diff --git a/core/core-api-platform/pom.xml b/core/core-api-platform/pom.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e9bd6a5b244
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api-platform/pom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ 4.0.0
+ org.tensorflow
+ parent-core
+ 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
+ core-api-platform
+ Core API Library Platform
+ core-api
+ ${project.groupId}
+ ${javacpp.moduleId}
+ ${project.version}
+ ${project.groupId}
+ ${javacpp.moduleId}
+ ${project.version}
+ ${javacpp.platform.linux-x86_64}
+ ${project.groupId}
+ ${javacpp.moduleId}
+ ${project.version}
+ ${javacpp.platform.macosx-x86_64}
+ ${project.groupId}
+ ${javacpp.moduleId}
+ ${project.version}
+ ${javacpp.platform.windows-x86_64}
+ maven-jar-plugin
+ default-jar
+ ${javacpp.moduleId}.jar ${javacpp.moduleId}-linux-x86_64.jar ${javacpp.moduleId}-macosx-x86_64.jar ${javacpp.moduleId}-windows-x86_64.jar
+ empty-javadoc-jar
+ jar
+ javadoc
+ empty-sources-jar
+ jar
+ sources
diff --git a/core/core-api/build.sh b/core/core-api/build.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..c44c8dabbaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/build.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# Script to build native TensorFlow libraries
+set -eu
+KERNEL=(`uname -s | tr [A-Z] [a-z]`)
+ARCH=(`uname -m | tr [A-Z] [a-z]`)
+case $KERNEL in
+ darwin)
+ OS=macosx
+ ;;
+ mingw32*)
+ OS=windows
+ KERNEL=windows
+ ARCH=x86
+ ;;
+ mingw64*)
+ OS=windows
+ KERNEL=windows
+ ARCH=x86_64
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+case $ARCH in
+ arm*)
+ ARCH=arm
+ ;;
+ aarch64*)
+ ARCH=arm64
+ ;;
+ i386|i486|i586|i686)
+ ARCH=x86
+ ;;
+ amd64|x86-64)
+ ARCH=x86_64
+ ;;
+echo "Detected platform \"$PLATFORM\""
+while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -platform=*)
+ PLATFORM="${1#-platform=}"
+ ;;
+ -platform)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -extension=*)
+ EXTENSION="${1#-extension=}"
+ ;;
+ -extension)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ clean)
+ echo "Cleaning build"
+ rm -Rf build
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+echo -n "Building for platform \"$PLATFORM\""
+if [[ -n "$EXTENSION" ]]; then
+ echo -n " with extension \"$EXTENSION\""
+export PYTHON_BIN_PATH=$(which python)
+export TF_ENABLE_XLA=0
+export TF_NEED_ROCM=0
+export TF_NEED_CUDA=0
+export TF_NEED_MPI=0
+export CC_OPT_FLAGS=-O3
+mkdir -p "build/$PLATFORM$EXTENSION"
+if [[ ! -e "tensorflow-$TENSORFLOW_VERSION.tar.gz" ]]; then
+ curl -L -o "tensorflow-$TENSORFLOW_VERSION.tar.gz" "https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/archive/v$TENSORFLOW_VERSION.tar.gz"
+echo "48ddba718da76df56fd4c48b4bbf4f97f254ba269ec4be67f783684c75563ef8 tensorflow-$TENSORFLOW_VERSION.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c -
+echo "Decompressing archives"
+tar --totals -xzf tensorflow-$TENSORFLOW_VERSION.tar.gz
+# Assume Bazel is available in the path: https://www.tensorflow.org/install/source
+cd tensorflow-$TENSORFLOW_VERSION
+# Run the build for both the C and Java APIs
+bash configure
+bazel build --config opt //tensorflow:tensorflow //tensorflow/java:tensorflow
+# Normalize some paths with symbolic links
+ln -sf tensorflow-$TENSORFLOW_VERSION ../tensorflow
+ln -sf libtensorflow.so.${TENSORFLOW_VERSION%-*} bazel-bin/tensorflow/libtensorflow.so
+ln -sf libtensorflow.so.${TENSORFLOW_VERSION%-*} bazel-bin/tensorflow/libtensorflow.so.2
+# Gather Java source files from everywhere
+mkdir -p ../java
+cp -r tensorflow/java/src/gen/java/* ../java
+cp -r tensorflow/java/src/main/java/* ../java
+# cp -r tensorflow/contrib/android/java/* ../java
+# cp -r tensorflow/lite/java/src/main/java/* ../java
+cp -r bazel-genfiles/tensorflow/java/ops/src/main/java/* ../java
+cp -r bazel-genfiles/tensorflow/java/_javac/tensorflow/libtensorflow_sourcegenfiles/* ../java
+# Work around loader bug in NativeLibrary.java
+sed -i="" '/TensorFlow.version/d' ../java/org/tensorflow/NativeLibrary.java
+cd ../..
diff --git a/core/core-api/pom.xml b/core/core-api/pom.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cef084c70ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/pom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+ 4.0.0
+ org.tensorflow
+ parent-core
+ 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
+ core-api
+ Core API Library
+ ${basedir}/build/${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}/tensorflow/
+ org.bytedeco
+ javacpp
+ 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT
+ com.google.guava
+ guava
+ 28.0-jre
+ true
+ com.squareup
+ javapoet
+ 1.11.1
+ true
+ org.codehaus.mojo
+ build-helper-maven-plugin
+ 3.0.0
+ add-source
+ generate-sources
+ add-source
+ ${project.basedir}/src/gen/java
+ ${project.basedir}/build/${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}/java/
+ maven-resources-plugin
+ 3.1.0
+ javacpp-parser
+ generate-sources
+ resources
+ maven-compiler-plugin
+ 3.8.0
+ 1.7
+ 1.7
+ default-compile
+ javacpp-parser
+ generate-sources
+ compile
+ org/tensorflow/c_api/presets/*.java
+ org.bytedeco
+ javacpp
+ 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT
+ ${javacpp.platform.properties}
+ platform.root
+ ${javacpp.platform.root}
+ platform.compiler
+ ${javacpp.platform.compiler}
+ platform.extension
+ ${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ ${project.build.outputDirectory}
+ ${tensorflow.path}/
+ ${tensorflow.path}/bazel-bin/tensorflow/
+ ${tensorflow.path}/tensorflow/java/src/main/native/eager_operation_builder_jni.cc
+ ${tensorflow.path}/tensorflow/java/src/main/native/eager_operation_jni.cc
+ ${tensorflow.path}/tensorflow/java/src/main/native/eager_session_jni.cc
+ ${tensorflow.path}/tensorflow/java/src/main/native/exception_jni.cc
+ ${tensorflow.path}/tensorflow/java/src/main/native/graph_jni.cc
+ ${tensorflow.path}/tensorflow/java/src/main/native/graph_operation_builder_jni.cc
+ ${tensorflow.path}/tensorflow/java/src/main/native/graph_operation_jni.cc
+ ${tensorflow.path}/tensorflow/java/src/main/native/saved_model_bundle_jni.cc
+ ${tensorflow.path}/tensorflow/java/src/main/native/server_jni.cc
+ ${tensorflow.path}/tensorflow/java/src/main/native/session_jni.cc
+ ${tensorflow.path}/tensorflow/java/src/main/native/tensorflow_jni.cc
+ ${tensorflow.path}/tensorflow/java/src/main/native/tensor_jni.cc
+ ${tensorflow.path}/tensorflow/java/src/main/native/utils_jni.cc
+ javacpp-validate
+ validate
+ build
+ ${project.basedir}/src/gen/java
+ ${project.basedir}/build/${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}/java/
+ javacpp-build
+ initialize
+ build
+ ${javacpp.build.skip}
+ bash
+ ${project.basedir}/build.sh
+ -platform=${javacpp.platform}
+ -extension=${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ ${project.basedir}
+ javacpp-clean
+ clean
+ build
+ ${javacpp.build.skip}
+ rm
+ -Rf
+ build
+ ${project.basedir}
+ javacpp-parser
+ generate-sources
+ parse
+ ${javacpp.parser.skip}
+ ${project.basedir}/src/gen/java
+ org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.*
+ javacpp-compiler
+ process-classes
+ build
+ ${project.build.directory}/native/org/tensorflow/${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}/
+ ${javacpp.compiler.skip}
+ org.tensorflow.c_api.**
+ true
+ true
+ maven-jar-plugin
+ 3.1.0
+ default-jar
+ package
+ jar
+ org/tensorflow/**
+ javacpp-${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ package
+ jar
+ ${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ true
+ org/tensorflow/${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}/
+ ${project.build.directory}/native
+ org/tensorflow/c_api/windows-*/*.exp
+ org/tensorflow/c_api/windows-*/*.lib
+ org/tensorflow/c_api/windows-*/*.obj
+ maven-source-plugin
+ 3.0.1
+ attach-sources
+ leave-disabled-to-not-generate-sources-twice-on-release
+ attach-source
+ jar-no-fork
+ maven-javadoc-plugin
+ 3.0.1
+ attach-javadocs
+ jar
+ false
+ 256m
+ 2048m
+ http://bytedeco.org/javacpp/apidocs
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Compute_func_Pointer_TF_OpKernelContext.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Compute_func_Pointer_TF_OpKernelContext.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..346430fa487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Compute_func_Pointer_TF_OpKernelContext.java
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class Compute_func_Pointer_TF_OpKernelContext extends FunctionPointer {
+ static { Loader.load(); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public Compute_func_Pointer_TF_OpKernelContext(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ protected Compute_func_Pointer_TF_OpKernelContext() { allocate(); }
+ private native void allocate();
+ public native void call(Pointer arg0, TF_OpKernelContext arg1);
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Create_func_TF_OpKernelConstruction.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Create_func_TF_OpKernelConstruction.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dc0371e0914
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Create_func_TF_OpKernelConstruction.java
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// Allocates a new kernel builder and returns a pointer to it.
+// If non-null, TensorFlow will call create_func when it needs to instantiate
+// the kernel. The pointer returned by create_func will be passed to
+// compute_func and delete_func, thereby functioning as a "this" pointer for
+// referring to kernel instances.
+// The TF_OpKernelConstruction pointer passed to create_func is owned by
+// TensorFlow and will be deleted once create_func returns. It must not be used
+// after this.
+// When TensorFlow needs to perform a computation with this kernel, it will
+// call compute_func. This function will receive the pointer returned by
+// create_func (or null if no create_func was provided), along with the inputs
+// to the computation.
+// The TF_OpKernelContext pointer received by compute_func is owned by
+// TensorFlow and will be deleted once compute_func returns. It must not be used
+// after this.
+// Finally, when TensorFlow no longer needs the kernel, it will call
+// delete_func if one is provided. This function will receive the pointer
+// returned in `create_func` or nullptr if no `create_func` was provided.
+// The caller should pass the result of this function to
+// TF_RegisterKernelBuilder, which will take ownership of the pointer. If, for
+// some reason, the kernel builder will not be registered, the caller should
+// delete it with TF_DeleteKernelBuilder.
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class Create_func_TF_OpKernelConstruction extends FunctionPointer {
+ static { Loader.load(); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public Create_func_TF_OpKernelConstruction(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ protected Create_func_TF_OpKernelConstruction() { allocate(); }
+ private native void allocate();
+ public native Pointer call(TF_OpKernelConstruction arg0);
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Deallocator_Pointer_long_Pointer.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Deallocator_Pointer_long_Pointer.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8bc949874de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Deallocator_Pointer_long_Pointer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// Return a new tensor that holds the bytes data[0,len-1].
+// The data will be deallocated by a subsequent call to TF_DeleteTensor via:
+// (*deallocator)(data, len, deallocator_arg)
+// Clients must provide a custom deallocator function so they can pass in
+// memory managed by something like numpy.
+// May return NULL (and invoke the deallocator) if the provided data buffer
+// (data, len) is inconsistent with a tensor of the given TF_DataType
+// and the shape specified by (dima, num_dims).
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class Deallocator_Pointer_long_Pointer extends FunctionPointer {
+ static { Loader.load(); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public Deallocator_Pointer_long_Pointer(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ protected Deallocator_Pointer_long_Pointer() { allocate(); }
+ private native void allocate();
+ public native void call(Pointer data, @Cast("size_t") long len, Pointer arg);
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Delete_func_Pointer.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Delete_func_Pointer.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bd93cbfca7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Delete_func_Pointer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class Delete_func_Pointer extends FunctionPointer {
+ static { Loader.load(); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public Delete_func_Pointer(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ protected Delete_func_Pointer() { allocate(); }
+ private native void allocate();
+ public native void call(Pointer arg0);
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Listener_BytePointer.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Listener_BytePointer.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..95ca9a8fa0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Listener_BytePointer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// Register a listener method that processes printed messages.
+// If any listeners are registered, the print operator will call all listeners
+// with the printed messages and immediately return without writing to the
+// logs.
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class Listener_BytePointer extends FunctionPointer {
+ static { Loader.load(); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public Listener_BytePointer(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ protected Listener_BytePointer() { allocate(); }
+ private native void allocate();
+ public native void call(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer arg0);
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Listener_String.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Listener_String.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4362be177a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Listener_String.java
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class Listener_String extends FunctionPointer {
+ static { Loader.load(); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public Listener_String(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ protected Listener_String() { allocate(); }
+ private native void allocate();
+ public native void call(String arg0);
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Shape_inference_func_TF_ShapeInferenceContext_TF_Status.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Shape_inference_func_TF_ShapeInferenceContext_TF_Status.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bc957436bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Shape_inference_func_TF_ShapeInferenceContext_TF_Status.java
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// Sets the shape inference function for the op.
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class Shape_inference_func_TF_ShapeInferenceContext_TF_Status extends FunctionPointer {
+ static { Loader.load(); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public Shape_inference_func_TF_ShapeInferenceContext_TF_Status(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ protected Shape_inference_func_TF_ShapeInferenceContext_TF_Status() { allocate(); }
+ private native void allocate();
+ public native void call(TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx,
+ TF_Status status);
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TFE_Context.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TFE_Context.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..26ac7d26964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TFE_Context.java
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// "Context" under which operations/functions are executed. It encapsulates
+// things like the available devices, resource manager etc.
+// TFE_Context must outlive all tensor handles created using it. In other
+// words, TFE_DeleteContext() must be called after all tensor handles have
+// been deleted (with TFE_DeleteTensorHandle).
+// TODO(ashankar): Merge with TF_Session?
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TFE_Context extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TFE_Context() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TFE_Context(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TFE_ContextOptions.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TFE_ContextOptions.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8c928040dfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TFE_ContextOptions.java
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// #endif
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TFE_ContextOptions extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TFE_ContextOptions() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TFE_ContextOptions(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TFE_Op.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TFE_Op.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..89ffde06592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TFE_Op.java
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// Description of the TensorFlow op to execute.
+// Assumes that the provided 'ctx' outlives the returned TFE_Op, i.e.,
+// TFE_DeleteOp() is called before TFE_DeleteContext().
+// Very similar to TF_OperationDescription with some differences:
+// (1) TF_Output or TFE_TensorHandle* as arguments to TF_AddInput,
+// TF_AddInputList
+// (2) TF_ColocateWith, TF_AddControlInput etc. do not make sense.
+// (3) Implementation detail: Avoid use of NodeBuilder/NodeDefBuilder since
+// the additional sanity checks there seem unnecessary;
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TFE_Op extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TFE_Op() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TFE_Op(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TFE_TensorDebugInfo.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TFE_TensorDebugInfo.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cee8f05a12c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TFE_TensorDebugInfo.java
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// Debugging/Profiling information for TFE_TensorHandle
+// TFE_TensorDebugInfo contains information useful for debugging and
+// profiling tensors.
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TFE_TensorDebugInfo extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TFE_TensorDebugInfo() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TFE_TensorDebugInfo(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TFE_TensorHandle.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TFE_TensorHandle.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c1cce9d004a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TFE_TensorHandle.java
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// A handle to a tensor on a device.
+// Like a TF_Tensor, a TFE_TensorHandle refers to a tensor with a value, shape,
+// type etc. Unlike a TF_Tensor, a TFE_TensorHandle may refer to such tensors
+// placed in memory of different devices or remote address spaces.
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TFE_TensorHandle extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TFE_TensorHandle() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TFE_TensorHandle(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_ApiDefMap.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_ApiDefMap.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..95aa8915044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_ApiDefMap.java
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// TF_ApiDefMap encapsulates a collection of API definitions for an operation.
+// This object maps the name of a TensorFlow operation to a description of the
+// API to generate for it, as defined by the ApiDef protocol buffer (
+// https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/framework/api_def.proto)
+// The ApiDef messages are typically used to generate convenience wrapper
+// functions for TensorFlow operations in various language bindings.
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_ApiDefMap extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_ApiDefMap() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_ApiDefMap(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_AttrMetadata.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_AttrMetadata.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..54e5584daea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_AttrMetadata.java
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// TF_AttrMetadata describes the value of an attribute on an operation.
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_AttrMetadata extends Pointer {
+ static { Loader.load(); }
+ /** Default native constructor. */
+ public TF_AttrMetadata() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
+ /** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
+ public TF_AttrMetadata(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_AttrMetadata(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ private native void allocate();
+ private native void allocateArray(long size);
+ @Override public TF_AttrMetadata position(long position) {
+ return (TF_AttrMetadata)super.position(position);
+ }
+ // A boolean: 1 if the attribute value is a list, 0 otherwise.
+ public native @Cast("unsigned char") byte is_list(); public native TF_AttrMetadata is_list(byte setter);
+ // Length of the list if is_list is true. Undefined otherwise.
+ public native @Cast("int64_t") long list_size(); public native TF_AttrMetadata list_size(long setter);
+ // Type of elements of the list if is_list != 0.
+ // Type of the single value stored in the attribute if is_list == 0.
+ public native @Cast("TF_AttrType") int type(); public native TF_AttrMetadata type(int setter);
+ // Total size the attribute value.
+ // The units of total_size depend on is_list and type.
+ // (1) If type == TF_ATTR_STRING and is_list == 0
+ // then total_size is the byte size of the string
+ // valued attribute.
+ // (2) If type == TF_ATTR_STRING and is_list == 1
+ // then total_size is the cumulative byte size
+ // of all the strings in the list.
+ // (3) If type == TF_ATTR_SHAPE and is_list == 0
+ // then total_size is the number of dimensions
+ // of the shape valued attribute, or -1
+ // if its rank is unknown.
+ // (4) If type == TF_ATTR_SHAPE and is_list == 1
+ // then total_size is the cumulative number
+ // of dimensions of all shapes in the list.
+ // (5) Otherwise, total_size is undefined.
+ public native @Cast("int64_t") long total_size(); public native TF_AttrMetadata total_size(long setter);
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Buffer.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Buffer.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..038fbbb78c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Buffer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TF_Buffer holds a pointer to a block of data and its associated length.
+// Typically, the data consists of a serialized protocol buffer, but other data
+// may also be held in a buffer.
+// By default, TF_Buffer itself does not do any memory management of the
+// pointed-to block. If need be, users of this struct should specify how to
+// deallocate the block by setting the `data_deallocator` function pointer.
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_Buffer extends org.tensorflow.c_api.AbstractTF_Buffer {
+ static { Loader.load(); }
+ /** Default native constructor. */
+ public TF_Buffer() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
+ /** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
+ public TF_Buffer(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_Buffer(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ private native void allocate();
+ private native void allocateArray(long size);
+ @Override public TF_Buffer position(long position) {
+ return (TF_Buffer)super.position(position);
+ }
+ public native @Const Pointer data(); public native TF_Buffer data(Pointer data);
+ public native @Cast("size_t") long length(); public native TF_Buffer length(long setter);
+ public static class Data_deallocator_Pointer_long extends FunctionPointer {
+ static { Loader.load(); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public Data_deallocator_Pointer_long(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ protected Data_deallocator_Pointer_long() { allocate(); }
+ private native void allocate();
+ public native void call(Pointer data, @Cast("size_t") long length);
+ }
+ public native Data_deallocator_Pointer_long data_deallocator(); public native TF_Buffer data_deallocator(Data_deallocator_Pointer_long setter);
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_DeprecatedSession.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_DeprecatedSession.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f81294a6bf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_DeprecatedSession.java
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// The deprecated session API. Please switch to the above instead of
+// TF_ExtendGraph(). This deprecated API can be removed at any time without
+// notice.
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_DeprecatedSession extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_DeprecatedSession() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_DeprecatedSession(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_DeviceList.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_DeviceList.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f5d4047871f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_DeviceList.java
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_DeviceList extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_DeviceList() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_DeviceList(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_DimensionHandle.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_DimensionHandle.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..37419b48100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_DimensionHandle.java
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// #endif
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_DimensionHandle extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_DimensionHandle() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_DimensionHandle(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_FileStatistics.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_FileStatistics.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2fa8175df35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_FileStatistics.java
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_FileStatistics extends Pointer {
+ static { Loader.load(); }
+ /** Default native constructor. */
+ public TF_FileStatistics() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
+ /** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
+ public TF_FileStatistics(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_FileStatistics(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ private native void allocate();
+ private native void allocateArray(long size);
+ @Override public TF_FileStatistics position(long position) {
+ return (TF_FileStatistics)super.position(position);
+ }
+ // The length of the file in bytes.
