All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Released on 2016-06-11.
- Refreshed project files for cocoapods 1.0.1
- Worked out all the kinks with travis-ci to build the complete project
- Published to cocoapods.
- Still need to beef up the automated tests.
- Corrected constraint warning in example storyboard.
- Corrected build warnings for build targets where cocoapods used
${} instead of $ () - Removed version history from
- Added by William Miller.
Released on 2016-03-08.
- Updated example code with version 1.0.5.
- Added by William Miller.
Released on 2016-03-08.
- Added appledoc comments to MMSProfileImagePickerDelegate.
- Added by William Miller.
- Added file.
- Added by William Miller.
- Renamed property maxiumuZoomScale to maximumZoomScale
- Added references to articles in the
- Updated by William Miller.
- Removed commented out code that no longer applies.
- Removed by William Miller.
Released on 2016-03-08.
- Embellished and corrected comments to support appledoc.
- Updated by William Miller.
Released on 2016-03-08.
- updated documentation to conform with appledocs format.
- Updated by William Miller.
Released on 2016-03-02.
- Problems with successful travis-ci builds.
- Fixed by William Miller.
Released on 2016-02-28.
- Initial release of MMSProfileImagePicker.
- Added by William Miller.