Version 0.6.0
What's Changed
- temporary fixed protobuf version by @kan-bayashi in #366
- Fix #367 by @kan-bayashi in #369
- CVSS_C Recipe by @ftshijt in #386
- support VQ-VAE and discrete symbol models by @kan-bayashi in #387
- use isort by @kan-bayashi in #389
- Apply new black ✨ 🍰 ✨ by @kan-bayashi in #390
- Hubert-discrete symbol-based HiFiGAN with duration predictor by @ftshijt in #388
- Fixes to discrete-symbol-based vocoder by @ftshijt in #394
- fix ci by @kan-bayashi in #398
- add singing vocoder and update f0 & excitation input feats by @DrWelles in #391
- fix norm issue by @kan-bayashi in #409
- fix pyreaper installation by @kan-bayashi in #411
- fix the case when segments has different #lines from wav.scp by @kan-bayashi in #413
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.5.5...v0.6.0