+ public native @Cast("int64_t") long length(); public native TF_FileStatistics length(long setter);
+ // The last modified time in nanoseconds.
+ public native @Cast("int64_t") long mtime_nsec(); public native TF_FileStatistics mtime_nsec(long setter);
+ // Whether the name refers to a directory.
+ public native @Cast("bool") boolean is_directory(); public native TF_FileStatistics is_directory(boolean setter);
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Function.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Function.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..79f4900bb7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Function.java
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// TF_Function is a grouping of operations with defined inputs and outputs.
+// Once created and added to graphs, functions can be invoked by creating an
+// operation whose operation type matches the function name.
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_Function extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_Function() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_Function(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_FunctionOptions.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_FunctionOptions.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..361dc579d97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_FunctionOptions.java
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// Function definition options. TODO(iga): Define and implement
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_FunctionOptions extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_FunctionOptions() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_FunctionOptions(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Graph.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Graph.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..083646361dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Graph.java
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// TODO(jeff,sanjay):
+// - export functions to set Config fields
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// The new graph construction API, still under development.
+// Represents a computation graph. Graphs may be shared between sessions.
+// Graphs are thread-safe when used as directed below.
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_Graph extends org.tensorflow.c_api.AbstractTF_Graph {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_Graph() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_Graph(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_ImportGraphDefOptions.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_ImportGraphDefOptions.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..da3909383df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_ImportGraphDefOptions.java
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// TF_ImportGraphDefOptions holds options that can be passed to
+// TF_GraphImportGraphDef.
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_ImportGraphDefOptions extends org.tensorflow.c_api.AbstractTF_ImportGraphDefOptions {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_ImportGraphDefOptions() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_ImportGraphDefOptions(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_ImportGraphDefResults.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_ImportGraphDefResults.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b7223914efb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_ImportGraphDefResults.java
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// TF_ImportGraphDefResults holds results that are generated by
+// TF_GraphImportGraphDefWithResults().
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_ImportGraphDefResults extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_ImportGraphDefResults() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_ImportGraphDefResults(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Input.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Input.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a2b31d65209
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Input.java
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// Represents a specific input of an operation.
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_Input extends Pointer {
+ static { Loader.load(); }
+ /** Default native constructor. */
+ public TF_Input() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
+ /** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
+ public TF_Input(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_Input(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ private native void allocate();
+ private native void allocateArray(long size);
+ @Override public TF_Input position(long position) {
+ return (TF_Input)super.position(position);
+ }
+ public native TF_Operation oper(); public native TF_Input oper(TF_Operation setter);
+ public native int index(); public native TF_Input index(int setter); // The index of the input within oper.
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_KernelBuilder.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_KernelBuilder.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ebcf938cdff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_KernelBuilder.java
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// C API for TensorFlow Kernels.
+// This API allows developers to register custom kernel implementations for
+// TensorFlow.
+// See c_api.h header comments for a discussion about API conventions.
+// Users wishing to extend TensorFlow with new kernels will call
+// `TF_NewKernelBuilder`. The resulting kernel builder can be registered with
+// `TF_RegisterKernelBuilder`, which will allow TF to construct user-provided
+// kernels when necessary.
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_KernelBuilder extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_KernelBuilder() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_KernelBuilder(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Library.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Library.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6060c1442d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Library.java
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Load plugins containing custom ops and kernels
+// TF_Library holds information about dynamically loaded TensorFlow plugins.
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_Library extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_Library() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_Library(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_OpDefinitionBuilder.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_OpDefinitionBuilder.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4c4e4e47fab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_OpDefinitionBuilder.java
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_OpDefinitionBuilder extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_OpDefinitionBuilder() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_OpDefinitionBuilder(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_OpKernelConstruction.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_OpKernelConstruction.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4b24fd43150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_OpKernelConstruction.java
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_OpKernelConstruction extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_OpKernelConstruction() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_OpKernelConstruction(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_OpKernelContext.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_OpKernelContext.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3c6264ab7f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_OpKernelContext.java
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_OpKernelContext extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_OpKernelContext() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_OpKernelContext(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Operation.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Operation.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6f4ed5be54a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Operation.java
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// Operation that has been added to the graph. Valid until the graph is
+// deleted -- in particular adding a new operation to the graph does not
+// invalidate old TF_Operation* pointers.
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_Operation extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_Operation() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_Operation(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_OperationDescription.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_OperationDescription.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3bf1ba1c1d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_OperationDescription.java
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// Operation being built. The underlying graph must outlive this.
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_OperationDescription extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_OperationDescription() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_OperationDescription(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Output.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Output.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f94ab45efd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Output.java
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// Represents a specific output of an operation.
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_Output extends Pointer {
+ static { Loader.load(); }
+ /** Default native constructor. */
+ public TF_Output() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
+ /** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
+ public TF_Output(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_Output(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ private native void allocate();
+ private native void allocateArray(long size);
+ @Override public TF_Output position(long position) {
+ return (TF_Output)super.position(position);
+ }
+ public native TF_Operation oper(); public native TF_Output oper(TF_Operation setter);
+ public native int index(); public native TF_Output index(int setter); // The index of the output within oper.
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Server.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Server.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..42c261ec105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Server.java
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// In-process TensorFlow server functionality, for use in distributed training.
+// A Server instance encapsulates a set of devices and a Session target that
+// can participate in distributed training. A server belongs to a cluster
+// (specified by a ClusterSpec), and corresponds to a particular task in a
+// named job. The server can communicate with any other server in the same
+// cluster.
+// In-process TensorFlow server.
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_Server extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_Server() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_Server(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Session.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Session.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7ff423be388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Session.java
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// TODO(josh11b): Register OpDef, available to all operations added
+// to this graph.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// API for driving Graph execution.
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_Session extends org.tensorflow.c_api.AbstractTF_Session {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_Session() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_Session(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_SessionOptions.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_SessionOptions.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d65175cf6a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_SessionOptions.java
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TF_SessionOptions holds options that can be passed during session creation.
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_SessionOptions extends org.tensorflow.c_api.AbstractTF_SessionOptions {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_SessionOptions() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_SessionOptions(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_ShapeHandle.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_ShapeHandle.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ac16fca4303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_ShapeHandle.java
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_ShapeHandle extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_ShapeHandle() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_ShapeHandle(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_ShapeInferenceContext.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_ShapeInferenceContext.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a7fb315d649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_ShapeInferenceContext.java
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_ShapeInferenceContext extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_ShapeInferenceContext() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_ShapeInferenceContext(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Status.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Status.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d06e4081dba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Status.java
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// #endif
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_Status extends org.tensorflow.c_api.AbstractTF_Status {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_Status() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_Status(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_StringStream.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_StringStream.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..950d0b2ceab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_StringStream.java
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_StringStream extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_StringStream() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_StringStream(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Tensor.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Tensor.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5c54346d61a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Tensor.java
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// #endif
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TF_Tensor holds a multi-dimensional array of elements of a single data type.
+// For all types other than TF_STRING, the data buffer stores elements
+// in row major order. E.g. if data is treated as a vector of TF_DataType:
+// element 0: index (0, ..., 0)
+// element 1: index (0, ..., 1)
+// ...
+// The format for TF_STRING tensors is:
+// start_offset: array[uint64]
+// data: byte[...]
+// The string length (as a varint), followed by the contents of the string
+// is encoded at data[start_offset[i]]]. TF_StringEncode and TF_StringDecode
+// facilitate this encoding.
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_Tensor extends org.tensorflow.c_api.AbstractTF_Tensor {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_Tensor() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_Tensor(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Thread.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Thread.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fcef8e2febf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_Thread.java
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_Thread extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_Thread() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_Thread(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_ThreadOptions.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_ThreadOptions.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2438e43d6b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_ThreadOptions.java
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_ThreadOptions extends Pointer {
+ static { Loader.load(); }
+ /** Default native constructor. */
+ public TF_ThreadOptions() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
+ /** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
+ public TF_ThreadOptions(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_ThreadOptions(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ private native void allocate();
+ private native void allocateArray(long size);
+ @Override public TF_ThreadOptions position(long position) {
+ return (TF_ThreadOptions)super.position(position);
+ }
+ // Thread stack size to use (in bytes), zero implies that the system default
+ // will be used.
+ public native @Cast("size_t") long stack_size(); public native TF_ThreadOptions stack_size(long setter);
+ // Guard area size to use near thread stacks to use (in bytes), zero implies
+ // that the system default will be used.
+ public native @Cast("size_t") long guard_size(); public native TF_ThreadOptions guard_size(long setter);
+ // The NUMA node to use, -1 implies that there should be no NUMA affinity for
+ // this thread.
+ public native int numa_node(); public native TF_ThreadOptions numa_node(int setter);
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_WhileParams.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_WhileParams.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0d7fb463d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_WhileParams.java
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_WhileParams extends Pointer {
+ static { Loader.load(); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_WhileParams(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ // The number of inputs to the while loop, i.e. the number of loop variables.
+ // This is the size of cond_inputs, body_inputs, and body_outputs.
+ @MemberGetter public native int ninputs();
+ // The while condition graph. The inputs are the current values of the loop
+ // variables. The output should be a scalar boolean.
+ @MemberGetter public native TF_Graph cond_graph();
+ @MemberGetter public native @Const TF_Output cond_inputs();
+ public native @ByRef TF_Output cond_output(); public native TF_WhileParams cond_output(TF_Output setter);
+ // The loop body graph. The inputs are the current values of the loop
+ // variables. The outputs are the updated values of the loop variables.
+ @MemberGetter public native TF_Graph body_graph();
+ @MemberGetter public native @Const TF_Output body_inputs();
+ @MemberGetter public native TF_Output body_outputs();
+ // Unique null-terminated name for this while loop. This is used as a prefix
+ // for created operations.
+ public native @Cast("const char*") BytePointer name(); public native TF_WhileParams name(BytePointer setter);
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_WritableFileHandle.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_WritableFileHandle.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f1e12524f3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/TF_WritableFileHandle.java
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// #endif
+@Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class TF_WritableFileHandle extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public TF_WritableFileHandle() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public TF_WritableFileHandle(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Tensor.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Tensor.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8b8acadd471
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Tensor.java
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+ /* end extern "C" */
+// #endif
+// #ifdef __cplusplus
+// A workaround to ease conversion to and from numpy objects and
+// TFE_TensorHandle's.
+// TODO(ashankar): Figure out an alternative scheme that precludes the need for
+// these API-boundary breaking methods.
+@Namespace("tensorflow") @Opaque @Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class Tensor extends Pointer {
+ /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
+ public Tensor() { super((Pointer)null); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public Tensor(Pointer p) { super(p); }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Work_func_Pointer.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Work_func_Pointer.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..45eac347a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/Work_func_Pointer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+// Returns a new thread that is running work_func and is identified
+// (for debugging/performance-analysis) by thread_name.
+// The given param (which may be null) is passed to work_func when the thread
+// starts. In this way, data may be passed from the thread back to the caller.
+// Caller takes ownership of the result and must call TF_JoinThread on it
+// eventually.
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public class Work_func_Pointer extends FunctionPointer {
+ static { Loader.load(); }
+ /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
+ public Work_func_Pointer(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ protected Work_func_Pointer() { allocate(); }
+ private native void allocate();
+ public native void call(Pointer arg0);
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/global/tensorflow.java b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/global/tensorflow.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bff806915b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/gen/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/global/tensorflow.java
@@ -0,0 +1,4200 @@
+// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
+package org.tensorflow.c_api.global;
+import org.tensorflow.c_api.*;
+import java.nio.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
+public class tensorflow extends org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow {
+ static { Loader.load(); }
+// Parsed from tensorflow/c/tf_attrtype.h
+/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+// #ifdef __cplusplus
+// #endif
+// TF_AttrType describes the type of the value of an attribute on an operation.
+/** enum TF_AttrType */
+public static final int
+ TF_ATTR_INT = 1,
+// #ifdef __cplusplus /* end extern "C" */
+// #endif
+// Parsed from tensorflow/c/tf_datatype.h
+/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+// #include
+// Macro to control visibility of exported symbols in the shared library (.so,
+// .dylib, .dll).
+// This duplicates the TF_EXPORT macro definition in
+// tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h in order to keep this .h file independent
+// of any other includes.
+// #ifdef SWIG
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT
+// #else
+// #if defined(_WIN32)
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+// #else
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+// #endif // TF_COMPILE_LIBRARY
+// #else
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
+// #endif // _WIN32
+// #endif // SWIG
+// #ifdef __cplusplus
+// #endif
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TF_DataType holds the type for a scalar value. E.g., one slot in a tensor.
+// The enum values here are identical to corresponding values in types.proto.
+/** enum TF_DataType */
+public static final int
+ TF_FLOAT = 1,
+ TF_DOUBLE = 2,
+ TF_INT32 = 3, // Int32 tensors are always in 'host' memory.
+ TF_UINT8 = 4,
+ TF_INT16 = 5,
+ TF_INT8 = 6,
+ TF_STRING = 7,
+ TF_COMPLEX64 = 8, // Single-precision complex
+ TF_COMPLEX = 8, // Old identifier kept for API backwards compatibility
+ TF_INT64 = 9,
+ TF_BOOL = 10,
+ TF_QINT8 = 11, // Quantized int8
+ TF_QUINT8 = 12, // Quantized uint8
+ TF_QINT32 = 13, // Quantized int32
+ TF_BFLOAT16 = 14, // Float32 truncated to 16 bits. Only for cast ops.
+ TF_QINT16 = 15, // Quantized int16
+ TF_QUINT16 = 16, // Quantized uint16
+ TF_UINT16 = 17,
+ TF_COMPLEX128 = 18, // Double-precision complex
+ TF_HALF = 19,
+ TF_VARIANT = 21,
+ TF_UINT32 = 22,
+ TF_UINT64 = 23;
+// TF_DataTypeSize returns the sizeof() for the underlying type corresponding
+// to the given TF_DataType enum value. Returns 0 for variable length types
+// (eg. TF_STRING) or on failure.
+public static native @Cast("size_t") long TF_DataTypeSize(@Cast("TF_DataType") int dt);
+// #ifdef __cplusplus /* end extern "C" */
+// #endif
+// Parsed from tensorflow/c/tf_status.h
+/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+// #ifdef SWIG
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT
+// #else
+// #if defined(_WIN32)
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+// #else
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+// #endif // TF_COMPILE_LIBRARY
+// #else
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
+// #endif // _WIN32
+// #endif // SWIG
+// #ifdef __cplusplus
+// Targeting ../TF_Status.java
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TF_Code holds an error code. The enum values here are identical to
+// corresponding values in error_codes.proto.
+/** enum TF_Code */
+public static final int
+ TF_OK = 0,
+ TF_ABORTED = 10,
+ TF_DATA_LOSS = 15;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Return a new status object.
+public static native TF_Status TF_NewStatus();
+// Delete a previously created status object.
+public static native void TF_DeleteStatus(TF_Status arg0);
+// Record in *s. Any previous information is lost.
+// A common use is to clear a status: TF_SetStatus(s, TF_OK, "");
+public static native void TF_SetStatus(TF_Status s, @Cast("TF_Code") int code,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer msg);
+public static native void TF_SetStatus(TF_Status s, @Cast("TF_Code") int code,
+ String msg);
+// Return the code record in *s.
+public static native @Cast("TF_Code") int TF_GetCode(@Const TF_Status s);
+// Return a pointer to the (null-terminated) error message in *s. The
+// return value points to memory that is only usable until the next
+// mutation to *s. Always returns an empty string if TF_GetCode(s) is
+// TF_OK.
+public static native @Cast("const char*") BytePointer TF_Message(@Const TF_Status s);
+// #ifdef __cplusplus /* end extern "C" */
+// #endif
+// Parsed from tensorflow/c/tf_tensor.h
+/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+// #include
+// #include
+// #include "tensorflow/c/tf_datatype.h"
+// #include "tensorflow/c/tf_status.h"
+// Macro to control visibility of exported symbols in the shared library (.so,
+// .dylib, .dll).
+// This duplicates the TF_EXPORT macro definition in
+// tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h in order to keep this .h file independent
+// of any other includes.
+// #ifdef SWIG
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT
+// #else
+// #if defined(_WIN32)
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+// #else
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+// #endif // TF_COMPILE_LIBRARY
+// #else
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
+// #endif // _WIN32
+// #endif // SWIG
+// #ifdef __cplusplus
+// Targeting ../TF_Tensor.java
+// Targeting ../Deallocator_Pointer_long_Pointer.java
+public static native TF_Tensor TF_NewTensor(
+ @Cast("TF_DataType") int arg0, @Cast("const int64_t*") LongPointer dims, int num_dims, Pointer data, @Cast("size_t") long len,
+ Deallocator_Pointer_long_Pointer deallocator,
+ Pointer deallocator_arg);
+public static native TF_Tensor TF_NewTensor(
+ @Cast("TF_DataType") int arg0, @Cast("const int64_t*") LongBuffer dims, int num_dims, Pointer data, @Cast("size_t") long len,
+ Deallocator_Pointer_long_Pointer deallocator,
+ Pointer deallocator_arg);
+public static native TF_Tensor TF_NewTensor(
+ @Cast("TF_DataType") int arg0, @Cast("const int64_t*") long[] dims, int num_dims, Pointer data, @Cast("size_t") long len,
+ Deallocator_Pointer_long_Pointer deallocator,
+ Pointer deallocator_arg);
+// Allocate and return a new Tensor.
+// This function is an alternative to TF_NewTensor and should be used when
+// memory is allocated to pass the Tensor to the C API. The allocated memory
+// satisfies TensorFlow's memory alignment preferences and should be preferred
+// over calling malloc and free.
+// The caller must set the Tensor values by writing them to the pointer returned
+// by TF_TensorData with length TF_TensorByteSize.
+public static native TF_Tensor TF_AllocateTensor(@Cast("TF_DataType") int arg0,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongPointer dims,
+ int num_dims, @Cast("size_t") long len);
+public static native TF_Tensor TF_AllocateTensor(@Cast("TF_DataType") int arg0,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongBuffer dims,
+ int num_dims, @Cast("size_t") long len);
+public static native TF_Tensor TF_AllocateTensor(@Cast("TF_DataType") int arg0,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") long[] dims,
+ int num_dims, @Cast("size_t") long len);
+// Deletes `tensor` and returns a new TF_Tensor with the same content if
+// possible. Returns nullptr and leaves `tensor` untouched if not.
+public static native TF_Tensor TF_TensorMaybeMove(TF_Tensor tensor);
+// Destroy a tensor.
+public static native void TF_DeleteTensor(TF_Tensor arg0);
+// Return the type of a tensor element.
+public static native @Cast("TF_DataType") int TF_TensorType(@Const TF_Tensor arg0);
+// Return the number of dimensions that the tensor has.
+public static native int TF_NumDims(@Const TF_Tensor arg0);
+// Return the length of the tensor in the "dim_index" dimension.
+// REQUIRES: 0 <= dim_index < TF_NumDims(tensor)
+public static native @Cast("int64_t") long TF_Dim(@Const TF_Tensor tensor, int dim_index);
+// Return the size of the underlying data in bytes.
+public static native @Cast("size_t") long TF_TensorByteSize(@Const TF_Tensor arg0);
+// Return a pointer to the underlying data buffer.
+public static native Pointer TF_TensorData(@Const TF_Tensor arg0);
+// Returns the number of elements in the tensor.
+public static native @Cast("int64_t") long TF_TensorElementCount(@Const TF_Tensor tensor);
+// Copy the internal data representation of `from` to `to`. `new_dims` and
+// `num_new_dims` specify the new shape of the `to` tensor, `type` specifies its
+// data type. On success, *status is set to TF_OK and the two tensors share the
+// same data buffer.
+// This call requires that the `from` tensor and the given type and shape (dims
+// and num_dims) are "compatible" (i.e. they occupy the same number of bytes).
+// Specifically, given from_type_size = TF_DataTypeSize(TF_TensorType(from)):
+// ShapeElementCount(dims, num_dims) * TF_DataTypeSize(type)
+// must equal
+// TF_TensorElementCount(from) * from_type_size
+// where TF_ShapeElementCount would be the number of elements in a tensor with
+// the given shape.
+// In addition, this function requires:
+// * TF_DataTypeSize(TF_TensorType(from)) != 0
+// * TF_DataTypeSize(type) != 0
+// If any of the requirements are not met, *status is set to
+public static native void TF_TensorBitcastFrom(@Const TF_Tensor from,
+ @Cast("TF_DataType") int type, TF_Tensor to,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongPointer new_dims,
+ int num_new_dims,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_TensorBitcastFrom(@Const TF_Tensor from,
+ @Cast("TF_DataType") int type, TF_Tensor to,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongBuffer new_dims,
+ int num_new_dims,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_TensorBitcastFrom(@Const TF_Tensor from,
+ @Cast("TF_DataType") int type, TF_Tensor to,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") long[] new_dims,
+ int num_new_dims,
+ TF_Status status);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Encode the string `src` (`src_len` bytes long) into `dst` in the format
+// required by TF_STRING tensors. Does not write to memory more than `dst_len`
+// bytes beyond `*dst`. `dst_len` should be at least
+// TF_StringEncodedSize(src_len).
