This walkthrough covers the basic setup and configuration for monitoring a NATS server using the NATS Prometheus exporter, Prometheus, and Grafana.
For this walkthrough, you'll need to install the NATS Prometheus Exporter, NATS Server, Prometheus, and Grafana
go get
You'll need Prometheus installed; refer to the Prometheus download and installation instructions.
For this walkthough you'll also need to download and install Grafana.
Ensure you are working in the walkthrough directory:
cd walkthrough
It is helpful to start four console windows, one for each component.
Be sure to include the a monitoring port:
nats-server -m 8222
Next, launch the NATS prometheus exporter. Here we configure the same monitor port we specified when launching the NATS server. If a NATS server is not running, the exporter will retry to connect to the NATS server indefinitely.
prometheus-nats-exporter -varz -jsz=all http://localhost:8222
You should see something like this:
[21690] 2017/05/02 10:10:37.461404 [INF] Prometheus exporter listening at
Prometheus will use the configuration file located in this directory.
You'll see something like this:
INFO[0000] Starting prometheus (version=1.3.1, branch=, revision=) source=main.go:75
INFO[0000] Build context (go=go1.7.3, [email protected], date=20161105-11:15:15) source=main.go:76
INFO[0000] Loading configuration file prometheus.yml source=main.go:247
INFO[0000] Loading series map and head chunks... source=storage.go:354
INFO[0000] 0 series loaded. source=storage.go:359
INFO[0000] Listening on :9090 source=web.go:240
WARN[0000] No AlertManagers configured, not dispatching any alerts source=notifier.go:176
INFO[0000] Starting target manager... source=targetmanager.go:76
For this walkthrough we use the default URL, http://localhost:9090
Start your Grafana server. Your settings may differ. Try starting with the server config included in the Grafana tarball.
grafana-server --config=/usr/local/etc/grafana/grafana.ini --homepath /usr/local/share/grafana cfg:default.paths.logs=/usr/local/var/log/grafana cfg:default.paths.plugins=/usr/local/var/lib/grafana/plugins
Note, your configuration and startup may vary
Look for a log line like this to find the Grafana URL:
INFO[05-02|10:36:04] Server Listening logger=server address= protocol=http subUrl=
Connect to Grafana, using the correct host and port. The default Grafana user is admin
and the default password is admin
Add a Prometheus data source with the following parameters:
- Name: NATS-Prometheus
- Type: Prometheus
- Url:
(default, unless changed above)
Leave the rest as defaults.
Next import the NATS dashboard, grafana-nats-dash.json
into Grafana, and associate the
Prometheus datasource you just created. You should start seeing data graph as follows (note that
selecting a view of the last five minutes will be more exciting).
Experiment running benchmarks and applications and you'll see a dashboard like the one below!
If you're using JetStream, you can import the JetStream dashboard (grafana-jetstream-dash.json
) too:
⚠️ Note for Helm Deployments: When deploying the Prometheus NATS exporter via the standard Helm charts, the metrics prefix is overridden fromgnatsd
. You can either simply do a find & replace for these prefixes and replace them in the dashboard, or use thegrafana-jetstream-dash-helm.json
file (where this has been done already).