN_0 0
analytic_rank analytic rank upper bound that is believed to be tight (known for rank 0 or 1) integer NN_0 0
has_square_sha assuming Sha is finite, true if the order of Sha is a square, false otherwise (in which case it is 2 times a square, by a result of Poonen-Stoll 1999) boolean - True
locally_solvable true if the curve has rational points locally everywhere (i.e. over every completion of Q, including R) boolean - True
globally_solvable 1 if known to have rational points, 0 if known to have no rational points, -1 if unknown NN 0 True

Index information for curves collection

  • abs_disc -- search/browse
  • analytic_rank -- search/browse
  • aut_grp_id -- search/browse
  • class -- list curves in isogeny class
  • cond -- search/browse
  • cond/class/disc_key/label -- sort order (all ascending)
  • disc_key -- search/browse
  • g2_inv -- list twists
  • geom_aut_grp_id -- search/browse
  • has_square_sha -- search/browse
  • is_gl2_type -- search/browse
  • is_simple_geom -- search/browse
  • label -- search
  • locally_solvable -- search/browse
  • real_geom_end_alg -- search/browse (ST^0)
  • st_group -- search/browse
  • torsion_order -- search_browse
  • torsion_subgroup -- search/browse
  • curves.rand (auxilliary collection used for random objection access)

Collection endomorphisms

  • Content: Endomorphism data for genus 2 curves over QQ.

  • Contributors: Jeroen Sijsling.

  • Origin: Code by Jeroen Sijsling

  • Extent: Data known for all curves in the genus 2 curves database.

  • The representation of the endomorphism lattice by subfields of the full field of definition of the endomorphism ring has a rather terse format. It is a list of lists, and its entries are as follows.

  • First entry: A triple that describes the base field by its LMFDB label, a list representing a minimal polynomial, and a list representing a generator in the smallest field over which all endomorphisms are defined, as described by fod_coeffs.

  • Second entry: At most two lists that indicate the factors of the endomorphism algebra. Two first entries of these lists base fields of the corresponding factors, as in the description of the first entry above. The third entry indicates whether the corresponding factor is a field or not. If -1 then it is; otherwise this entry is the norm of the discriminant of the corresponding quaternion algebra over the base field described by the first two entries.

  • Third entry: A sequence of strings describing End ox RR.

  • Fourth entry: A list that describes the endomorphism ring as a subring of the endomorphism algebra. If the second entry is -1, then the first entry gives an index or a conductor norm in the case of a field if that applies. If 0 or 1, then the first entry describes the index of the order and the second entry describes whether it is Eichler (1) or not (0).

  • Fifth entry: The Sato-Tate group.

  • The conventions above are also used in other fields.

  • For splittings of the Jacobian, we return a subfield of smallest degree over which the splitting occurs, represented as above. We also return lists that represent defining equations for the corresponding elliptic curves over that field, or rather, a and b such that the corresponding factor is isomorphic to the curve with equation y^2 = x^3 + (-a/48) x + (-b/864). LMFDB labels for these curves is also return if they exist, and conductor norms are always given.

Field Description Type of stored data Mathematical type Example of stored data Remarks
_id Mongo id ObjectId - assigned my Mongo; contains creation timestamp
factorsQQ_base description of endomorphism algebra factors over the base field list of lists - [[u'', [1, -1, 1], -1]]
factorsQQ_geom description of endomorphism algebra factors over the algebraic closure list of lists - [[u'', [0, 1], 1]]
factorsRR_base endomorphism algebra factors over the base field tensored with RR list of strings - [u'CC']
factorsRR_geom endomorphism algebra factors over the algebraic closure tensored with RR list of strings - [u'M_2(RR)']
fod_coeffs defining polynomial of the smallest field over which all endomorphisms are defined list of integers - [-1, -3, 6, 4, -5, -1, 1]
fod_label LMFDB label of the smallest field over which all endomorphisms are defined string - u'6.6.371293.1'
is_simple_base whether the curve is simple over the base field boolean - True
is_simple_geom whether the curve is simple over the algebraic closure boolean - False
label LMFDB label string - u'169.a.169.1'
lattice endomorphism lattice list of lists - [[[u'', [0, 1], [u'0', u'0', u'0', u'0', u'0', u'0']], [[u'', [1, -1, 1], -1]], [u'CC'], [1, -1], u'E_6'], ...]
ring_base endomorphism ring over the base field as a subring of the endomorphism algebra list of integers - [1, -1]
ring_geom endomorphism ring over the algebraic closure as a subring of the endomorphism algebra list of integers - [3, 1]
spl_facs_coeffs defining coefficients of the elliptic curves obtained by splitting the Jacobian list of lists - [[[u'2644', u'9457', u'-8353', u'-15597', u'1720', u'3630'], [u'207207', u'759759', u'-759759', u'-1342341', u'160160', u'316316']]]
spl_facs_condnorms conductor norms of the elliptic curves obtained by splitting the Jacobian list of integers - [1]
spl_facs_labels LMFDB labels of the elliptic curves obtained by splitting the Jacobian list of strings - [1]
spl_fod_coeffs defining polynomial of a field of minimal degree over which a splitting of the Jacobian is defined list of integers - [-1, -3, 6, 4, -5, -1, 1]
spl_fod_gen generator of a field of minimal degree over which a splitting of the Jacobian is defined, as a subfield of the smallest field over which all endomorphisms are defined list of strings - [u'0', u'1', u'0', u'0', u'0', u'0']
spl_fod_label LMFDB label of a field of minimal degree over which a splitting of the Jacobian is defined string - u'6.6.371293.1'
st_group_base Sato-Tate group over the base field string - E_6
st_group_geom Sato-Tate group over the algebraic closure (equivalently, its identity component) string - E_1
root_number root number string - u'1'
bad_lfactors bad primes and the corresponding L-factors string encoding list of pairs [p,c] where p is a bad prime and c is a list of the coefficients of the Euler factor at p - [[13, [1, 5, 13]]]

Index information for endomorphisms collection:

  • label -- lookup