+// On success returns the size in bytes of the encoded string.
+// Returns an error into `status` otherwise.
+public static native @Cast("size_t") long TF_StringEncode(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer src, @Cast("size_t") long src_len,
+ @Cast("char*") BytePointer dst, @Cast("size_t") long dst_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("size_t") long TF_StringEncode(String src, @Cast("size_t") long src_len,
+ @Cast("char*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast("size_t") long dst_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("size_t") long TF_StringEncode(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer src, @Cast("size_t") long src_len,
+ @Cast("char*") byte[] dst, @Cast("size_t") long dst_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("size_t") long TF_StringEncode(String src, @Cast("size_t") long src_len,
+ @Cast("char*") BytePointer dst, @Cast("size_t") long dst_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("size_t") long TF_StringEncode(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer src, @Cast("size_t") long src_len,
+ @Cast("char*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast("size_t") long dst_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("size_t") long TF_StringEncode(String src, @Cast("size_t") long src_len,
+ @Cast("char*") byte[] dst, @Cast("size_t") long dst_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Decode a string encoded using TF_StringEncode.
+// On success, sets `*dst` to the start of the decoded string and `*dst_len` to
+// its length. Returns the number of bytes starting at `src` consumed while
+// decoding. `*dst` points to memory within the encoded buffer. On failure,
+// `*dst` and `*dst_len` are undefined and an error is set in `status`.
+// Does not read memory more than `src_len` bytes beyond `src`.
+public static native @Cast("size_t") long TF_StringDecode(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer src, @Cast("size_t") long src_len,
+ @Cast("const char**") PointerPointer dst, @Cast("size_t*") SizeTPointer dst_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("size_t") long TF_StringDecode(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer src, @Cast("size_t") long src_len,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer dst, @Cast("size_t*") SizeTPointer dst_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("size_t") long TF_StringDecode(String src, @Cast("size_t") long src_len,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer dst, @Cast("size_t*") SizeTPointer dst_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("size_t") long TF_StringDecode(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer src, @Cast("size_t") long src_len,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] dst, @Cast("size_t*") SizeTPointer dst_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("size_t") long TF_StringDecode(String src, @Cast("size_t") long src_len,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer dst, @Cast("size_t*") SizeTPointer dst_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("size_t") long TF_StringDecode(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer src, @Cast("size_t") long src_len,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer dst, @Cast("size_t*") SizeTPointer dst_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("size_t") long TF_StringDecode(String src, @Cast("size_t") long src_len,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] dst, @Cast("size_t*") SizeTPointer dst_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Return the size in bytes required to encode a string `len` bytes long into a
+// TF_STRING tensor.
+public static native @Cast("size_t") long TF_StringEncodedSize(@Cast("size_t") long len);
+// Returns bool iff this tensor is aligned.
+public static native @Cast("bool") boolean TF_TensorIsAligned(@Const TF_Tensor arg0);
+// #ifdef __cplusplus /* end extern "C" */
+// #endif
+// Parsed from tensorflow/c/c_api.h
+/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+// #ifndef TENSORFLOW_C_C_API_H_
+// #define TENSORFLOW_C_C_API_H_
+// #include
+// #include
+// #include "tensorflow/c/tf_attrtype.h"
+// #include "tensorflow/c/tf_datatype.h"
+// #include "tensorflow/c/tf_status.h"
+// #include "tensorflow/c/tf_tensor.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// C API for TensorFlow.
+// The API leans towards simplicity and uniformity instead of convenience
+// since most usage will be by language specific wrappers.
+// Conventions:
+// * We use the prefix TF_ for everything in the API.
+// * Objects are always passed around as pointers to opaque structs
+// and these structs are allocated/deallocated via the API.
+// * TF_Status holds error information. It is an object type
+// and therefore is passed around as a pointer to an opaque
+// struct as mentioned above.
+// * Every call that has a TF_Status* argument clears it on success
+// and fills it with error info on failure.
+// * unsigned char is used for booleans (instead of the 'bool' type).
+// In C++ bool is a keyword while in C99 bool is a macro defined
+// in stdbool.h. It is possible for the two to be inconsistent.
+// For example, neither the C99 nor the C++11 standard force a byte
+// size on the bool type, so the macro defined in stdbool.h could
+// be inconsistent with the bool keyword in C++. Thus, the use
+// of stdbool.h is avoided and unsigned char is used instead.
+// * size_t is used to represent byte sizes of objects that are
+// materialized in the address space of the calling process.
+// * int is used as an index into arrays.
+// * Deletion functions are safe to call on nullptr.
+// Questions left to address:
+// * Might at some point need a way for callers to provide their own Env.
+// * Maybe add TF_TensorShape that encapsulates dimension info.
+// Design decisions made:
+// * Backing store for tensor memory has an associated deallocation
+// function. This deallocation function will point to client code
+// for tensors populated by the client. So the client can do things
+// like shadowing a numpy array.
+// * We do not provide TF_OK since it is not strictly necessary and we
+// are not optimizing for convenience.
+// * We make assumption that one session has one graph. This should be
+// fine since we have the ability to run sub-graphs.
+// * We could allow NULL for some arguments (e.g., NULL options arg).
+// However since convenience is not a primary goal, we don't do this.
+// * Devices are not in this API. Instead, they are created/used internally
+// and the API just provides high level controls over the number of
+// devices of each type.
+// Macro to control visibility of exported symbols in the shared library (.so,
+// .dylib, .dll).
+// This duplicates the TF_EXPORT macro definition in
+// tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h in order to keep this .h file independent
+// of any other includes.
+// #ifdef SWIG
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT
+// #else
+// #if defined(_WIN32)
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+// #else
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+// #endif // TF_COMPILE_LIBRARY
+// #else
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
+// #endif // _WIN32
+// #endif // SWIG
+// #ifdef __cplusplus
+// #endif
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TF_Version returns a string describing version information of the
+// TensorFlow library. TensorFlow using semantic versioning.
+public static native @Cast("const char*") BytePointer TF_Version();
+// Targeting ../TF_Buffer.java
+// Makes a copy of the input and sets an appropriate deallocator. Useful for
+// passing in read-only, input protobufs.
+public static native TF_Buffer TF_NewBufferFromString(@Const Pointer proto,
+ @Cast("size_t") long proto_len);
+// Useful for passing *out* a protobuf.
+public static native TF_Buffer TF_NewBuffer();
+public static native void TF_DeleteBuffer(TF_Buffer arg0);
+public static native @ByVal TF_Buffer TF_GetBuffer(TF_Buffer buffer);
+// Targeting ../TF_SessionOptions.java
+// Return a new options object.
+public static native TF_SessionOptions TF_NewSessionOptions();
+// Set the target in TF_SessionOptions.options.
+// target can be empty, a single entry, or a comma separated list of entries.
+// Each entry is in one of the following formats :
+// "local"
+// ip:port
+// host:port
+public static native void TF_SetTarget(TF_SessionOptions options,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer target);
+public static native void TF_SetTarget(TF_SessionOptions options,
+ String target);
+// Set the config in TF_SessionOptions.options.
+// config should be a serialized tensorflow.ConfigProto proto.
+// If config was not parsed successfully as a ConfigProto, record the
+// error information in *status.
+public static native void TF_SetConfig(TF_SessionOptions options,
+ @Const Pointer proto, @Cast("size_t") long proto_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Destroy an options object.
+public static native void TF_DeleteSessionOptions(TF_SessionOptions arg0);
+// Targeting ../TF_Graph.java
+// Return a new graph object.
+public static native TF_Graph TF_NewGraph();
+// Destroy an options object. Graph will be deleted once no more
+// TFSession's are referencing it.
+public static native void TF_DeleteGraph(TF_Graph arg0);
+// Targeting ../TF_OperationDescription.java
+// Targeting ../TF_Operation.java
+// Targeting ../TF_Input.java
+// Targeting ../TF_Output.java
+// Targeting ../TF_Function.java
+// Targeting ../TF_FunctionOptions.java
+// Sets the shape of the Tensor referenced by `output` in `graph` to
+// the shape described by `dims` and `num_dims`.
+// If the number of dimensions is unknown, `num_dims` must be set to
+// -1 and `dims` can be null. If a dimension is unknown, the
+// corresponding entry in the `dims` array must be -1.
+// This does not overwrite the existing shape associated with `output`,
+// but merges the input shape with the existing shape. For example,
+// setting a shape of [-1, 2] with an existing shape [2, -1] would set
+// a final shape of [2, 2] based on shape merging semantics.
+// Returns an error into `status` if:
+// * `output` is not in `graph`.
+// * An invalid shape is being set (e.g., the shape being set
+// is incompatible with the existing shape).
+public static native void TF_GraphSetTensorShape(TF_Graph graph,
+ @ByVal TF_Output output,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongPointer dims,
+ int num_dims,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_GraphSetTensorShape(TF_Graph graph,
+ @ByVal TF_Output output,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongBuffer dims,
+ int num_dims,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_GraphSetTensorShape(TF_Graph graph,
+ @ByVal TF_Output output,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") long[] dims,
+ int num_dims,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Returns the number of dimensions of the Tensor referenced by `output`
+// in `graph`.
+// If the number of dimensions in the shape is unknown, returns -1.
+// Returns an error into `status` if:
+// * `output` is not in `graph`.
+public static native int TF_GraphGetTensorNumDims(TF_Graph graph,
+ @ByVal TF_Output output,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Returns the shape of the Tensor referenced by `output` in `graph`
+// into `dims`. `dims` must be an array large enough to hold `num_dims`
+// entries (e.g., the return value of TF_GraphGetTensorNumDims).
+// If the number of dimensions in the shape is unknown or the shape is
+// a scalar, `dims` will remain untouched. Otherwise, each element of
+// `dims` will be set corresponding to the size of the dimension. An
+// unknown dimension is represented by `-1`.
+// Returns an error into `status` if:
+// * `output` is not in `graph`.
+// * `num_dims` does not match the actual number of dimensions.
+public static native void TF_GraphGetTensorShape(TF_Graph graph,
+ @ByVal TF_Output output,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongPointer dims, int num_dims,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_GraphGetTensorShape(TF_Graph graph,
+ @ByVal TF_Output output,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongBuffer dims, int num_dims,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_GraphGetTensorShape(TF_Graph graph,
+ @ByVal TF_Output output,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") long[] dims, int num_dims,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Operation will only be added to *graph when TF_FinishOperation() is
+// called (assuming TF_FinishOperation() does not return an error).
+// *graph must not be deleted until after TF_FinishOperation() is
+// called.
+public static native TF_OperationDescription TF_NewOperation(
+ TF_Graph graph, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer op_type, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer oper_name);
+public static native TF_OperationDescription TF_NewOperation(
+ TF_Graph graph, String op_type, String oper_name);
+// Specify the device for `desc`. Defaults to empty, meaning unconstrained.
+public static native void TF_SetDevice(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer device);
+public static native void TF_SetDevice(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String device);
+// The calls to TF_AddInput and TF_AddInputList must match (in number,
+// order, and type) the op declaration. For example, the "Concat" op
+// has registration:
+// REGISTER_OP("Concat")
+// .Input("concat_dim: int32")
+// .Input("values: N * T")
+// .Output("output: T")
+// .Attr("N: int >= 2")
+// .Attr("T: type");
+// that defines two inputs, "concat_dim" and "values" (in that order).
+// You must use TF_AddInput() for the first input (since it takes a
+// single tensor), and TF_AddInputList() for the second input (since
+// it takes a list, even if you were to pass a list with a single
+// tensor), as in:
+// TF_OperationDescription* desc = TF_NewOperation(graph, "Concat", "c");
+// TF_Output concat_dim_input = {...};
+// TF_AddInput(desc, concat_dim_input);
+// TF_Output values_inputs[5] = {{...}, ..., {...}};
+// TF_AddInputList(desc, values_inputs, 5);
+// For inputs that take a single tensor.
+public static native void TF_AddInput(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @ByVal TF_Output input);
+// For inputs that take a list of tensors.
+// inputs must point to TF_Output[num_inputs].
+public static native void TF_AddInputList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Const TF_Output inputs,
+ int num_inputs);
+// Call once per control input to `desc`.
+public static native void TF_AddControlInput(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ TF_Operation input);
+// Request that `desc` be co-located on the device where `op`
+// is placed.
+// Use of this is discouraged since the implementation of device placement is
+// subject to change. Primarily intended for internal libraries
+public static native void TF_ColocateWith(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ TF_Operation op);
+// Call some TF_SetAttr*() function for every attr that is not
+// inferred from an input and doesn't have a default value you wish to
+// keep.
+// `value` must point to a string of length `length` bytes.
+public static native void TF_SetAttrString(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Const Pointer value, @Cast("size_t") long length);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrString(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Const Pointer value, @Cast("size_t") long length);
+// `values` and `lengths` each must have lengths `num_values`.
+// `values[i]` must point to a string of length `lengths[i]` bytes.
+public static native void TF_SetAttrStringList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const void*const*") PointerPointer values,
+ @Cast("const size_t*") SizeTPointer lengths,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrStringList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const void*const*") @ByPtrPtr Pointer values,
+ @Cast("const size_t*") SizeTPointer lengths,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrStringList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const void*const*") @ByPtrPtr Pointer values,
+ @Cast("const size_t*") SizeTPointer lengths,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrInt(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @Cast("int64_t") long value);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrInt(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name, @Cast("int64_t") long value);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrIntList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongPointer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrIntList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongBuffer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrIntList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") long[] values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrIntList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongPointer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrIntList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongBuffer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrIntList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") long[] values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrFloat(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, float value);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrFloat(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name, float value);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrFloatList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Const FloatPointer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrFloatList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Const FloatBuffer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrFloatList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Const float[] values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrFloatList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Const FloatPointer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrFloatList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Const FloatBuffer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrFloatList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Const float[] values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrBool(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte value);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrBool(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte value);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrBoolList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const unsigned char*") BytePointer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrBoolList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const unsigned char*") ByteBuffer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrBoolList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const unsigned char*") byte[] values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrBoolList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const unsigned char*") BytePointer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrBoolList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const unsigned char*") ByteBuffer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrBoolList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const unsigned char*") byte[] values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrType(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("TF_DataType") int value);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrType(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("TF_DataType") int value);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrTypeList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const TF_DataType*") IntPointer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrTypeList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const TF_DataType*") IntBuffer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrTypeList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const TF_DataType*") int[] values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrTypeList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const TF_DataType*") IntPointer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrTypeList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const TF_DataType*") IntBuffer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrTypeList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const TF_DataType*") int[] values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrPlaceholder(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer placeholder);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrPlaceholder(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ String placeholder);
+// Set a 'func' attribute to the specified name.
+// `value` must point to a string of length `length` bytes.
+public static native void TF_SetAttrFuncName(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer value, @Cast("size_t") long length);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrFuncName(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ String value, @Cast("size_t") long length);
+// Set `num_dims` to -1 to represent "unknown rank". Otherwise,
+// `dims` points to an array of length `num_dims`. `dims[i]` must be
+// >= -1, with -1 meaning "unknown dimension".
+public static native void TF_SetAttrShape(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongPointer dims, int num_dims);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrShape(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongBuffer dims, int num_dims);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrShape(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") long[] dims, int num_dims);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrShape(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongPointer dims, int num_dims);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrShape(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongBuffer dims, int num_dims);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrShape(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") long[] dims, int num_dims);
+// `dims` and `num_dims` must point to arrays of length `num_shapes`.
+// Set `num_dims[i]` to -1 to represent "unknown rank". Otherwise,
+// `dims[i]` points to an array of length `num_dims[i]`. `dims[i][j]`
+// must be >= -1, with -1 meaning "unknown dimension".
+public static native void TF_SetAttrShapeList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*const*") PointerPointer dims,
+ @Const IntPointer num_dims,
+ int num_shapes);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrShapeList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*const*") @ByPtrPtr LongPointer dims,
+ @Const IntPointer num_dims,
+ int num_shapes);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrShapeList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*const*") @ByPtrPtr LongBuffer dims,
+ @Const IntBuffer num_dims,
+ int num_shapes);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrShapeList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*const*") @ByPtrPtr long[] dims,
+ @Const int[] num_dims,
+ int num_shapes);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrShapeList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*const*") @ByPtrPtr LongPointer dims,
+ @Const IntPointer num_dims,
+ int num_shapes);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrShapeList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*const*") @ByPtrPtr LongBuffer dims,
+ @Const IntBuffer num_dims,
+ int num_shapes);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrShapeList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*const*") @ByPtrPtr long[] dims,
+ @Const int[] num_dims,
+ int num_shapes);
+// `proto` must point to an array of `proto_len` bytes representing a
+// binary-serialized TensorShapeProto.
+public static native void TF_SetAttrTensorShapeProto(
+ TF_OperationDescription desc, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @Const Pointer proto,
+ @Cast("size_t") long proto_len, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrTensorShapeProto(
+ TF_OperationDescription desc, String attr_name, @Const Pointer proto,
+ @Cast("size_t") long proto_len, TF_Status status);
+// `protos` and `proto_lens` must point to arrays of length `num_shapes`.
+// `protos[i]` must point to an array of `proto_lens[i]` bytes
+// representing a binary-serialized TensorShapeProto.
+public static native void TF_SetAttrTensorShapeProtoList(
+ TF_OperationDescription desc, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const void*const*") PointerPointer protos, @Cast("const size_t*") SizeTPointer proto_lens, int num_shapes,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrTensorShapeProtoList(
+ TF_OperationDescription desc, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const void*const*") @ByPtrPtr Pointer protos, @Cast("const size_t*") SizeTPointer proto_lens, int num_shapes,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrTensorShapeProtoList(
+ TF_OperationDescription desc, String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const void*const*") @ByPtrPtr Pointer protos, @Cast("const size_t*") SizeTPointer proto_lens, int num_shapes,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrTensor(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ TF_Tensor value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrTensor(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ TF_Tensor value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrTensorList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("TF_Tensor*const*") PointerPointer values,
+ int num_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrTensorList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor values,
+ int num_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrTensorList(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor values,
+ int num_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+// `proto` should point to a sequence of bytes of length `proto_len`
+// representing a binary serialization of an AttrValue protocol
+// buffer.
+public static native void TF_SetAttrValueProto(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Const Pointer proto,
+ @Cast("size_t") long proto_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_SetAttrValueProto(TF_OperationDescription desc,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Const Pointer proto,
+ @Cast("size_t") long proto_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+// If this function succeeds:
+// * *status is set to an OK value,
+// * a TF_Operation is added to the graph,
+// * a non-null value pointing to the added operation is returned --
+// this value is valid until the underlying graph is deleted.
+// Otherwise:
+// * *status is set to a non-OK value,
+// * the graph is not modified,
+// * a null value is returned.
+// In either case, it deletes `desc`.
+public static native TF_Operation TF_FinishOperation(
+ TF_OperationDescription desc, TF_Status status);
+// TF_Operation functions. Operations are immutable once created, so
+// these are all query functions.
+public static native @Cast("const char*") BytePointer TF_OperationName(TF_Operation oper);
+public static native @Cast("const char*") BytePointer TF_OperationOpType(TF_Operation oper);
+public static native @Cast("const char*") BytePointer TF_OperationDevice(TF_Operation oper);
+public static native int TF_OperationNumOutputs(TF_Operation oper);
+public static native @Cast("TF_DataType") int TF_OperationOutputType(@ByVal TF_Output oper_out);
+public static native int TF_OperationOutputListLength(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer arg_name,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native int TF_OperationOutputListLength(TF_Operation oper,
+ String arg_name,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native int TF_OperationNumInputs(TF_Operation oper);
+public static native @Cast("TF_DataType") int TF_OperationInputType(@ByVal TF_Input oper_in);
+public static native int TF_OperationInputListLength(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer arg_name,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native int TF_OperationInputListLength(TF_Operation oper,
+ String arg_name,
+ TF_Status status);
+// In this code:
+// TF_Output producer = TF_OperationInput(consumer);
+// There is an edge from producer.oper's output (given by
+// producer.index) to consumer.oper's input (given by consumer.index).
+public static native @ByVal TF_Output TF_OperationInput(@ByVal TF_Input oper_in);
+// Get the number of current consumers of a specific output of an
+// operation. Note that this number can change when new operations
+// are added to the graph.
+public static native int TF_OperationOutputNumConsumers(@ByVal TF_Output oper_out);
+// Get list of all current consumers of a specific output of an
+// operation. `consumers` must point to an array of length at least
+// `max_consumers` (ideally set to
+// TF_OperationOutputNumConsumers(oper_out)). Beware that a concurrent
+// modification of the graph can increase the number of consumers of
+// an operation. Returns the number of output consumers (should match
+// TF_OperationOutputNumConsumers(oper_out)).
