Description | Local number fields |
Status | production |
Contact | John Jones |
Code | local_fields |
Collections | fields |
- Extend range?
- _id: Assigned by mongo
Example: ObjectId('4e6647840eb55b3887000003')
- n (integer): degree
Example: 6
- p (integer): prime p for the base \Q_p
Example: 11
- e (integer): ramification degree
Example: 3
- f (integer): residue field degree
Example: 2
- c (integer): valuation of the discriminant
Example: 4
- label (string): label
Example: ''
- coeffs (list of integers): coefficients of a defining polynomial, starting with the constant term
Example: [41503, 0, 0, 220, 0, 0, 1]
- aut (integer): number of automorphisms of the field
Example: 6
- gal (pair of integers): the Galois group [n, t] for nTt
Example: [6, 2]
- galT (integer): the T-number for the Galois group
Example: 2
- inertia (four-tuple, degree, whether it is transitive or not, the pair [d,t] for the degree and t-number if transitive, and optionally an html display string): inertia subgroup
Example: [3, 'i', [3, 1], 'C3']
- slopes (list of rational numbers as string): wild ramification slopes
Example: '[]'
- t (integer): tame degree for the Galois closure
Example: 3
- u (integer): degree of maximal unramified subfield of the Galois closure
Example: 2
- gms (rational number as string): Galois mean slope
Example: '2/3'
- hw (TeX string): Hasse-Witt invariant as a string
Example: '$1$'
- rf (pair of integers): root field
Example: [1, 1]
- unram (polynomial in t as a string): polynomial defining maximal unramified subfield
Example: 't^2 - t + 7'
- eisen (polynomial as string, in variable y over Q_p(t)): Eisenstein polynomial defining relative extension of this field over the maxmial unramified subfield
Example: 'y^3 - 11*t^3'
- {'_id': 1}: Created by mongo
- {'e': 1}: search by ramification index
- {'f': 1}: search by residue field degree
- {'label': 1}: search by label
- {'metadata': 1}: Created by mongo
- {'n': 1}: search by degree
- {'p': 1}: search by prime
- {'p': 1,'n': 1}: search by prime and degree