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Iterator for joined relation (DBMS)

This was the project done as part of the Data-Systems course (Advanced DBMS) in 6th semester. Given M blocks of main memory available and two large relations R(X,Y) and S(Y,Z) the objective is to develop iterators for join of these relations. There are two ways of joining relations that are used.

Join Condition

R.Y == S.Y

Merge-Sort Join

The first step is to bring the block size chunk of data from relation R(X,Y) and sort it in memory based on the Y attribute. Then the sorted block is written back to the disk. This way the whole relation is transformed into a bunch of sorted sub-lists. This is also done for relation S(Y,Z). After this we initialize two pointers which point at the beginning, one for each of the relation. We compare both the tuples pointed by the pointers and take the minimum of the two. Now if the minimum obtained equals the first tuple of other relation, we output the join of these two tuples as the next tuple of the JOINED relation. Else if the minimum is less than the other tuple we advance the pointer for that relation. We also need to make sure B(R) + B(S) < M2 for the initial sorting to work.

Time Complexity

Let us denote by B(R) the number of blocks required to store relation R, by SZ(R) the size of one tuple of R and T(R) as the number of tuples of R in one block. The initial sorting requires B(R)*T(R)*log(T(R)) + B(S)*T(S)*log(T(R)). After that we need to linearly scan both the relation's sorted sub-lists, which takes B(R)*T(R) + B(S)*T(S) time.

Hash Join

The underlying idea is to hash the tuple of relations R and S based on the attribute Y. Then we are guaranteed to find tuples with same value of Y in the same bucket of the hash table. So now to generate the tuples of the JOINED relations we just need to look at one bucket at a time. We maintain a search structure over the tuples of relation which has lesser number of tuples in that bucket. Then we iterate over tuples of other relation hashed in that bucket, and output all the pairs with common value of Y attribute.

Hash Function Used

Value of mod is provided by the user, it signifies the number of buckets. A prime value (Here 31) is considered for the hash function.

def give_hash(self, y):
	# returns an integer
	power_p = 1
	p = 31
	mod = self.m
	hash_val = 0
	for char in y:
		hash_val = (hash_val + (ord(char) - 96)*power_p) % mod
        power_p = (power_p * p) % mod
	return hash_val

How to run


java -jar JoinGenerator.jar noOfrecordsinR noOfrecordsinS sizeofX sizeofY sizeofZ

Output: Two files will be generated inputR and the inputS column data separated by a single space.

python3 PathToR PathToS TypeOfJoin MainMemory