+public static native int TF_OperationOutputConsumers(@ByVal TF_Output oper_out,
+ TF_Input consumers,
+ int max_consumers);
+// Get the number of control inputs to an operation.
+public static native int TF_OperationNumControlInputs(TF_Operation oper);
+// Get list of all control inputs to an operation. `control_inputs` must
+// point to an array of length `max_control_inputs` (ideally set to
+// TF_OperationNumControlInputs(oper)). Returns the number of control
+// inputs (should match TF_OperationNumControlInputs(oper)).
+public static native int TF_OperationGetControlInputs(
+ TF_Operation oper, @Cast("TF_Operation**") PointerPointer control_inputs, int max_control_inputs);
+public static native int TF_OperationGetControlInputs(
+ TF_Operation oper, @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation control_inputs, int max_control_inputs);
+// Get the number of operations that have `*oper` as a control input.
+// Note that this number can change when new operations are added to
+// the graph.
+public static native int TF_OperationNumControlOutputs(TF_Operation oper);
+// Get the list of operations that have `*oper` as a control input.
+// `control_outputs` must point to an array of length at least
+// `max_control_outputs` (ideally set to
+// TF_OperationNumControlOutputs(oper)). Beware that a concurrent
+// modification of the graph can increase the number of control
+// outputs. Returns the number of control outputs (should match
+// TF_OperationNumControlOutputs(oper)).
+public static native int TF_OperationGetControlOutputs(
+ TF_Operation oper, @Cast("TF_Operation**") PointerPointer control_outputs,
+ int max_control_outputs);
+public static native int TF_OperationGetControlOutputs(
+ TF_Operation oper, @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation control_outputs,
+ int max_control_outputs);
+// Targeting ../TF_AttrMetadata.java
+// Returns metadata about the value of the attribute `attr_name` of `oper`.
+public static native @ByVal TF_AttrMetadata TF_OperationGetAttrMetadata(
+ TF_Operation oper, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, TF_Status status);
+public static native @ByVal TF_AttrMetadata TF_OperationGetAttrMetadata(
+ TF_Operation oper, String attr_name, TF_Status status);
+// Fills in `value` with the value of the attribute `attr_name`. `value` must
+// point to an array of length at least `max_length` (ideally set to
+// TF_AttrMetadata.total_size from TF_OperationGetAttrMetadata(oper,
+// attr_name)).
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrString(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ Pointer value,
+ @Cast("size_t") long max_length,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrString(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ Pointer value,
+ @Cast("size_t") long max_length,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Get the list of strings in the value of the attribute `attr_name`. Fills in
+// `values` and `lengths`, each of which must point to an array of length at
+// least `max_values`.
+// The elements of values will point to addresses in `storage` which must be at
+// least `storage_size` bytes in length. Ideally, max_values would be set to
+// TF_AttrMetadata.list_size and `storage` would be at least
+// TF_AttrMetadata.total_size, obtained from TF_OperationGetAttrMetadata(oper,
+// attr_name).
+// Fails if storage_size is too small to hold the requested number of strings.
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrStringList(
+ TF_Operation oper, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @Cast("void**") PointerPointer values, @Cast("size_t*") SizeTPointer lengths,
+ int max_values, Pointer storage, @Cast("size_t") long storage_size, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrStringList(
+ TF_Operation oper, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @Cast("void**") @ByPtrPtr Pointer values, @Cast("size_t*") SizeTPointer lengths,
+ int max_values, Pointer storage, @Cast("size_t") long storage_size, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrStringList(
+ TF_Operation oper, String attr_name, @Cast("void**") @ByPtrPtr Pointer values, @Cast("size_t*") SizeTPointer lengths,
+ int max_values, Pointer storage, @Cast("size_t") long storage_size, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrInt(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongPointer value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrInt(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongBuffer value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrInt(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") long[] value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrInt(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongPointer value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrInt(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongBuffer value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrInt(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") long[] value,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Fills in `values` with the value of the attribute `attr_name` of `oper`.
+// `values` must point to an array of length at least `max_values` (ideally set
+// TF_AttrMetadata.list_size from TF_OperationGetAttrMetadata(oper,
+// attr_name)).
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrIntList(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongPointer values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrIntList(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongBuffer values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrIntList(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") long[] values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrIntList(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongPointer values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrIntList(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongBuffer values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrIntList(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") long[] values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrFloat(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ FloatPointer value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrFloat(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ FloatBuffer value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrFloat(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ float[] value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrFloat(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ FloatPointer value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrFloat(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ FloatBuffer value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrFloat(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ float[] value,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Fills in `values` with the value of the attribute `attr_name` of `oper`.
+// `values` must point to an array of length at least `max_values` (ideally set
+// to TF_AttrMetadata.list_size from TF_OperationGetAttrMetadata(oper,
+// attr_name)).
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrFloatList(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ FloatPointer values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrFloatList(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ FloatBuffer values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrFloatList(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ float[] values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrFloatList(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ FloatPointer values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrFloatList(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ FloatBuffer values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrFloatList(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ float[] values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrBool(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") BytePointer value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrBool(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") ByteBuffer value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrBool(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") byte[] value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrBool(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") BytePointer value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrBool(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") ByteBuffer value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrBool(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") byte[] value,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Fills in `values` with the value of the attribute `attr_name` of `oper`.
+// `values` must point to an array of length at least `max_values` (ideally set
+// to TF_AttrMetadata.list_size from TF_OperationGetAttrMetadata(oper,
+// attr_name)).
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrBoolList(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") BytePointer values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrBoolList(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") ByteBuffer values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrBoolList(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") byte[] values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrBoolList(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") BytePointer values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrBoolList(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") ByteBuffer values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrBoolList(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") byte[] values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrType(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("TF_DataType*") IntPointer value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrType(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("TF_DataType*") IntBuffer value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrType(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("TF_DataType*") int[] value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrType(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("TF_DataType*") IntPointer value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrType(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("TF_DataType*") IntBuffer value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrType(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("TF_DataType*") int[] value,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Fills in `values` with the value of the attribute `attr_name` of `oper`.
+// `values` must point to an array of length at least `max_values` (ideally set
+// to TF_AttrMetadata.list_size from TF_OperationGetAttrMetadata(oper,
+// attr_name)).
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrTypeList(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("TF_DataType*") IntPointer values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrTypeList(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("TF_DataType*") IntBuffer values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrTypeList(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("TF_DataType*") int[] values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrTypeList(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("TF_DataType*") IntPointer values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrTypeList(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("TF_DataType*") IntBuffer values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrTypeList(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("TF_DataType*") int[] values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Fills in `value` with the value of the attribute `attr_name` of `oper`.
+// `values` must point to an array of length at least `num_dims` (ideally set to
+// TF_Attr_Meta.size from TF_OperationGetAttrMetadata(oper, attr_name)).
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrShape(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongPointer value,
+ int num_dims,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrShape(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongBuffer value,
+ int num_dims,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrShape(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") long[] value,
+ int num_dims,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrShape(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongPointer value,
+ int num_dims,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrShape(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongBuffer value,
+ int num_dims,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrShape(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") long[] value,
+ int num_dims,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Fills in `dims` with the list of shapes in the attribute `attr_name` of
+// `oper` and `num_dims` with the corresponding number of dimensions. On return,
+// for every i where `num_dims[i]` > 0, `dims[i]` will be an array of
+// `num_dims[i]` elements. A value of -1 for `num_dims[i]` indicates that the
+// i-th shape in the list is unknown.
+// The elements of `dims` will point to addresses in `storage` which must be
+// large enough to hold at least `storage_size` int64_ts. Ideally, `num_shapes`
+// would be set to TF_AttrMetadata.list_size and `storage_size` would be set to
+// TF_AttrMetadata.total_size from TF_OperationGetAttrMetadata(oper,
+// attr_name).
+// Fails if storage_size is insufficient to hold the requested shapes.
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrShapeList(
+ TF_Operation oper, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @Cast("int64_t**") PointerPointer dims, IntPointer num_dims,
+ int num_shapes, @Cast("int64_t*") LongPointer storage, int storage_size, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrShapeList(
+ TF_Operation oper, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @Cast("int64_t**") @ByPtrPtr LongPointer dims, IntPointer num_dims,
+ int num_shapes, @Cast("int64_t*") LongPointer storage, int storage_size, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrShapeList(
+ TF_Operation oper, String attr_name, @Cast("int64_t**") @ByPtrPtr LongBuffer dims, IntBuffer num_dims,
+ int num_shapes, @Cast("int64_t*") LongBuffer storage, int storage_size, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrShapeList(
+ TF_Operation oper, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @Cast("int64_t**") @ByPtrPtr long[] dims, int[] num_dims,
+ int num_shapes, @Cast("int64_t*") long[] storage, int storage_size, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrShapeList(
+ TF_Operation oper, String attr_name, @Cast("int64_t**") @ByPtrPtr LongPointer dims, IntPointer num_dims,
+ int num_shapes, @Cast("int64_t*") LongPointer storage, int storage_size, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrShapeList(
+ TF_Operation oper, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @Cast("int64_t**") @ByPtrPtr LongBuffer dims, IntBuffer num_dims,
+ int num_shapes, @Cast("int64_t*") LongBuffer storage, int storage_size, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrShapeList(
+ TF_Operation oper, String attr_name, @Cast("int64_t**") @ByPtrPtr long[] dims, int[] num_dims,
+ int num_shapes, @Cast("int64_t*") long[] storage, int storage_size, TF_Status status);
+// Sets `value` to the binary-serialized TensorShapeProto of the value of
+// `attr_name` attribute of `oper`'.
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrTensorShapeProto(
+ TF_Operation oper, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, TF_Buffer value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrTensorShapeProto(
+ TF_Operation oper, String attr_name, TF_Buffer value,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Fills in `values` with binary-serialized TensorShapeProto values of the
+// attribute `attr_name` of `oper`. `values` must point to an array of length at
+// least `num_values` (ideally set to TF_AttrMetadata.list_size from
+// TF_OperationGetAttrMetadata(oper, attr_name)).
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrTensorShapeProtoList(
+ TF_Operation oper, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @Cast("TF_Buffer**") PointerPointer values,
+ int max_values, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrTensorShapeProtoList(
+ TF_Operation oper, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @ByPtrPtr TF_Buffer values,
+ int max_values, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrTensorShapeProtoList(
+ TF_Operation oper, String attr_name, @ByPtrPtr TF_Buffer values,
+ int max_values, TF_Status status);
+// Gets the TF_Tensor valued attribute of `attr_name` of `oper`.
+// Allocates a new TF_Tensor which the caller is expected to take
+// ownership of (and can deallocate using TF_DeleteTensor).
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrTensor(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("TF_Tensor**") PointerPointer value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrTensor(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrTensor(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor value,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Fills in `values` with the TF_Tensor values of the attribute `attr_name` of
+// `oper`. `values` must point to an array of TF_Tensor* of length at least
+// `max_values` (ideally set to TF_AttrMetadata.list_size from
+// TF_OperationGetAttrMetadata(oper, attr_name)).
+// The caller takes ownership of all the non-null TF_Tensor* entries in `values`
+// (which can be deleted using TF_DeleteTensor(values[i])).
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrTensorList(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("TF_Tensor**") PointerPointer values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrTensorList(TF_Operation oper,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrTensorList(TF_Operation oper,
+ String attr_name,
+ @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor values,
+ int max_values,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Sets `output_attr_value` to the binary-serialized AttrValue proto
+// representation of the value of the `attr_name` attr of `oper`.
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrValueProto(
+ TF_Operation oper, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, TF_Buffer output_attr_value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OperationGetAttrValueProto(
+ TF_Operation oper, String attr_name, TF_Buffer output_attr_value,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Returns the operation in the graph with `oper_name`. Returns nullptr if
+// no operation found.
+public static native TF_Operation TF_GraphOperationByName(
+ TF_Graph graph, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer oper_name);
+public static native TF_Operation TF_GraphOperationByName(
+ TF_Graph graph, String oper_name);
+// Iterate through the operations of a graph. To use:
+// size_t pos = 0;
+// TF_Operation* oper;
+// while ((oper = TF_GraphNextOperation(graph, &pos)) != nullptr) {
+// DoSomethingWithOperation(oper);
+// }
+public static native TF_Operation TF_GraphNextOperation(TF_Graph graph,
+ @Cast("size_t*") SizeTPointer pos);
+// Write out a serialized representation of `graph` (as a GraphDef protocol
+// message) to `output_graph_def` (allocated by TF_NewBuffer()).
+// `output_graph_def`'s underlying buffer will be freed when TF_DeleteBuffer()
+// is called.
+// May fail on very large graphs in the future.
+public static native void TF_GraphToGraphDef(TF_Graph graph,
+ TF_Buffer output_graph_def,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Returns the serialized OpDef proto with name `op_name`, or a bad status if no
+// such op exists. This can return OpDefs of functions copied into the graph.
+public static native void TF_GraphGetOpDef(TF_Graph graph,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer op_name,
+ TF_Buffer output_op_def,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_GraphGetOpDef(TF_Graph graph,
+ String op_name,
+ TF_Buffer output_op_def,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Returns the serialized VersionDef proto for this graph.
+public static native void TF_GraphVersions(TF_Graph graph,
+ TF_Buffer output_version_def,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Targeting ../TF_ImportGraphDefOptions.java
+public static native TF_ImportGraphDefOptions TF_NewImportGraphDefOptions();
+public static native void TF_DeleteImportGraphDefOptions(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefOptions opts);
+// Set the prefix to be prepended to the names of nodes in `graph_def` that will
+// be imported into `graph`. `prefix` is copied and has no lifetime
+// requirements.
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsSetPrefix(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefOptions opts, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer prefix);
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsSetPrefix(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefOptions opts, String prefix);
+// Set the execution device for nodes in `graph_def`.
+// Only applies to nodes where a device was not already explicitly specified.
+// `device` is copied and has no lifetime requirements.
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsSetDefaultDevice(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefOptions opts, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer device);
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsSetDefaultDevice(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefOptions opts, String device);
+// Set whether to uniquify imported operation names. If true, imported operation
+// names will be modified if their name already exists in the graph. If false,
+// conflicting names will be treated as an error. Note that this option has no
+// effect if a prefix is set, since the prefix will guarantee all names are
+// unique. Defaults to false.
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsSetUniquifyNames(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefOptions opts, @Cast("unsigned char") byte uniquify_names);
+// If true, the specified prefix will be modified if it already exists as an
+// operation name or prefix in the graph. If false, a conflicting prefix will be
+// treated as an error. This option has no effect if no prefix is specified.
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsSetUniquifyPrefix(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefOptions opts, @Cast("unsigned char") byte uniquify_prefix);
+// Set any imported nodes with input `src_name:src_index` to have that input
+// replaced with `dst`. `src_name` refers to a node in the graph to be imported,
+// `dst` references a node already existing in the graph being imported into.
+// `src_name` is copied and has no lifetime requirements.
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsAddInputMapping(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefOptions opts, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer src_name, int src_index,
+ @ByVal TF_Output dst);
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsAddInputMapping(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefOptions opts, String src_name, int src_index,
+ @ByVal TF_Output dst);
+// Set any imported nodes with control input `src_name` to have that input
+// replaced with `dst`. `src_name` refers to a node in the graph to be imported,
+// `dst` references an operation already existing in the graph being imported
+// into. `src_name` is copied and has no lifetime requirements.
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsRemapControlDependency(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefOptions opts, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer src_name, TF_Operation dst);
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsRemapControlDependency(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefOptions opts, String src_name, TF_Operation dst);
+// Cause the imported graph to have a control dependency on `oper`. `oper`
+// should exist in the graph being imported into.
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsAddControlDependency(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefOptions opts, TF_Operation oper);
+// Add an output in `graph_def` to be returned via the `return_outputs` output
+// parameter of TF_GraphImportGraphDef(). If the output is remapped via an input
+// mapping, the corresponding existing tensor in `graph` will be returned.
+// `oper_name` is copied and has no lifetime requirements.
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsAddReturnOutput(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefOptions opts, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer oper_name, int index);
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsAddReturnOutput(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefOptions opts, String oper_name, int index);
+// Returns the number of return outputs added via
+// TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsAddReturnOutput().
+public static native int TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsNumReturnOutputs(
+ @Const TF_ImportGraphDefOptions opts);
+// Add an operation in `graph_def` to be returned via the `return_opers` output
+// parameter of TF_GraphImportGraphDef(). `oper_name` is copied and has no
+// lifetime requirements.
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsAddReturnOperation(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefOptions opts, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer oper_name);
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsAddReturnOperation(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefOptions opts, String oper_name);
+// Returns the number of return operations added via
+// TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsAddReturnOperation().
+public static native int TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsNumReturnOperations(
+ @Const TF_ImportGraphDefOptions opts);
+// Targeting ../TF_ImportGraphDefResults.java
+// Fetches the return outputs requested via
+// TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsAddReturnOutput(). The number of fetched outputs is
+// returned in `num_outputs`. The array of return outputs is returned in
+// `outputs`. `*outputs` is owned by and has the lifetime of `results`.
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefResultsReturnOutputs(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefResults results, IntPointer num_outputs, @Cast("TF_Output**") PointerPointer outputs);
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefResultsReturnOutputs(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefResults results, IntPointer num_outputs, @ByPtrPtr TF_Output outputs);
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefResultsReturnOutputs(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefResults results, IntBuffer num_outputs, @ByPtrPtr TF_Output outputs);
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefResultsReturnOutputs(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefResults results, int[] num_outputs, @ByPtrPtr TF_Output outputs);
+// Fetches the return operations requested via
+// TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsAddReturnOperation(). The number of fetched
+// operations is returned in `num_opers`. The array of return operations is
+// returned in `opers`. `*opers` is owned by and has the lifetime of `results`.
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefResultsReturnOperations(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefResults results, IntPointer num_opers, @Cast("TF_Operation***") @ByPtrPtr PointerPointer opers);
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefResultsReturnOperations(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefResults results, IntBuffer num_opers, @Cast("TF_Operation***") @ByPtrPtr PointerPointer opers);
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefResultsReturnOperations(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefResults results, int[] num_opers, @Cast("TF_Operation***") @ByPtrPtr PointerPointer opers);
+// Fetches any input mappings requested via
+// TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsAddInputMapping() that didn't appear in the GraphDef
+// and weren't used as input to any node in the imported graph def. The number
+// of fetched mappings is returned in `num_missing_unused_input_mappings`. The
+// array of each mapping's source node name is returned in `src_names`, and the
+// array of each mapping's source index is returned in `src_indexes`.
+// `*src_names`, `*src_indexes`, and the memory backing each string in
+// `src_names` are owned by and have the lifetime of `results`.
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefResultsMissingUnusedInputMappings(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefResults results, IntPointer num_missing_unused_input_mappings,
+ @Cast("const char***") @ByPtrPtr PointerPointer src_names, @Cast("int**") PointerPointer src_indexes);
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefResultsMissingUnusedInputMappings(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefResults results, IntPointer num_missing_unused_input_mappings,
+ @Cast("const char***") @ByPtrPtr PointerPointer src_names, @ByPtrPtr IntPointer src_indexes);
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefResultsMissingUnusedInputMappings(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefResults results, IntBuffer num_missing_unused_input_mappings,
+ @Cast("const char***") @ByPtrPtr PointerPointer src_names, @ByPtrPtr IntBuffer src_indexes);
+public static native void TF_ImportGraphDefResultsMissingUnusedInputMappings(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefResults results, int[] num_missing_unused_input_mappings,
+ @Cast("const char***") @ByPtrPtr PointerPointer src_names, @ByPtrPtr int[] src_indexes);
+// Deletes a results object returned by TF_GraphImportGraphDefWithResults().
+public static native void TF_DeleteImportGraphDefResults(
+ TF_ImportGraphDefResults results);
+// Import the graph serialized in `graph_def` into `graph`. Returns nullptr and
+// a bad status on error. Otherwise, returns a populated
+// TF_ImportGraphDefResults instance. The returned instance must be deleted via
+// TF_DeleteImportGraphDefResults().
+public static native TF_ImportGraphDefResults TF_GraphImportGraphDefWithResults(TF_Graph graph, @Const TF_Buffer graph_def,
+ @Const TF_ImportGraphDefOptions options,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Import the graph serialized in `graph_def` into `graph`.
+// Convenience function for when only return outputs are needed.
+// `num_return_outputs` must be the number of return outputs added (i.e. the
+// result of TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsNumReturnOutputs()). If
+// `num_return_outputs` is non-zero, `return_outputs` must be of length
+// `num_return_outputs`. Otherwise it can be null.
+public static native void TF_GraphImportGraphDefWithReturnOutputs(
+ TF_Graph graph, @Const TF_Buffer graph_def,
+ @Const TF_ImportGraphDefOptions options, TF_Output return_outputs,
+ int num_return_outputs, TF_Status status);
+// Import the graph serialized in `graph_def` into `graph`.
+// Convenience function for when no results are needed.
+public static native void TF_GraphImportGraphDef(
+ TF_Graph graph, @Const TF_Buffer graph_def,
+ @Const TF_ImportGraphDefOptions options, TF_Status status);
+// Adds a copy of function `func` and optionally its gradient function `grad`
+// to `g`. Once `func`/`grad` is added to `g`, it can be called by creating
+// an operation using the function's name.
