Introduction to singly linked lists
Files | main files | Description |
0-print_list.c | 0-main.c | Write a function that prints all the elements of a list_t list. |
1-list_len.c | 1-main.c | Write a function that returns the number of elements in a linked list_t list. |
2-add_node.c | 2-main.c | Write a function that adds a new node at the beginning of a list_t list. |
3-add_node_end.c | 3-main.c | Write a function that adds a new node at the end of a list_t list. |
4-free_list.c | 4-main.c | Write a function that frees a list_t list. |
100-first.c | 100-main.c | Write a function that prints You're beat! and yet, you must allow,\nI bore my house upon my back!\n before the main function is executed. |
101-hello_holberton.asm | No main file | Write a 64-bit program in assembly that prints Hello, Holberton, followed by a new line. |
Joseph Kakai