+// Any changes to `func`/`grad` (including deleting it) done after this method
+// returns, won't affect the copy of `func`/`grad` in `g`.
+// If `func` or `grad` are already in `g`, TF_GraphCopyFunction has no
+// effect on them, but can establish the function->gradient relationship
+// between them if `func` does not already have a gradient. If `func` already
+// has a gradient different from `grad`, an error is returned.
+// `func` must not be null.
+// If `grad` is null and `func` is not in `g`, `func` is added without a
+// gradient.
+// If `grad` is null and `func` is in `g`, TF_GraphCopyFunction is a noop.
+// `grad` must have appropriate signature as described in the doc of
+// GradientDef in tensorflow/core/framework/function.proto.
+// If successful, status is set to OK and `func` and `grad` are added to `g`.
+// Otherwise, status is set to the encountered error and `g` is unmodified.
+public static native void TF_GraphCopyFunction(TF_Graph g,
+ @Const TF_Function func,
+ @Const TF_Function grad,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Returns the number of TF_Functions registered in `g`.
+public static native int TF_GraphNumFunctions(TF_Graph g);
+// Fills in `funcs` with the TF_Function* registered in `g`.
+// `funcs` must point to an array of TF_Function* of length at least
+// `max_func`. In usual usage, max_func should be set to the result of
+// TF_GraphNumFunctions(g). In this case, all the functions registered in
+// `g` will be returned. Else, an unspecified subset.
+// If successful, returns the number of TF_Function* successfully set in
+// `funcs` and sets status to OK. The caller takes ownership of
+// all the returned TF_Functions. They must be deleted with TF_DeleteFunction.
+// On error, returns 0, sets status to the encountered error, and the contents
+// of funcs will be undefined.
+public static native int TF_GraphGetFunctions(TF_Graph g, @Cast("TF_Function**") PointerPointer funcs,
+ int max_func, TF_Status status);
+public static native int TF_GraphGetFunctions(TF_Graph g, @ByPtrPtr TF_Function funcs,
+ int max_func, TF_Status status);
+// Note: The following function may fail on very large protos in the future.
+public static native void TF_OperationToNodeDef(TF_Operation oper,
+ TF_Buffer output_node_def,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Targeting ../TF_WhileParams.java
+// Creates a TF_WhileParams for creating a while loop in `g`. `inputs` are
+// outputs that already exist in `g` used as initial values for the loop
+// variables.
+// The returned TF_WhileParams will have all fields initialized except
+// `cond_output`, `body_outputs`, and `name`. The `body_outputs` buffer will be
+// allocated to size `ninputs`. The caller should build `cond_graph` and
+// `body_graph` starting from the inputs, and store the final outputs in
+// `cond_output` and `body_outputs`.
+// If `status` is OK, the caller must call either TF_FinishWhile or
+// TF_AbortWhile on the returned TF_WhileParams. If `status` isn't OK, the
+// returned TF_WhileParams is not valid, and the caller should not call
+// TF_FinishWhile() or TF_AbortWhile().
+// Missing functionality (TODO):
+// - Gradients
+// - Reference-type inputs
+// - Directly referencing external tensors from the cond/body graphs (this is
+// possible in the Python API)
+public static native @ByVal TF_WhileParams TF_NewWhile(TF_Graph g, TF_Output inputs,
+ int ninputs,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Builds the while loop specified by `params` and returns the output tensors of
+// the while loop in `outputs`. `outputs` should be allocated to size
+// `params.ninputs`.
+// `params` is no longer valid once this returns.
+// Either this or TF_AbortWhile() must be called after a successful
+// TF_NewWhile() call.
+public static native void TF_FinishWhile(@Const TF_WhileParams params,
+ TF_Status status,
+ TF_Output outputs);
+// Frees `params`s resources without building a while loop. `params` is no
+// longer valid after this returns. Either this or TF_FinishWhile() must be
+// called after a successful TF_NewWhile() call.
+public static native void TF_AbortWhile(@Const TF_WhileParams params);
+// Adds operations to compute the partial derivatives of sum of `y`s w.r.t `x`s,
+// i.e., d(y_1 + y_2 + ...)/dx_1, d(y_1 + y_2 + ...)/dx_2...
+// `dx` are used as initial gradients (which represent the symbolic partial
+// derivatives of some loss function `L` w.r.t. `y`).
+// `dx` must be nullptr or have size `ny`.
+// If `dx` is nullptr, the implementation will use dx of `OnesLike` for all
+// shapes in `y`.
+// The partial derivatives are returned in `dy`. `dy` should be allocated to
+// size `nx`.
+// Gradient nodes are automatically named under the "gradients/" prefix. To
+// guarantee name uniqueness, subsequent calls to the same graph will
+// append an incremental tag to the prefix: "gradients_1/", "gradients_2/", ...
+// See TF_AddGradientsWithPrefix, which provides a means to specify a custom
+// name prefix for operations added to a graph to compute the gradients.
+// WARNING: This function does not yet support all the gradients that python
+// supports. See
+// https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/cc/gradients/README.md
+// for instructions on how to add C++ more gradients.
+public static native void TF_AddGradients(TF_Graph g, TF_Output y, int ny,
+ TF_Output x, int nx, TF_Output dx,
+ TF_Status status, TF_Output dy);
+// Adds operations to compute the partial derivatives of sum of `y`s w.r.t `x`s,
+// i.e., d(y_1 + y_2 + ...)/dx_1, d(y_1 + y_2 + ...)/dx_2...
+// This is a variant of TF_AddGradients that allows to caller to pass a custom
+// name prefix to the operations added to a graph to compute the gradients.
+// `dx` are used as initial gradients (which represent the symbolic partial
+// derivatives of some loss function `L` w.r.t. `y`).
+// `dx` must be nullptr or have size `ny`.
+// If `dx` is nullptr, the implementation will use dx of `OnesLike` for all
+// shapes in `y`.
+// The partial derivatives are returned in `dy`. `dy` should be allocated to
+// size `nx`.
+// `prefix` names the scope into which all gradients operations are being added.
+// `prefix` must be unique within the provided graph otherwise this operation
+// will fail. If `prefix` is nullptr, the default prefixing behaviour takes
+// place, see TF_AddGradients for more details.
+// WARNING: This function does not yet support all the gradients that python
+// supports. See
+// https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/cc/gradients/README.md
+// for instructions on how to add C++ more gradients.
+public static native void TF_AddGradientsWithPrefix(TF_Graph g, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer prefix,
+ TF_Output y, int ny,
+ TF_Output x, int nx,
+ TF_Output dx, TF_Status status,
+ TF_Output dy);
+public static native void TF_AddGradientsWithPrefix(TF_Graph g, String prefix,
+ TF_Output y, int ny,
+ TF_Output x, int nx,
+ TF_Output dx, TF_Status status,
+ TF_Output dy);
+// Create a TF_Function from a TF_Graph
+// Params:
+// fn_body - the graph whose operations (or subset of whose operations) will be
+// converted to TF_Function.
+// fn_name - the name of the new TF_Function. Should match the operation
+// name (OpDef.name) regexp [A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_.\\-/]*.
+// If `append_hash_to_fn_name` is false, `fn_name` must be distinct
+// from other function and operation names (at least those
+// registered in graphs where this function will be used).
+// append_hash_to_fn_name - Must be 0 or 1. If set to 1, the actual name
+// of the function will be `fn_name` appended with
+// '_'.
+// If set to 0, the function's name will be `fn_name`.
+// num_opers - `num_opers` contains the number of elements in the `opers` array
+// or a special value of -1 meaning that no array is given.
+// The distinction between an empty array of operations and no
+// array of operations is necessary to distinguish the case of
+// creating a function with no body (e.g. identity or permutation)
+// and the case of creating a function whose body contains all
+// the nodes in the graph (except for the automatic skipping, see
+// below).
+// opers - Array of operations to become the body of the function or null.
+// - If no array is given (`num_opers` = -1), all the
+// operations in `fn_body` will become part of the function
+// except operations referenced in `inputs`. These operations
+// must have a single output (these operations are typically
+// placeholders created for the sole purpose of representing
+// an input. We can relax this constraint if there are
+// compelling use cases).
+// - If an array is given (`num_opers` >= 0), all operations
+// in it will become part of the function. In particular, no
+// automatic skipping of dummy input operations is performed.
+// ninputs - number of elements in `inputs` array
+// inputs - array of TF_Outputs that specify the inputs to the function.
+// If `ninputs` is zero (the function takes no inputs), `inputs`
+// can be null. The names used for function inputs are normalized
+// names of the operations (usually placeholders) pointed to by
+// `inputs`. These operation names should start with a letter.
+// Normalization will convert all letters to lowercase and
+// non-alphanumeric characters to '_' to make resulting names match
+// the "[a-z][a-z0-9_]*" pattern for operation argument names.
+// `inputs` cannot contain the same tensor twice.
+// noutputs - number of elements in `outputs` array
+// outputs - array of TF_Outputs that specify the outputs of the function.
+// If `noutputs` is zero (the function returns no outputs), `outputs`
+// can be null. `outputs` can contain the same tensor more than once.
+// output_names - The names of the function's outputs. `output_names` array
+// must either have the same length as `outputs`
+// (i.e. `noutputs`) or be null. In the former case,
+// the names should match the regular expression for ArgDef
+// names - "[a-z][a-z0-9_]*". In the latter case,
+// names for outputs will be generated automatically.
+// opts - various options for the function, e.g. XLA's inlining control.
+// description - optional human-readable description of this function.
+// status - Set to OK on success and an appropriate error on failure.
+// Note that when the same TF_Output is listed as both an input and an output,
+// the corresponding function's output will equal to this input,
+// instead of the original node's output.
+// Callers must also satisfy the following constraints:
+// - `inputs` cannot refer to TF_Outputs within a control flow context. For
+// example, one cannot use the output of "switch" node as input.
+// - `inputs` and `outputs` cannot have reference types. Reference types are
+// not exposed through C API and are being replaced with Resources. We support
+// reference types inside function's body to support legacy code. Do not
+// use them in new code.
+// - Every node in the function's body must have all of its inputs (including
+// control inputs). In other words, for every node in the body, each input
+// must be either listed in `inputs` or must come from another node in
+// the body. In particular, it is an error to have a control edge going from
+// a node outside of the body into a node in the body. This applies to control
+// edges going from nodes referenced in `inputs` to nodes in the body when
+// the former nodes are not in the body (automatically skipped or not
+// included in explicitly specified body).
+// Returns:
+// On success, a newly created TF_Function instance. It must be deleted by
+// calling TF_DeleteFunction.
+// On failure, null.
+public static native TF_Function TF_GraphToFunction(
+ @Const TF_Graph fn_body, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer fn_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte append_hash_to_fn_name, int num_opers,
+ @Cast("const TF_Operation*const*") PointerPointer opers, int ninputs, @Const TF_Output inputs,
+ int noutputs, @Const TF_Output outputs, @Cast("const char*const*") PointerPointer output_names,
+ @Const TF_FunctionOptions opts, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer description, TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Function TF_GraphToFunction(
+ @Const TF_Graph fn_body, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer fn_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte append_hash_to_fn_name, int num_opers,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation opers, int ninputs, @Const TF_Output inputs,
+ int noutputs, @Const TF_Output outputs, @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer output_names,
+ @Const TF_FunctionOptions opts, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer description, TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Function TF_GraphToFunction(
+ @Const TF_Graph fn_body, String fn_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte append_hash_to_fn_name, int num_opers,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation opers, int ninputs, @Const TF_Output inputs,
+ int noutputs, @Const TF_Output outputs, @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer output_names,
+ @Const TF_FunctionOptions opts, String description, TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Function TF_GraphToFunction(
+ @Const TF_Graph fn_body, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer fn_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte append_hash_to_fn_name, int num_opers,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation opers, int ninputs, @Const TF_Output inputs,
+ int noutputs, @Const TF_Output outputs, @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr byte[] output_names,
+ @Const TF_FunctionOptions opts, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer description, TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Function TF_GraphToFunction(
+ @Const TF_Graph fn_body, String fn_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte append_hash_to_fn_name, int num_opers,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation opers, int ninputs, @Const TF_Output inputs,
+ int noutputs, @Const TF_Output outputs, @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer output_names,
+ @Const TF_FunctionOptions opts, String description, TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Function TF_GraphToFunction(
+ @Const TF_Graph fn_body, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer fn_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte append_hash_to_fn_name, int num_opers,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation opers, int ninputs, @Const TF_Output inputs,
+ int noutputs, @Const TF_Output outputs, @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer output_names,
+ @Const TF_FunctionOptions opts, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer description, TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Function TF_GraphToFunction(
+ @Const TF_Graph fn_body, String fn_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte append_hash_to_fn_name, int num_opers,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation opers, int ninputs, @Const TF_Output inputs,
+ int noutputs, @Const TF_Output outputs, @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr byte[] output_names,
+ @Const TF_FunctionOptions opts, String description, TF_Status status);
+// Similar to TF_GraphToFunction but allows specifying control outputs of the
+// function.
+// The arguments of TF_GraphToFunction have the same meaning, but the new
+// arguments are as follows:
+// ncontrol_outputs: Number of control outputs of the function.
+// control_outputs: vector of TF_Operation objects to be marked as control
+// outputs of the function. Operations marked as control outputs are
+// guaranteed to execute.
+// control_output_names: Optional. If not nullptr, vector of strings, one
+// per control output, with their names to be added to the function's
+// OpDef.
+public static native TF_Function TF_GraphToFunctionWithControlOutputs(
+ @Const TF_Graph fn_body, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer fn_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte append_hash_to_fn_name, int num_opers,
+ @Cast("const TF_Operation*const*") PointerPointer opers, int ninputs, @Const TF_Output inputs,
+ int noutputs, @Const TF_Output outputs, @Cast("const char*const*") PointerPointer output_names,
+ int ncontrol_outputs, @Cast("const TF_Operation*const*") PointerPointer control_outputs,
+ @Cast("const char*const*") PointerPointer control_output_names, @Const TF_FunctionOptions opts,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer description, TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Function TF_GraphToFunctionWithControlOutputs(
+ @Const TF_Graph fn_body, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer fn_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte append_hash_to_fn_name, int num_opers,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation opers, int ninputs, @Const TF_Output inputs,
+ int noutputs, @Const TF_Output outputs, @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer output_names,
+ int ncontrol_outputs, @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation control_outputs,
+ @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer control_output_names, @Const TF_FunctionOptions opts,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer description, TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Function TF_GraphToFunctionWithControlOutputs(
+ @Const TF_Graph fn_body, String fn_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte append_hash_to_fn_name, int num_opers,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation opers, int ninputs, @Const TF_Output inputs,
+ int noutputs, @Const TF_Output outputs, @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer output_names,
+ int ncontrol_outputs, @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation control_outputs,
+ @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer control_output_names, @Const TF_FunctionOptions opts,
+ String description, TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Function TF_GraphToFunctionWithControlOutputs(
+ @Const TF_Graph fn_body, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer fn_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte append_hash_to_fn_name, int num_opers,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation opers, int ninputs, @Const TF_Output inputs,
+ int noutputs, @Const TF_Output outputs, @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr byte[] output_names,
+ int ncontrol_outputs, @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation control_outputs,
+ @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr byte[] control_output_names, @Const TF_FunctionOptions opts,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer description, TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Function TF_GraphToFunctionWithControlOutputs(
+ @Const TF_Graph fn_body, String fn_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte append_hash_to_fn_name, int num_opers,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation opers, int ninputs, @Const TF_Output inputs,
+ int noutputs, @Const TF_Output outputs, @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer output_names,
+ int ncontrol_outputs, @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation control_outputs,
+ @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer control_output_names, @Const TF_FunctionOptions opts,
+ String description, TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Function TF_GraphToFunctionWithControlOutputs(
+ @Const TF_Graph fn_body, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer fn_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte append_hash_to_fn_name, int num_opers,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation opers, int ninputs, @Const TF_Output inputs,
+ int noutputs, @Const TF_Output outputs, @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer output_names,
+ int ncontrol_outputs, @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation control_outputs,
+ @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer control_output_names, @Const TF_FunctionOptions opts,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer description, TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Function TF_GraphToFunctionWithControlOutputs(
+ @Const TF_Graph fn_body, String fn_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte append_hash_to_fn_name, int num_opers,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation opers, int ninputs, @Const TF_Output inputs,
+ int noutputs, @Const TF_Output outputs, @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr byte[] output_names,
+ int ncontrol_outputs, @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation control_outputs,
+ @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr byte[] control_output_names, @Const TF_FunctionOptions opts,
+ String description, TF_Status status);
+// Returns the name of the graph function.
+// The return value points to memory that is only usable until the next
+// mutation to *func.
+public static native @Cast("const char*") BytePointer TF_FunctionName(TF_Function func);
+// Write out a serialized representation of `func` (as a FunctionDef protocol
+// message) to `output_func_def` (allocated by TF_NewBuffer()).
+// `output_func_def`'s underlying buffer will be freed when TF_DeleteBuffer()
+// is called.
+// May fail on very large graphs in the future.
+public static native void TF_FunctionToFunctionDef(TF_Function func,
+ TF_Buffer output_func_def,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Construct and return the function whose FunctionDef representation is
+// serialized in `proto`. `proto_len` must equal the number of bytes
+// pointed to by `proto`.
+// Returns:
+// On success, a newly created TF_Function instance. It must be deleted by
+// calling TF_DeleteFunction.
+// On failure, null.
+public static native TF_Function TF_FunctionImportFunctionDef(
+ @Const Pointer proto, @Cast("size_t") long proto_len, TF_Status status);
+// Sets function attribute named `attr_name` to value stored in `proto`.
+// If this attribute is already set to another value, it is overridden.
+// `proto` should point to a sequence of bytes of length `proto_len`
+// representing a binary serialization of an AttrValue protocol
+// buffer.
+public static native void TF_FunctionSetAttrValueProto(TF_Function func,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Const Pointer proto,
+ @Cast("size_t") long proto_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_FunctionSetAttrValueProto(TF_Function func,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Const Pointer proto,
+ @Cast("size_t") long proto_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Sets `output_attr_value` to the binary-serialized AttrValue proto
+// representation of the value of the `attr_name` attr of `func`.
+// If `attr_name` attribute is not present, status is set to an error.
+public static native void TF_FunctionGetAttrValueProto(
+ TF_Function func, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, TF_Buffer output_attr_value,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_FunctionGetAttrValueProto(
+ TF_Function func, String attr_name, TF_Buffer output_attr_value,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Frees the memory used by the `func` struct.
+// TF_DeleteFunction is a noop if `func` is null.
+// Deleting a function does not remove it from any graphs it was copied to.
+public static native void TF_DeleteFunction(TF_Function func);
+// Attempts to evaluate `output`. This will only be possible if `output` doesn't
+// depend on any graph inputs (this function is safe to call if this isn't the
+// case though).
+// If the evaluation is successful, this function returns true and `output`s
+// value is returned in `result`. Otherwise returns false. An error status is
+// returned if something is wrong with the graph or input. Note that this may
+// return false even if no error status is set.
+public static native @Cast("unsigned char") byte TF_TryEvaluateConstant(TF_Graph graph,
+ @ByVal TF_Output output,
+ @Cast("TF_Tensor**") PointerPointer result,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("unsigned char") byte TF_TryEvaluateConstant(TF_Graph graph,
+ @ByVal TF_Output output,
+ @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor result,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Targeting ../TF_Session.java
+// Return a new execution session with the associated graph, or NULL on
+// error. Does not take ownership of any input parameters.
+// *`graph` must be a valid graph (not deleted or nullptr). `graph` will be be
+// kept alive for the lifetime of the returned TF_Session. New nodes can still
+// be added to `graph` after this call.
+public static native TF_Session TF_NewSession(TF_Graph graph,
+ @Const TF_SessionOptions opts,
+ TF_Status status);
+// This function creates a new TF_Session (which is created on success) using
+// `session_options`, and then initializes state (restoring tensors and other
+// assets) using `run_options`.
+// Any NULL and non-NULL value combinations for (`run_options, `meta_graph_def`)
+// are valid.
+// - `export_dir` must be set to the path of the exported SavedModel.
+// - `tags` must include the set of tags used to identify one MetaGraphDef in
+// the SavedModel.
+// - `graph` must be a graph newly allocated with TF_NewGraph().
+// If successful, populates `graph` with the contents of the Graph and
+// `meta_graph_def` with the MetaGraphDef of the loaded model.
+public static native TF_Session TF_LoadSessionFromSavedModel(
+ @Const TF_SessionOptions session_options, @Const TF_Buffer run_options,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer export_dir, @Cast("const char*const*") PointerPointer tags, int tags_len,
+ TF_Graph graph, TF_Buffer meta_graph_def, TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Session TF_LoadSessionFromSavedModel(
+ @Const TF_SessionOptions session_options, @Const TF_Buffer run_options,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer export_dir, @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer tags, int tags_len,
+ TF_Graph graph, TF_Buffer meta_graph_def, TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Session TF_LoadSessionFromSavedModel(
+ @Const TF_SessionOptions session_options, @Const TF_Buffer run_options,
+ String export_dir, @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer tags, int tags_len,
+ TF_Graph graph, TF_Buffer meta_graph_def, TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Session TF_LoadSessionFromSavedModel(
+ @Const TF_SessionOptions session_options, @Const TF_Buffer run_options,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer export_dir, @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr byte[] tags, int tags_len,
+ TF_Graph graph, TF_Buffer meta_graph_def, TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Session TF_LoadSessionFromSavedModel(
+ @Const TF_SessionOptions session_options, @Const TF_Buffer run_options,
+ String export_dir, @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer tags, int tags_len,
+ TF_Graph graph, TF_Buffer meta_graph_def, TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Session TF_LoadSessionFromSavedModel(
+ @Const TF_SessionOptions session_options, @Const TF_Buffer run_options,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer export_dir, @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer tags, int tags_len,
+ TF_Graph graph, TF_Buffer meta_graph_def, TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Session TF_LoadSessionFromSavedModel(
+ @Const TF_SessionOptions session_options, @Const TF_Buffer run_options,
+ String export_dir, @Cast("const char*const*") @ByPtrPtr byte[] tags, int tags_len,
+ TF_Graph graph, TF_Buffer meta_graph_def, TF_Status status);
+// Close a session.
+// Contacts any other processes associated with the session, if applicable.
+// May not be called after TF_DeleteSession().
+public static native void TF_CloseSession(TF_Session arg0, TF_Status status);
+// Destroy a session object.
+// Even if error information is recorded in *status, this call discards all
+// local resources associated with the session. The session may not be used
+// during or after this call (and the session drops its reference to the
+// corresponding graph).
+public static native void TF_DeleteSession(TF_Session arg0, TF_Status status);
+// Run the graph associated with the session starting with the supplied inputs
+// (inputs[0,ninputs-1] with corresponding values in input_values[0,ninputs-1]).
+// Any NULL and non-NULL value combinations for (`run_options`,
+// `run_metadata`) are valid.
+// - `run_options` may be NULL, in which case it will be ignored; or
+// non-NULL, in which case it must point to a `TF_Buffer` containing the
+// serialized representation of a `RunOptions` protocol buffer.
+// - `run_metadata` may be NULL, in which case it will be ignored; or
+// non-NULL, in which case it must point to an empty, freshly allocated
+// `TF_Buffer` that may be updated to contain the serialized representation
+// of a `RunMetadata` protocol buffer.
+// The caller retains ownership of `input_values` (which can be deleted using
+// TF_DeleteTensor). The caller also retains ownership of `run_options` and/or
+// `run_metadata` (when not NULL) and should manually call TF_DeleteBuffer on
+// them.
+// On success, the tensors corresponding to outputs[0,noutputs-1] are placed in
+// output_values[]. Ownership of the elements of output_values[] is transferred
+// to the caller, which must eventually call TF_DeleteTensor on them.
+// On failure, output_values[] contains NULLs.
+public static native void TF_SessionRun(
+ TF_Session session,
+ @Const TF_Buffer run_options,
+ @Const TF_Output inputs, @Cast("TF_Tensor*const*") PointerPointer input_values, int ninputs,
+ @Const TF_Output outputs, @Cast("TF_Tensor**") PointerPointer output_values, int noutputs,
+ @Cast("const TF_Operation*const*") PointerPointer target_opers, int ntargets,
+ TF_Buffer run_metadata,
+ TF_Status arg11);
+public static native void TF_SessionRun(
+ TF_Session session,
+ @Const TF_Buffer run_options,
+ @Const TF_Output inputs, @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor input_values, int ninputs,
+ @Const TF_Output outputs, @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor output_values, int noutputs,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation target_opers, int ntargets,
+ TF_Buffer run_metadata,
+ TF_Status arg11);
+// Set up the graph with the intended feeds (inputs) and fetches (outputs) for a
+// sequence of partial run calls.
+// On success, returns a handle that is used for subsequent PRun calls. The
+// handle should be deleted with TF_DeletePRunHandle when it is no longer
+// needed.
+// On failure, out_status contains a tensorflow::Status with an error
+// message. *handle is set to nullptr.
+public static native void TF_SessionPRunSetup(
+ TF_Session arg0,
+ @Const TF_Output inputs, int ninputs,
+ @Const TF_Output outputs, int noutputs,
+ @Cast("const TF_Operation*const*") PointerPointer target_opers, int ntargets,
+ @Cast("const char**") PointerPointer handle,
+ TF_Status arg8);
+public static native void TF_SessionPRunSetup(
+ TF_Session arg0,
+ @Const TF_Output inputs, int ninputs,
+ @Const TF_Output outputs, int noutputs,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation target_opers, int ntargets,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer handle,
+ TF_Status arg8);
+public static native void TF_SessionPRunSetup(
+ TF_Session arg0,
+ @Const TF_Output inputs, int ninputs,
+ @Const TF_Output outputs, int noutputs,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation target_opers, int ntargets,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer handle,
+ TF_Status arg8);
+public static native void TF_SessionPRunSetup(
+ TF_Session arg0,
+ @Const TF_Output inputs, int ninputs,
+ @Const TF_Output outputs, int noutputs,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation target_opers, int ntargets,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] handle,
+ TF_Status arg8);
+// Continue to run the graph with additional feeds and fetches. The
+// execution state is uniquely identified by the handle.
+public static native void TF_SessionPRun(
+ TF_Session arg0, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer handle,
+ @Const TF_Output inputs, @Cast("TF_Tensor*const*") PointerPointer input_values, int ninputs,
+ @Const TF_Output outputs, @Cast("TF_Tensor**") PointerPointer output_values, int noutputs,
+ @Cast("const TF_Operation*const*") PointerPointer target_opers, int ntargets,
+ TF_Status arg10);
+public static native void TF_SessionPRun(
+ TF_Session arg0, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer handle,
+ @Const TF_Output inputs, @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor input_values, int ninputs,
+ @Const TF_Output outputs, @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor output_values, int noutputs,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation target_opers, int ntargets,
+ TF_Status arg10);
+public static native void TF_SessionPRun(
+ TF_Session arg0, String handle,
+ @Const TF_Output inputs, @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor input_values, int ninputs,
+ @Const TF_Output outputs, @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor output_values, int noutputs,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TF_Operation target_opers, int ntargets,
+ TF_Status arg10);
+// Deletes a handle allocated by TF_SessionPRunSetup.
+// Once called, no more calls to TF_SessionPRun should be made.
+public static native void TF_DeletePRunHandle(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer handle);
+public static native void TF_DeletePRunHandle(String handle);
+// Targeting ../TF_DeprecatedSession.java
+public static native TF_DeprecatedSession TF_NewDeprecatedSession(
+ @Const TF_SessionOptions arg0, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_CloseDeprecatedSession(TF_DeprecatedSession arg0,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_DeleteDeprecatedSession(TF_DeprecatedSession arg0,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_Reset(@Const TF_SessionOptions opt,
+ @Cast("const char**") PointerPointer containers, int ncontainers,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_Reset(@Const TF_SessionOptions opt,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer containers, int ncontainers,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_Reset(@Const TF_SessionOptions opt,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer containers, int ncontainers,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_Reset(@Const TF_SessionOptions opt,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] containers, int ncontainers,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Treat the bytes proto[0,proto_len-1] as a serialized GraphDef and
+// add the nodes in that GraphDef to the graph for the session.
+// Prefer use of TF_Session and TF_GraphImportGraphDef over this.
+public static native void TF_ExtendGraph(TF_DeprecatedSession arg0,
+ @Const Pointer proto, @Cast("size_t") long proto_len,
+ TF_Status arg3);
+// See TF_SessionRun() above.
+public static native void TF_Run(TF_DeprecatedSession arg0,
+ @Const TF_Buffer run_options,
+ @Cast("const char**") PointerPointer input_names, @Cast("TF_Tensor**") PointerPointer inputs,
+ int ninputs, @Cast("const char**") PointerPointer output_names,
+ @Cast("TF_Tensor**") PointerPointer outputs, int noutputs,
+ @Cast("const char**") PointerPointer target_oper_names, int ntargets,
+ TF_Buffer run_metadata, TF_Status arg11);
+public static native void TF_Run(TF_DeprecatedSession arg0,
+ @Const TF_Buffer run_options,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer input_names, @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor inputs,
+ int ninputs, @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer output_names,
+ @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor outputs, int noutputs,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer target_oper_names, int ntargets,
+ TF_Buffer run_metadata, TF_Status arg11);
+public static native void TF_Run(TF_DeprecatedSession arg0,
+ @Const TF_Buffer run_options,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer input_names, @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor inputs,
+ int ninputs, @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer output_names,
+ @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor outputs, int noutputs,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer target_oper_names, int ntargets,
+ TF_Buffer run_metadata, TF_Status arg11);
+public static native void TF_Run(TF_DeprecatedSession arg0,
+ @Const TF_Buffer run_options,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] input_names, @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor inputs,
+ int ninputs, @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] output_names,
+ @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor outputs, int noutputs,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] target_oper_names, int ntargets,
+ TF_Buffer run_metadata, TF_Status arg11);
+// See TF_SessionPRunSetup() above.
+public static native void TF_PRunSetup(TF_DeprecatedSession arg0,
+ @Cast("const char**") PointerPointer input_names, int ninputs,
+ @Cast("const char**") PointerPointer output_names, int noutputs,
+ @Cast("const char**") PointerPointer target_oper_names,
+ int ntargets, @Cast("const char**") PointerPointer handle,
+ TF_Status arg8);
+public static native void TF_PRunSetup(TF_DeprecatedSession arg0,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer input_names, int ninputs,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer output_names, int noutputs,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer target_oper_names,
+ int ntargets, @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer handle,
+ TF_Status arg8);
+public static native void TF_PRunSetup(TF_DeprecatedSession arg0,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer input_names, int ninputs,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer output_names, int noutputs,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer target_oper_names,
+ int ntargets, @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer handle,
+ TF_Status arg8);
+public static native void TF_PRunSetup(TF_DeprecatedSession arg0,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] input_names, int ninputs,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] output_names, int noutputs,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] target_oper_names,
+ int ntargets, @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] handle,
+ TF_Status arg8);
+// See TF_SessionPRun above.
+public static native void TF_PRun(TF_DeprecatedSession arg0, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer handle,
+ @Cast("const char**") PointerPointer input_names, @Cast("TF_Tensor**") PointerPointer inputs,
+ int ninputs, @Cast("const char**") PointerPointer output_names,
+ @Cast("TF_Tensor**") PointerPointer outputs, int noutputs,
+ @Cast("const char**") PointerPointer target_oper_names, int ntargets,
+ TF_Status arg10);
+public static native void TF_PRun(TF_DeprecatedSession arg0, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer handle,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer input_names, @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor inputs,
+ int ninputs, @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer output_names,
+ @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor outputs, int noutputs,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer target_oper_names, int ntargets,
+ TF_Status arg10);
+public static native void TF_PRun(TF_DeprecatedSession arg0, String handle,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer input_names, @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor inputs,
+ int ninputs, @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer output_names,
+ @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor outputs, int noutputs,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer target_oper_names, int ntargets,
+ TF_Status arg10);
+public static native void TF_PRun(TF_DeprecatedSession arg0, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer handle,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] input_names, @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor inputs,
+ int ninputs, @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] output_names,
+ @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor outputs, int noutputs,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] target_oper_names, int ntargets,
+ TF_Status arg10);
+public static native void TF_PRun(TF_DeprecatedSession arg0, String handle,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer input_names, @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor inputs,
+ int ninputs, @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer output_names,
+ @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor outputs, int noutputs,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer target_oper_names, int ntargets,
+ TF_Status arg10);
+public static native void TF_PRun(TF_DeprecatedSession arg0, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer handle,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer input_names, @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor inputs,
+ int ninputs, @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer output_names,
+ @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor outputs, int noutputs,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer target_oper_names, int ntargets,
+ TF_Status arg10);
+public static native void TF_PRun(TF_DeprecatedSession arg0, String handle,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] input_names, @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor inputs,
+ int ninputs, @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] output_names,
+ @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor outputs, int noutputs,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] target_oper_names, int ntargets,
+ TF_Status arg10);
+// Targeting ../TF_DeviceList.java
+// Lists all devices in a TF_Session.
+// Caller takes ownership of the returned TF_DeviceList* which must eventually
+// be freed with a call to TF_DeleteDeviceList.
+public static native TF_DeviceList TF_SessionListDevices(TF_Session session,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Lists all devices in a TF_Session.
+// Caller takes ownership of the returned TF_DeviceList* which must eventually
+// be freed with a call to TF_DeleteDeviceList.
+public static native TF_DeviceList TF_DeprecatedSessionListDevices(
+ TF_DeprecatedSession session, TF_Status status);
+// Deallocates the device list.
+public static native void TF_DeleteDeviceList(TF_DeviceList list);
+// Counts the number of elements in the device list.
+public static native int TF_DeviceListCount(@Const TF_DeviceList list);
+// Retrieves the full name of the device (e.g. /job:worker/replica:0/...)
+// The return value will be a pointer to a null terminated string. The caller
+// must not modify or delete the string. It will be deallocated upon a call to
+// TF_DeleteDeviceList.
+// If index is out of bounds, an error code will be set in the status object,
+// and a null pointer will be returned.
+public static native @Cast("const char*") BytePointer TF_DeviceListName(@Const TF_DeviceList list,
+ int index,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Retrieves the type of the device at the given index.
+// The caller must not modify or delete the string. It will be deallocated upon
+// a call to TF_DeleteDeviceList.
+// If index is out of bounds, an error code will be set in the status object,
+// and a null pointer will be returned.
+public static native @Cast("const char*") BytePointer TF_DeviceListType(@Const TF_DeviceList list,
+ int index,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Retrieve the amount of memory associated with a given device.
+// If index is out of bounds, an error code will be set in the status object,
+// and -1 will be returned.
+public static native @Cast("int64_t") long TF_DeviceListMemoryBytes(
+ @Const TF_DeviceList list, int index, TF_Status status);
+// Retrieve the incarnation number of a given device.
+// If index is out of bounds, an error code will be set in the status object,
+// and 0 will be returned.
+public static native @Cast("uint64_t") long TF_DeviceListIncarnation(
+ @Const TF_DeviceList list, int index, TF_Status status);
+// Targeting ../TF_Library.java
+// Load the library specified by library_filename and register the ops and
+// kernels present in that library.
+// Pass "library_filename" to a platform-specific mechanism for dynamically
+// loading a library. The rules for determining the exact location of the
+// library are platform-specific and are not documented here.
+// On success, place OK in status and return the newly created library handle.
+// The caller owns the library handle.
+// On failure, place an error status in status and return NULL.
+public static native TF_Library TF_LoadLibrary(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer library_filename,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Library TF_LoadLibrary(String library_filename,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Get the OpList of OpDefs defined in the library pointed by lib_handle.
+// Returns a TF_Buffer. The memory pointed to by the result is owned by
+// lib_handle. The data in the buffer will be the serialized OpList proto for
+// ops defined in the library.
+public static native @ByVal TF_Buffer TF_GetOpList(TF_Library lib_handle);
+// Frees the memory associated with the library handle.
+// Does NOT unload the library.
+public static native void TF_DeleteLibraryHandle(TF_Library lib_handle);
+// Get the OpList of all OpDefs defined in this address space.
+// Returns a TF_Buffer, ownership of which is transferred to the caller
+// (and can be freed using TF_DeleteBuffer).
+// The data in the buffer will be the serialized OpList proto for ops registered
+// in this address space.
+public static native TF_Buffer TF_GetAllOpList();
+// Targeting ../TF_ApiDefMap.java
+// Creates a new TF_ApiDefMap instance.
+// Params:
+// op_list_buffer - TF_Buffer instance containing serialized OpList
+// protocol buffer. (See
+// https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/framework/op_def.proto
+// for the OpList proto definition).
+// status - Set to OK on success and an appropriate error on failure.
+public static native TF_ApiDefMap TF_NewApiDefMap(TF_Buffer op_list_buffer,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Deallocates a TF_ApiDefMap.
+public static native void TF_DeleteApiDefMap(TF_ApiDefMap apimap);
+// Add ApiDefs to the map.
+// `text` corresponds to a text representation of an ApiDefs protocol message.
+// (https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/framework/api_def.proto).
+// The provided ApiDefs will be merged with existing ones in the map, with
+// precedence given to the newly added version in case of conflicts with
+// previous calls to TF_ApiDefMapPut.
+public static native void TF_ApiDefMapPut(TF_ApiDefMap api_def_map,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer text, @Cast("size_t") long text_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_ApiDefMapPut(TF_ApiDefMap api_def_map,
+ String text, @Cast("size_t") long text_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Returns a serialized ApiDef protocol buffer for the TensorFlow operation
+// named `name`.
+public static native TF_Buffer TF_ApiDefMapGet(TF_ApiDefMap api_def_map,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer name,
+ @Cast("size_t") long name_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Buffer TF_ApiDefMapGet(TF_ApiDefMap api_def_map,
+ String name,
+ @Cast("size_t") long name_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Kernel definition information.
+// Returns a serialized KernelList protocol buffer containing KernelDefs for all
+// registered kernels.
+public static native TF_Buffer TF_GetAllRegisteredKernels(TF_Status status);
+// Returns a serialized KernelList protocol buffer containing KernelDefs for all
+// kernels registered for the operation named `name`.
+public static native TF_Buffer TF_GetRegisteredKernelsForOp(
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer name, TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_Buffer TF_GetRegisteredKernelsForOp(
+ String name, TF_Status status);
+// Targeting ../TF_Server.java
+// Creates a new in-process TensorFlow server configured using a serialized
+// ServerDef protocol buffer provided via `proto` and `proto_len`.
+// The server will not serve any requests until TF_ServerStart is invoked.
+// The server will stop serving requests once TF_ServerStop or
+// TF_DeleteServer is invoked.
+public static native TF_Server TF_NewServer(@Const Pointer proto,
+ @Cast("size_t") long proto_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Starts an in-process TensorFlow server.
+public static native void TF_ServerStart(TF_Server server, TF_Status status);
+// Stops an in-process TensorFlow server.
+public static native void TF_ServerStop(TF_Server server, TF_Status status);
+// Blocks until the server has been successfully stopped (via TF_ServerStop or
+// TF_ServerClose).
+public static native void TF_ServerJoin(TF_Server server, TF_Status status);
+// Returns the target string that can be provided to TF_SetTarget() to connect
+// a TF_Session to `server`.
+// The returned string is valid only until TF_DeleteServer is invoked.
+public static native @Cast("const char*") BytePointer TF_ServerTarget(TF_Server server);
+// Destroy an in-process TensorFlow server, frees memory. If server is running
+// it will be stopped and joined.
+public static native void TF_DeleteServer(TF_Server server);
+// Targeting ../Listener_BytePointer.java
+public static native void TF_RegisterLogListener(
+ Listener_BytePointer listener);
+// Targeting ../Listener_String.java
+public static native void TF_RegisterLogListener(
+ Listener_String listener);
+// #ifdef __cplusplus /* end extern "C" */
+// #endif
+// #endif // TENSORFLOW_C_C_API_H_
+// Parsed from tensorflow/c/env.h
+/* Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+// #include
+// #include
+// #include
+// #ifndef TENSORFLOW_C_ENV_H_
+// #define TENSORFLOW_C_ENV_H_
+// #include "tensorflow/c/c_api.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// C API for tensorflow::Env.
+// #ifdef __cplusplus
+// Targeting ../TF_WritableFileHandle.java
+// Targeting ../TF_StringStream.java
+// Targeting ../TF_Thread.java
+// Targeting ../TF_FileStatistics.java
+// Targeting ../TF_ThreadOptions.java
+// Creates the specified directory. Typical status code are:
+// * TF_OK - successfully created the directory
+// * TF_ALREADY_EXISTS - directory already exists
+// * TF_PERMISSION_DENIED - dirname is not writable
+public static native void TF_CreateDir(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer dirname, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_CreateDir(String dirname, TF_Status status);
+// Deletes the specified directory. Typical status codes are:
+// * TF_OK - successfully deleted the directory
+// * TF_FAILED_PRECONDITION - the directory is not empty
+public static native void TF_DeleteDir(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer dirname, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_DeleteDir(String dirname, TF_Status status);
+// Deletes the specified directory and all subdirectories and files underneath
+// it. This is accomplished by traversing the directory tree rooted at dirname
+// and deleting entries as they are encountered.
+// If dirname itself is not readable or does not exist, *undeleted_dir_count is
+// set to 1, *undeleted_file_count is set to 0 and an appropriate status (e.g.
+// TF_NOT_FOUND) is returned.
+// If dirname and all its descendants were successfully deleted, TF_OK is
+// returned and both error counters are set to zero.
+// Otherwise, while traversing the tree, undeleted_file_count and
+// undeleted_dir_count are updated if an entry of the corresponding type could
+// not be deleted. The returned error status represents the reason that any one
+// of these entries could not be deleted.
+// Typical status codes:
+// * TF_OK - dirname exists and we were able to delete everything underneath
+// * TF_NOT_FOUND - dirname doesn't exist
+// * TF_PERMISSION_DENIED - dirname or some descendant is not writable
+// * TF_UNIMPLEMENTED - some underlying functions (like Delete) are not
+// implemented
+public static native void TF_DeleteRecursively(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer dirname,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongPointer undeleted_file_count,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongPointer undeleted_dir_count,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_DeleteRecursively(String dirname,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongBuffer undeleted_file_count,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongBuffer undeleted_dir_count,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_DeleteRecursively(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer dirname,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") long[] undeleted_file_count,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") long[] undeleted_dir_count,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_DeleteRecursively(String dirname,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongPointer undeleted_file_count,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongPointer undeleted_dir_count,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_DeleteRecursively(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer dirname,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongBuffer undeleted_file_count,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongBuffer undeleted_dir_count,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_DeleteRecursively(String dirname,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") long[] undeleted_file_count,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") long[] undeleted_dir_count,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Obtains statistics for the given path. If status is TF_OK, *stats is
+// updated, otherwise it is not touched.
+public static native void TF_FileStat(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer filename,
+ TF_FileStatistics stats,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_FileStat(String filename,
+ TF_FileStatistics stats,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Creates or truncates the given filename and returns a handle to be used for
+// appending data to the file. If status is TF_OK, *handle is updated and the
+// caller is responsible for freeing it (see TF_CloseWritableFile).
+public static native void TF_NewWritableFile(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer filename,
+ @Cast("TF_WritableFileHandle**") PointerPointer handle,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_NewWritableFile(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer filename,
+ @ByPtrPtr TF_WritableFileHandle handle,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_NewWritableFile(String filename,
+ @ByPtrPtr TF_WritableFileHandle handle,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Closes the given handle and frees its memory. If there was a problem closing
+// the file, it is indicated by status. Memory is freed in any case.
+public static native void TF_CloseWritableFile(TF_WritableFileHandle handle,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Syncs content of the handle to the filesystem. Blocks waiting for the
+// filesystem to indicate that the content has been persisted.
+public static native void TF_SyncWritableFile(TF_WritableFileHandle handle,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Flush local buffers to the filesystem. If the process terminates after a
+// successful flush, the contents may still be persisted, since the underlying
+// filesystem may eventually flush the contents. If the OS or machine crashes
+// after a successful flush, the contents may or may not be persisted, depending
+// on the implementation.
+public static native void TF_FlushWritableFile(TF_WritableFileHandle handle,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Appends the given bytes to the file. Any failure to do so is indicated in
+// status.
+public static native void TF_AppendWritableFile(TF_WritableFileHandle handle,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer data,
+ @Cast("size_t") long length,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_AppendWritableFile(TF_WritableFileHandle handle,
+ String data,
+ @Cast("size_t") long length,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Deletes the named file and indicates whether successful in *status.
+public static native void TF_DeleteFile(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer filename,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_DeleteFile(String filename,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Retrieves the next item from the given TF_StringStream and places a pointer
+// to it in *result. If no more items are in the list, *result is set to NULL
+// and false is returned.
+// Ownership of the items retrieved with this function remains with the library.
+// Item points are invalidated after a call to TF_StringStreamDone.
+public static native @Cast("bool") boolean TF_StringStreamNext(TF_StringStream list,
+ @Cast("const char**") PointerPointer result);
+public static native @Cast("bool") boolean TF_StringStreamNext(TF_StringStream list,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer result);
+public static native @Cast("bool") boolean TF_StringStreamNext(TF_StringStream list,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer result);
+public static native @Cast("bool") boolean TF_StringStreamNext(TF_StringStream list,
+ @Cast("const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] result);
+// Frees the resources associated with given string list. All pointers returned
+// by TF_StringStreamNext are invalid after this call.
+public static native void TF_StringStreamDone(TF_StringStream list);
+// Retrieves the list of children of the given directory. You can iterate
+// through the list with TF_StringStreamNext. The caller is responsible for
+// freeing the list (see TF_StringStreamDone).
+public static native TF_StringStream TF_GetChildren(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer filename,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native TF_StringStream TF_GetChildren(String filename,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Retrieves a list of directory names on the local machine that may be used for
+// temporary storage. You can iterate through the list with TF_StringStreamNext.
+// The caller is responsible for freeing the list (see TF_StringStreamDone).
+public static native TF_StringStream TF_GetLocalTempDirectories();
+// Returns the number of nanoseconds since the Unix epoch.
+public static native @Cast("uint64_t") long TF_NowNanos();
+// Returns the number of microseconds since the Unix epoch.
+public static native @Cast("uint64_t") long TF_NowMicros();
+// Returns the number of seconds since the Unix epoch.
+public static native @Cast("uint64_t") long TF_NowSeconds();
+// Populates a TF_ThreadOptions struct with system-default values.
+public static native void TF_DefaultThreadOptions(TF_ThreadOptions options);
+// Targeting ../Work_func_Pointer.java
+public static native TF_Thread TF_StartThread(@Const TF_ThreadOptions options,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer thread_name,
+ Work_func_Pointer work_func,
+ Pointer param);
+public static native TF_Thread TF_StartThread(@Const TF_ThreadOptions options,
+ String thread_name,
+ Work_func_Pointer work_func,
+ Pointer param);
+// Waits for the given thread to finish execution, then deletes it.
+public static native void TF_JoinThread(TF_Thread thread);
+// #ifdef __cplusplus
+// #endif
+// #endif // TENSORFLOW_C_ENV_H_
+// Parsed from tensorflow/c/kernels.h
+/* Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+// #include
+// #include "tensorflow/c/tf_datatype.h"
+// #include "tensorflow/c/tf_status.h"
+// Macro to control visibility of exported symbols in the shared library (.so,
+// .dylib, .dll).
+// This duplicates the TF_EXPORT macro definition in
+// tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h in order to keep this .h file independent
+// of any other includes.
+// #ifdef SWIG
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT
+// #else
+// #if defined(_WIN32)
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+// #else
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+// #endif // TF_COMPILE_LIBRARY
+// #else
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
+// #endif // _WIN32
+// #endif // SWIG
+// #ifdef __cplusplus
+// #endif
+// Targeting ../TF_KernelBuilder.java
+// Targeting ../TF_OpKernelConstruction.java
+// Targeting ../TF_OpKernelContext.java
+// Targeting ../Create_func_TF_OpKernelConstruction.java
+// Targeting ../Compute_func_Pointer_TF_OpKernelContext.java
+// Targeting ../Delete_func_Pointer.java
+public static native TF_KernelBuilder TF_NewKernelBuilder(
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer op_name, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer device_name,
+ Create_func_TF_OpKernelConstruction create_func,
+ Compute_func_Pointer_TF_OpKernelContext compute_func,
+ Delete_func_Pointer delete_func);
+public static native TF_KernelBuilder TF_NewKernelBuilder(
+ String op_name, String device_name,
+ Create_func_TF_OpKernelConstruction create_func,
+ Compute_func_Pointer_TF_OpKernelContext compute_func,
+ Delete_func_Pointer delete_func);
+// Specifies that this kernel's attribute only supports the given type.
+public static native void TF_KernelBuilder_TypeConstraint(
+ TF_KernelBuilder kernel_builder, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const TF_DataType") int type, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_KernelBuilder_TypeConstraint(
+ TF_KernelBuilder kernel_builder, String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const TF_DataType") int type, TF_Status status);
+// Specify that this kernel requires/provides an input/output arg
+// in host memory (instead of the default, device memory).
+public static native void TF_KernelBuilder_HostMemory(
+ TF_KernelBuilder kernel_builder, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer arg_name);
+public static native void TF_KernelBuilder_HostMemory(
+ TF_KernelBuilder kernel_builder, String arg_name);
+// Register the given kernel builder with the TensorFlow runtime. If
+// registration fails, the given status will be populated.
+// This call takes ownership of the `builder` pointer.
+public static native void TF_RegisterKernelBuilder(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer kernel_name,
+ TF_KernelBuilder builder,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_RegisterKernelBuilder(String kernel_name,
+ TF_KernelBuilder builder,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Deletes the given TF_KernelBuilder. This should be called only if the kernel
+// builder is not registered with TensorFlow via TF_RegisterKernelBuilder.
+public static native void TF_DeleteKernelBuilder(TF_KernelBuilder builder);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// OpKernelContext routines
+// TF_NumInputs returns the number of inputs available in ctx.
+public static native int TF_NumInputs(TF_OpKernelContext ctx);
+// TF_NumOutputs returns the number of outputs to be placed in *ctx by the
+// kernel.
+public static native int TF_NumOutputs(TF_OpKernelContext ctx);
+// Retrieves the ith input from ctx. If TF_GetCode(status) is TF_OK, *tensor is
+// populated and its ownership is passed to the caller. In any other case,
+// *tensor is not modified.
+// If i < 0 or i >= TF_NumInputs(ctx), *status is set to TF_OUT_OF_RANGE.
+public static native void TF_GetInput(TF_OpKernelContext ctx, int i,
+ @Cast("TF_Tensor**") PointerPointer tensor, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_GetInput(TF_OpKernelContext ctx, int i,
+ @ByPtrPtr TF_Tensor tensor, TF_Status status);
+// Sets the ith output of ctx to tensor. If TF_GetCode(status) is anything but
+// TF_OK, ctx is left unmodified.
+// If i < 0 or i >= TF_NumOutputs(ctx), *status is set to TF_OUT_OF_RANGE.
+public static native void TF_SetOutput(TF_OpKernelContext ctx, int i,
+ @Const TF_Tensor tensor,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Notifies the given OpKernelConstruction that kernel construction has failed.
+public static native void TF_OpKernelConstruction_Failure(
+ TF_OpKernelConstruction ctx, TF_Status status);
+// Notifies the given OpKernelContext that the kernel's compute function has
+// failed.
+public static native void TF_OpKernelContext_Failure(TF_OpKernelContext ctx,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Returns the expected output data type of the ith output. If i < 0 or
+// i >= TF_NumOutputs(ctx), the program aborts.
+public static native @Cast("TF_DataType") int TF_ExpectedOutputDataType(
+ TF_OpKernelContext ctx, int i);
+// Returns the step ID of the given context.
+public static native @Cast("int64_t") long TF_StepId(TF_OpKernelContext ctx);
+// Interprets the named kernel construction attribute as a TF_DataType and
+// places it into *val. *status is set to TF_OK.
+// If the attribute could not be found or could not be interpreted as
+// TF_DataType, *status is populated with an error.
+public static native void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrType(
+ TF_OpKernelConstruction ctx, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @Cast("TF_DataType*") IntPointer val,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrType(
+ TF_OpKernelConstruction ctx, String attr_name, @Cast("TF_DataType*") IntBuffer val,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrType(
+ TF_OpKernelConstruction ctx, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @Cast("TF_DataType*") int[] val,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrType(
+ TF_OpKernelConstruction ctx, String attr_name, @Cast("TF_DataType*") IntPointer val,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrType(
+ TF_OpKernelConstruction ctx, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @Cast("TF_DataType*") IntBuffer val,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrType(
+ TF_OpKernelConstruction ctx, String attr_name, @Cast("TF_DataType*") int[] val,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Interprets the named kernel construction attribute as int32_t and
+// places it into *val. *status is set to TF_OK.
+// If the attribute could not be found or could not be interpreted as
+// int32, *status is populated with an error.
+public static native void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrInt32(
+ TF_OpKernelConstruction ctx, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, IntPointer val,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrInt32(
+ TF_OpKernelConstruction ctx, String attr_name, IntBuffer val,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrInt32(
+ TF_OpKernelConstruction ctx, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, int[] val,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrInt32(
+ TF_OpKernelConstruction ctx, String attr_name, IntPointer val,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrInt32(
+ TF_OpKernelConstruction ctx, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, IntBuffer val,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_OpKernelConstruction_GetAttrInt32(
+ TF_OpKernelConstruction ctx, String attr_name, int[] val,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Allocates Tensor for output at given index. Caller takes ownership of
+// returned TF_Tensor and should deallocate it using TF_DeleteTensor(tensor).
+// This function should be used to allocate outputs inside kernel
+// compute function.
+public static native TF_Tensor TF_AllocateOutput(TF_OpKernelContext context,
+ int index, @Cast("TF_DataType") int dtype,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongPointer dims, int num_dims,
+ @Cast("size_t") long len);
+public static native TF_Tensor TF_AllocateOutput(TF_OpKernelContext context,
+ int index, @Cast("TF_DataType") int dtype,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") LongBuffer dims, int num_dims,
+ @Cast("size_t") long len);
+public static native TF_Tensor TF_AllocateOutput(TF_OpKernelContext context,
+ int index, @Cast("TF_DataType") int dtype,
+ @Cast("int64_t*") long[] dims, int num_dims,
+ @Cast("size_t") long len);
+// #ifdef __cplusplus /* end extern "C" */
+// #endif
+// Parsed from tensorflow/c/ops.h
+/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+// Routines for registering new ops and for implementing op shape inference
+// functions.
+// This API is alpha software and is subject to change.
+// ------------
+// In order to register a new op, create a new TF_OpDefinitionBuilder:
+// TF_OpDefinitionBuilder* builder = TF_NewOpDefinitionBuilder("OpName");
+// Inputs, outputs and attributes can be added to the builder with the
+// corresponding functions, e.g.
+// TF_OpDefinitionBuilderAddInput(builder, "input1: int32");
+// TF_OpDefinitionBuilderAddOutput(builder, "output1: int64");
+// TF_OpDefinitionBuilderAddAttr(builder, "attr: int32");
+// The builder may then be registered with TensorFlow using the
+// TF_RegisterOpDefinition function. E.g.
+// TF_Status* status = TF_NewStatus();
+// TF_RegisterOpDefinition(builder, &status);
+// if (TF_GetCode(status) != TF_OK) {
+// // handle error
+// }
+// ---------------
+// You can provide a shape inference function that TensorFlow will call when it
+// wants to understand the shape of outputs that the op will produce. Use the
+// TF_OpDefinitionBuilderSetShapeInferenceFunction function to register a shape
+// inference function pointer with TensorFlow. The following is an example of a
+// very simple shape inference function:
+// void identity_shape_fn(TF_ShapeInferenceContext* ctx, TF_Status* status) {
+// TF_ShapeHandle* input = TF_NewShapeHandle();
+// TF_ShapeInferenceContextGetInput(ctx, 0, input, status);
+// if (TF_GetCode(status) == TF_OK) {
+// TF_ShapeInferenceContextSetOutput(ctx, 0, input, status);
+// }
+// TF_DeleteShapeHandle(input);
+// }
+// The following code registers the inference function with TensorFlow:
+// TF_OpDefinitionBuilderSetShapeInferenceFunction(builder, &identity_shape_fn);
+// For more details about shape inference, see the documentation for
+// TF_OpDefinitionBuilderSetShapeInferenceFunction.
+// #ifndef TENSORFLOW_C_OPS_H_
+// #define TENSORFLOW_C_OPS_H_
+// #include
+// #include
+// #include
+// #include "tensorflow/c/tf_datatype.h"
+// #include "tensorflow/c/tf_status.h"
+// #ifdef SWIG
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT
+// #else
+// #if defined(_WIN32)
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+// #else
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+// #endif // TF_COMPILE_LIBRARY
+// #else
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
+// #endif // _WIN32
+// #endif // SWIG
+// #ifdef __cplusplus
+// Targeting ../TF_DimensionHandle.java
+// Targeting ../TF_OpDefinitionBuilder.java
+// Targeting ../TF_ShapeHandle.java
+// Targeting ../TF_ShapeInferenceContext.java
+// Returns a newly allocated op definition builder for the given op name. The
+// returned builder may be customized with the `TF_OpDefinitionBuilder...`
+// functions and then registered with TensorFlow with TF_RegisterOpDefinition.
+// The returned pointer is either freed by a call to TF_RegisterOpDefinition, or
+// can be manually deleted by TF_DeleteOpDefinitionBuilder if it is never
+// registered.
+public static native TF_OpDefinitionBuilder TF_NewOpDefinitionBuilder(
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer op_name);
+public static native TF_OpDefinitionBuilder TF_NewOpDefinitionBuilder(
+ String op_name);
+// Registers the given op builder with TensorFlow. Indicates success or
+// otherwise in the given status.
+// `builder` is freed whether the op was successfully registered or not. You
+// must call either this function or TF_DeleteOpDefinitionBuilder to free the
+// builder, but never both.
+public static native void TF_RegisterOpDefinition(
+ TF_OpDefinitionBuilder builder, TF_Status status);
+// Frees the given op definition builder. You must call either this function or
+// TF_RegisterOpDefinition to free the builder, but never both.
+public static native void TF_DeleteOpDefinitionBuilder(
+ TF_OpDefinitionBuilder builder);
+// Attribute functions.
+// Adds an attr to the given TF_OpDefinitionBuilder. The spec has
+// format ":" or ":="
+// where matches regexp [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*.
+// By convention, names containing only capital letters are reserved for
+// attributes whose values can be inferred by the operator implementation if not
+// supplied by the user. If the attribute name contains characters other than
+// capital letters, the operator expects the user to provide the attribute value
+// at operation runtime.
+// can be:
+// "string", "int", "float", "bool", "type", "shape", or "tensor"
+// "numbertype", "realnumbertype", "quantizedtype"
+// (meaning "type" with a restriction on valid values)
+// "{int32,int64}" or {realnumbertype,quantizedtype,string}"
+// (meaning "type" with a restriction containing unions of value types)
+// "{\"foo\", \"bar\n baz\"}", or "{'foo', 'bar\n baz'}"
+// (meaning "string" with a restriction on valid values)
+// "list(string)", ..., "list(tensor)", "list(numbertype)", ...
+// (meaning lists of the above types)
+// "int >= 2" (meaning "int" with a restriction on valid values)
+// "list(string) >= 2", "list(int) >= 2"
+// (meaning "list(string)" / "list(int)" with length at least 2)
+// , if included, should use the Proto text format
+// of . For lists use [a, b, c] format.
+// Note that any attr specifying the length of an input or output will
+// get a default minimum of 1 unless the >= # syntax is used.
+public static native void TF_OpDefinitionBuilderAddAttr(
+ TF_OpDefinitionBuilder builder, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_spec);
+public static native void TF_OpDefinitionBuilderAddAttr(
+ TF_OpDefinitionBuilder builder, String attr_spec);
+// Adds an input to this TF_OpDefinitionBuilder.
+// The spec has form ":" or ":Ref()"
+// where matches regexp [a-z][a-z0-9_]* and can be:
+// * For a single tensor:
+// * For a sequence of tensors with the same type: *
+// * For a sequence of tensors with different types:
+// Where:
+// is either one of "float", "int32", "string", ...
+// or the name of an attr (see TF_OpDefinitionBuilderAddAttr)
+// with type "type".
+// is the name of an attr with type "int".
+// is the name of an attr with type "list(type)".
+public static native void TF_OpDefinitionBuilderAddInput(
+ TF_OpDefinitionBuilder builder, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer input_spec);
+public static native void TF_OpDefinitionBuilderAddInput(
+ TF_OpDefinitionBuilder builder, String input_spec);
+// Adds an output to this TF_OpDefinitionBuilder.
+// The spec has form ":" or ":Ref()"
+// where matches regexp [a-z][a-z0-9_]* and can be:
+// * For a single tensor:
+// * For a sequence of tensors with the same type: *
+// * For a sequence of tensors with different types:
+// Where:
+// is either one of "float", "int32", "string", ...
+// or the name of an attr (see TF_OpDefinitionBuilderAddAttr)
+// with type "type".
+// is the name of an attr with type "int".
+// is the name of an attr with type "list(type)".
+public static native void TF_OpDefinitionBuilderAddOutput(
+ TF_OpDefinitionBuilder builder, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer output_spec);
+public static native void TF_OpDefinitionBuilderAddOutput(
+ TF_OpDefinitionBuilder builder, String output_spec);
+// Sets the commutative property for the op built by the given builder.
+public static native void TF_OpDefinitionBuilderSetIsCommutative(
+ TF_OpDefinitionBuilder builder, @Cast("bool") boolean is_commutative);
+// Sets the is_aggregate property of the builder to the given value.
+// If is_aggregate is true, then the operation produced by this builder accepts
+// N >= 2 inputs and produces 1 output all of the same type. Should be
+// associative and commutative, and produce output with the same shape as the
+// input. The optimizer may replace an aggregate op taking input from multiple
+// devices with a tree of aggregate ops that aggregate locally within each
+// device (and possibly within groups of nearby devices) before communicating.
+public static native void TF_OpDefinitionBuilderSetIsAggregate(
+ TF_OpDefinitionBuilder builder, @Cast("bool") boolean is_aggregate);
+// Sets the is_stateful property of the builder to the given value.
+// The op built by this builder is stateful if its behavior depends on some
+// state beyond its input tensors (e.g. variable reading op) or if it has a
+// side-effect (e.g. printing or asserting ops). Equivalently, stateless ops
+// must always produce the same output for the same input and have no
+// side-effects.
+// By default Ops may be moved between devices. Stateful ops should either not
+// be moved, or should only be moved if that state can also be moved (e.g. via
+// some sort of save / restore). Stateful ops are guaranteed to never be
+// optimized away by Common Subexpression Elimination (CSE).
+public static native void TF_OpDefinitionBuilderSetIsStateful(
+ TF_OpDefinitionBuilder builder, @Cast("bool") boolean is_stateful);
+// Sets the allows_uninitialized_input property of the operation built by this
+// builder.
+// By default, all inputs to an Op must be initialized Tensors. Ops that may
+// initialize tensors for the first time should set this field to true, to allow
+// the Op to take an uninitialized Tensor as input.
+public static native void TF_OpDefinitionBuilderSetAllowsUninitializedInput(
+ TF_OpDefinitionBuilder builder, @Cast("bool") boolean allows_uninitialized_input);
+// Adds a deprecation warning for the given op. This indicates to the user that
+// `version` is the first TensorFlow GraphDef version for which the operation is
+// deprecated. `explanation` should contain the reason for the deprecation and
+// what to use instead.
+// This function is only an indicator that the operation may disappear in a
+// version of TensorFlow after `version`. It does not affect op registration.
+public static native void TF_OpDefinitionBuilderDeprecated(
+ TF_OpDefinitionBuilder builder, int version, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer explanation);
+public static native void TF_OpDefinitionBuilderDeprecated(
+ TF_OpDefinitionBuilder builder, int version, String explanation);
+// Targeting ../Shape_inference_func_TF_ShapeInferenceContext_TF_Status.java
+public static native void TF_OpDefinitionBuilderSetShapeInferenceFunction(
+ TF_OpDefinitionBuilder builder,
+ Shape_inference_func_TF_ShapeInferenceContext_TF_Status shape_inference_func);
+// Functions for TF_ShapeInferenceContext.
+// Functions for implementing shape inference functions. TensorFlow uses these
+// functions to determine the shape of tensors produced by an operation without
+// having to actually run the operation. If an operation chooses to provide a
+// shape inference function, it will be invoked by TensorFlow as needed.
+// When invoked by TensorFlow, the shape inference function is provided with a
+// TF_ShapeInferenceContext pointer. The function's implementation will use the
+// accessor and mutator functions with names beginning with
+// TF_ShapeInferenceContext to examine the input state and determine the output
+// shape.
+// Returns the number of inputs in the given shape inference context.
+public static native @Cast("int64_t") long TF_ShapeInferenceContextNumInputs(
+ TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx);
+// Returns a newly allocated shape handle. The shapes represented by these
+// handles may be queried or mutated with the corresponding
+// TF_ShapeInferenceContext... functions.
+public static native TF_ShapeHandle TF_NewShapeHandle();
+// Places the ith input of the given shape inference context into the given
+// shape handle, or returns a status other than TF_OK indicating why the input
+// could not be retrieved
+// (for example, if i < 0 || i >= TF_ShapeInferenceContextNumInputs(ctx)).
+public static native void TF_ShapeInferenceContextGetInput(
+ TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx, int i, TF_ShapeHandle handle,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Places the given shape handle into the `i`th output position of the given
+// context. Internally, the shape handle is copied; the caller may subsequently
+// delete `handle`.
+public static native void TF_ShapeInferenceContextSetOutput(TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx,
+ int i, TF_ShapeHandle handle,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Returns a newly-allocate shape handle representing a vector of the given
+// size. The returned handle should be freed with TF_DeleteShapeHandle.
+public static native TF_ShapeHandle TF_ShapeInferenceContextVectorFromSize(
+ TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx, @Cast("size_t") long size);
+// Returns a newly allocated dimension handle. It must be freed with
+// TF_DeleteDimensionHandle.
+public static native TF_DimensionHandle TF_NewDimensionHandle();
+// Interprets the named shape inference context attribute as a TF_DataType and
+// places it into *val. *status is set to TF_OK.
+// If the attribute could not be found or could not be interpreted as
+// TF_DataType, *status is populated with an error.
+public static native void TF_ShapeInferenceContext_GetAttrType(
+ TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @Cast("TF_DataType*") IntPointer val,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_ShapeInferenceContext_GetAttrType(
+ TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx, String attr_name, @Cast("TF_DataType*") IntBuffer val,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_ShapeInferenceContext_GetAttrType(
+ TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @Cast("TF_DataType*") int[] val,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_ShapeInferenceContext_GetAttrType(
+ TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx, String attr_name, @Cast("TF_DataType*") IntPointer val,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_ShapeInferenceContext_GetAttrType(
+ TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @Cast("TF_DataType*") IntBuffer val,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TF_ShapeInferenceContext_GetAttrType(
+ TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx, String attr_name, @Cast("TF_DataType*") int[] val,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Returns the rank of the shape represented by the given handle.
+public static native @Cast("int64_t") long TF_ShapeInferenceContextRank(
+ TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx, TF_ShapeHandle handle);
+// Returns 1 if `handle` has a known rank, 0 otherwise.
+public static native int TF_ShapeInferenceContextRankKnown(
+ TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx, TF_ShapeHandle handle);
+// If has rank , or its rank is unknown, return OK and return the
+// shape with asserted rank in <*result>. Otherwise an error is placed into
+// `status`.
+public static native void TF_ShapeInferenceContextWithRank(
+ TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx, TF_ShapeHandle handle, @Cast("int64_t") long rank,
+ TF_ShapeHandle result, TF_Status status);
+// If has rank at least , or its rank is unknown, return OK and
+// return the shape with asserted rank in <*result>. Otherwise an error is
+// placed into `status`.
+public static native void TF_ShapeInferenceContextWithRankAtLeast(
+ TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx, TF_ShapeHandle handle, @Cast("int64_t") long rank,
+ TF_ShapeHandle result, TF_Status status);
+// If has rank at most , or its rank is unknown, return OK and
+// return the shape with asserted rank in <*result>. Otherwise an error is
+// placed into `status`.
+public static native void TF_ShapeInferenceContextWithRankAtMost(
+ TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx, TF_ShapeHandle handle, @Cast("int64_t") long rank,
+ TF_ShapeHandle result, TF_Status status);
+// Places a handle to the ith dimension of the given shape into *result.
+public static native void TF_ShapeInferenceContextDim(
+ TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx, TF_ShapeHandle shape_handle, @Cast("int64_t") long i,
+ TF_DimensionHandle result);
+// Returns in <*result> a sub-shape of , with dimensions
+// [start:end]. and can be negative, to index from the end of the
+// shape. and are set to the rank of if > rank of
+// .
+public static native void TF_ShapeInferenceContextSubshape(
+ TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx, TF_ShapeHandle shape_handle, @Cast("int64_t") long start,
+ @Cast("int64_t") long end, TF_ShapeHandle result, TF_Status status);
+// Places an unknown shape in all outputs for the given inference context. Used
+// for shape inference functions with ops whose output shapes are unknown.
+public static native void TF_ShapeInferenceContextSetUnknownShape(
+ TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx, TF_Status status);
+// Returns whether the given handle represents a known dimension.
+public static native int TF_DimensionHandleValueKnown(
+ TF_DimensionHandle dim_handle);
+// Returns the value of the given dimension.
+public static native @Cast("int64_t") long TF_DimensionHandleValue(
+ TF_DimensionHandle dim_handle);
+// Returns in <*result> the result of appending the dimensions of to
+// those of .
+public static native void TF_ShapeInferenceContextConcatenateShapes(
+ TF_ShapeInferenceContext ctx, TF_ShapeHandle first,
+ TF_ShapeHandle second, TF_ShapeHandle result, TF_Status status);
+// Frees the given shape handle.
+public static native void TF_DeleteShapeHandle(TF_ShapeHandle handle);
+// Frees the given dimension handle.
+public static native void TF_DeleteDimensionHandle(TF_DimensionHandle handle);
+// #ifdef __cplusplus /* end extern "C" */
+// #endif
+// #endif // TENSORFLOW_C_OPS_H_
+// Parsed from tensorflow/c/eager/c_api.h
+/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+// C API extensions to experiment with eager execution of kernels.
+// WARNING: Unlike tensorflow/c/c_api.h, the API here is not guaranteed to be
+// stable and can change without notice.
+// #include "tensorflow/c/c_api.h"
+// Macro to control visibility of exported symbols in the shared library (.so,
+// .dylib, .dll).
+// This duplicates the TF_EXPORT macro definition in
+// tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h in order to keep this .h file independent
+// of any other includes.$a
+// #ifdef SWIG
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT
+// #else
+// #if defined(_WIN32)
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+// #else
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+// #endif // TF_COMPILE_LIBRARY
+// #else
+// #define TF_CAPI_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
+// #endif // _WIN32
+// #endif // SWIG
+// #ifdef __cplusplus
+// Targeting ../TFE_ContextOptions.java
+// Return a new options object.
+public static native TFE_ContextOptions TFE_NewContextOptions();
+// Set the config in TF_ContextOptions.options.
+// config should be a serialized tensorflow.ConfigProto proto.
+// If config was not parsed successfully as a ConfigProto, record the
+// error information in *status.
+public static native void TFE_ContextOptionsSetConfig(
+ TFE_ContextOptions options, @Const Pointer proto, @Cast("size_t") long proto_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Controls how to act when we try to run an operation on a given device but
+// some input tensors are not on that device.
+// LINT.IfChange
+// Note: Keep in sync with internal copy of enum in eager/context.h.
+/** enum TFE_ContextDevicePlacementPolicy */
+public static final int
+ // Running operations with input tensors on the wrong device will fail.
+ // Copy the tensor to the right device but log a warning.
+ // Silently copy the tensor, which has a performance cost since the operation
+ // will be blocked till the copy completes. This is the default placement
+ // policy.
+ // Placement policy which silently copies int32 tensors but not other dtypes.
+// LINT.ThenChange(//tensorflow/core/common_runtime/eager/context.h)
+// Sets the default execution mode (sync/async). Note that this can be
+// overridden per thread using TFE_ContextSetExecutorForThread.
+public static native void TFE_ContextOptionsSetAsync(TFE_ContextOptions arg0,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte enable);
+public static native void TFE_ContextOptionsSetDevicePlacementPolicy(
+ TFE_ContextOptions arg0, @Cast("TFE_ContextDevicePlacementPolicy") int arg1);
+// Destroy an options object.
+public static native void TFE_DeleteContextOptions(TFE_ContextOptions arg0);
+// Targeting ../TFE_Context.java
+public static native TFE_Context TFE_NewContext(
+ @Const TFE_ContextOptions opts, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TFE_DeleteContext(TFE_Context ctx);
+public static native TF_DeviceList TFE_ContextListDevices(TFE_Context ctx,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Clears the internal caches in the TFE context. Useful when reseeding random
+// ops.
+public static native void TFE_ContextClearCaches(TFE_Context ctx);
+// Sets a thread-local device placement policy. After this call, other calls to
+// TFE_Execute in the same thread will use the device policy specified here
+// instead of the device policy used to construct the context. This has no
+// effect on the device policy used by other program threads.
+public static native void TFE_ContextSetThreadLocalDevicePlacementPolicy(
+ TFE_Context ctx, @Cast("TFE_ContextDevicePlacementPolicy") int policy);
+// Returns the device placement policy to be used by this context in the current
+// thread.
+public static native @Cast("TFE_ContextDevicePlacementPolicy") int TFE_ContextGetDevicePlacementPolicy(TFE_Context ctx);
+// A tensorflow.ServerDef specifies remote workers (in addition to the current
+// workers name). Operations created on this context can then be executed on
+// any of these remote workers by setting an appropriate device.
+// If the following is set, all servers identified by the
+// ServerDef must be up when the context is created.
+public static native void TFE_ContextSetServerDef(TFE_Context ctx,
+ int keep_alive_secs,
+ @Const Pointer proto,
+ @Cast("size_t") long proto_len,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Causes the calling thread to block till all ops dispatched in async mode
+// have been executed. Note that "execution" here refers to kernel execution /
+// scheduling of copies, etc. Similar to sync execution, it doesn't guarantee
+// that lower level device queues (like GPU streams) have been flushed.
+// This call may not block for execution of ops enqueued concurrently with this
+// call.
+public static native void TFE_ContextAsyncWait(TFE_Context arg0,
+ TF_Status status);
+// When an error happens, any pending operations are discarded and newly issued
+// ops return an error. This call clears the error state and re-enables
+// execution of newly issued ops.
+// Note that outputs of discarded ops remain in a corrupt state and should not
+// be used for future calls.
+// TODO(agarwal): mark the affected handles and raise errors if they are used.
+public static native void TFE_ContextAsyncClearError(TFE_Context arg0);
+// Targeting ../TFE_TensorHandle.java
+public static native TFE_TensorHandle TFE_NewTensorHandle(TF_Tensor t,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Indicates that the caller will not be using `h` any more.
+public static native void TFE_DeleteTensorHandle(TFE_TensorHandle h);
+public static native @Cast("TF_DataType") int TFE_TensorHandleDataType(TFE_TensorHandle h);
+// This function will block till the operation that produces `h` has completed.
+public static native int TFE_TensorHandleNumDims(TFE_TensorHandle h,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("int64_t") long TFE_TensorHandleNumElements(TFE_TensorHandle h,
+ TF_Status status);
+// This function will block till the operation that produces `h` has completed.
+public static native @Cast("int64_t") long TFE_TensorHandleDim(TFE_TensorHandle h,
+ int dim_index,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Returns the device of the operation that produced `h`. If `h` was produced by
+// a copy, returns the destination device of the copy. Note that the returned
+// device name is not always the device holding the tensor handle's memory. If
+// you want the latter, use TFE_TensorHandleBackingDeviceName. This function
+// will block till the operation that produces `h` has completed.
+public static native @Cast("const char*") BytePointer TFE_TensorHandleDeviceName(
+ TFE_TensorHandle h, TF_Status status);
+// Returns the name of the device in whose memory `h` resides.
+// This function will block till the operation that produces `h` has completed.
+public static native @Cast("const char*") BytePointer TFE_TensorHandleBackingDeviceName(
+ TFE_TensorHandle h, TF_Status status);
+// Return a pointer to a new TFE_TensorHandle that shares the underlying tensor
+// with `h`. On success, `status` is set to OK. On failure, `status` reflects
+// the error and a nullptr is returned.
+public static native TFE_TensorHandle TFE_TensorHandleCopySharingTensor(
+ TFE_TensorHandle h, TF_Status status);
+// This function will block till the operation that produces `h` has
+// completed. The memory returned might alias the internal memory used by
+// TensorFlow. Hence, callers should not mutate this memory (for example by
+// modifying the memory region pointed to by TF_TensorData() on the returned
+// TF_Tensor).
+public static native TF_Tensor TFE_TensorHandleResolve(TFE_TensorHandle h,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Create a new TFE_TensorHandle with the same contents as 'h' but placed
+// in the memory of the device name 'device_name'.
+// If source and destination are the same device, then this creates a new handle
+// that shares the underlying buffer. Otherwise, it currently requires at least
+// one of the source or destination devices to be CPU (i.e., for the source or
+// destination tensor to be placed in host memory).
+// If async execution is enabled, the copy may be enqueued and the call will
+// return "non-ready" handle. Else, this function returns after the copy has
+// been done.
+public static native TFE_TensorHandle TFE_TensorHandleCopyToDevice(
+ TFE_TensorHandle h, TFE_Context ctx, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer device_name,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native TFE_TensorHandle TFE_TensorHandleCopyToDevice(
+ TFE_TensorHandle h, TFE_Context ctx, String device_name,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Targeting ../TFE_TensorDebugInfo.java
+// Retrieves TFE_TensorDebugInfo for `handle`.
+// If TFE_TensorHandleTensorDebugInfo succeeds, `status` is set to OK and caller
+// is responsible for deleting returned TFE_TensorDebugInfo.
+// If TFE_TensorHandleTensorDebugInfo fails, `status` is set to appropriate
+// error and nullptr is returned. This function can block till the operation
+// that produces `handle` has completed.
+public static native TFE_TensorDebugInfo TFE_TensorHandleTensorDebugInfo(
+ TFE_TensorHandle handle, TF_Status status);
+// Deletes `debug_info`.
+public static native void TFE_DeleteTensorDebugInfo(
+ TFE_TensorDebugInfo debug_info);
+// Returns the number of dimensions used to represent the tensor on its device.
+// The number of dimensions used to reprensent the tensor on device can be
+// different from the number returned by TFE_TensorHandleNumDims.
+// The return value was current at the time of TFE_TensorDebugInfo creation.
+public static native int TFE_TensorDebugInfoOnDeviceNumDims(
+ TFE_TensorDebugInfo debug_info);
+// Returns the number of elements in dimension `dim_index`.
+// Tensor representation on device can be transposed from its representation
+// on host. The data contained in dimension `dim_index` on device
+// can correspond to the data contained in another dimension in on-host
+// representation. The dimensions are indexed using the standard TensorFlow
+// major-to-minor order (slowest varying dimension first),
+// not the XLA's minor-to-major order.
+// On-device dimensions can be padded. TFE_TensorDebugInfoOnDeviceDim returns
+// the number of elements in a dimension after padding.
+// The return value was current at the time of TFE_TensorDebugInfo creation.
+public static native @Cast("int64_t") long TFE_TensorDebugInfoOnDeviceDim(
+ TFE_TensorDebugInfo debug_info, int dim_index);
+// Targeting ../TFE_Op.java
+public static native TFE_Op TFE_NewOp(TFE_Context ctx,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer op_or_function_name,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native TFE_Op TFE_NewOp(TFE_Context ctx,
+ String op_or_function_name,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TFE_DeleteOp(TFE_Op op);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetDevice(TFE_Op op, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer device_name,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetDevice(TFE_Op op, String device_name,
+ TF_Status status);
+// The returned string remains valid throughout the lifetime of 'op'.
+public static native @Cast("const char*") BytePointer TFE_OpGetDevice(TFE_Op op,
+ TF_Status status);
+// When 'enable' is set to 1, and if TensorFlow library is built with XLA
+// support, a subsequent TFE_Execute() call on `op` will run the op via XLA.
+// If the library is not built with XLA support, this call would be a no-op.
+public static native void TFE_OpSetXLACompilation(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte enable);
+public static native void TFE_OpAddInput(TFE_Op op, TFE_TensorHandle input,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TFE_OpAddInputList(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("TFE_TensorHandle**") PointerPointer inputs,
+ int num_inputs,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TFE_OpAddInputList(TFE_Op op,
+ @ByPtrPtr TFE_TensorHandle inputs,
+ int num_inputs,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("TF_AttrType") int TFE_OpGetAttrType(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") BytePointer is_list,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("TF_AttrType") int TFE_OpGetAttrType(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") ByteBuffer is_list,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("TF_AttrType") int TFE_OpGetAttrType(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") byte[] is_list,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("TF_AttrType") int TFE_OpGetAttrType(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") BytePointer is_list,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("TF_AttrType") int TFE_OpGetAttrType(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") ByteBuffer is_list,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("TF_AttrType") int TFE_OpGetAttrType(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") byte[] is_list,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Get an attribute type given an op name; a fusion of TFE_NewOp and
+// TFE_OpGetAttrType for use from Python without the overhead of the individual
+// calls and memory management of TFE_Op.
+public static native @Cast("TF_AttrType") int TFE_OpNameGetAttrType(
+ TFE_Context ctx, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer op_or_function_name, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") BytePointer is_list, TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("TF_AttrType") int TFE_OpNameGetAttrType(
+ TFE_Context ctx, String op_or_function_name, String attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") ByteBuffer is_list, TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("TF_AttrType") int TFE_OpNameGetAttrType(
+ TFE_Context ctx, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer op_or_function_name, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") byte[] is_list, TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("TF_AttrType") int TFE_OpNameGetAttrType(
+ TFE_Context ctx, String op_or_function_name, String attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") BytePointer is_list, TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("TF_AttrType") int TFE_OpNameGetAttrType(
+ TFE_Context ctx, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer op_or_function_name, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") ByteBuffer is_list, TF_Status status);
+public static native @Cast("TF_AttrType") int TFE_OpNameGetAttrType(
+ TFE_Context ctx, String op_or_function_name, String attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char*") byte[] is_list, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrString(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Const Pointer value,
+ @Cast("size_t") long length);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrString(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Const Pointer value,
+ @Cast("size_t") long length);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrInt(TFE_Op op, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t") long value);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrInt(TFE_Op op, String attr_name,
+ @Cast("int64_t") long value);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrFloat(TFE_Op op, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ float value);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrFloat(TFE_Op op, String attr_name,
+ float value);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrBool(TFE_Op op, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte value);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrBool(TFE_Op op, String attr_name,
+ @Cast("unsigned char") byte value);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrType(TFE_Op op, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("TF_DataType") int value);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrType(TFE_Op op, String attr_name,
+ @Cast("TF_DataType") int value);
+// If the number of dimensions is unknown, `num_dims` must be set to
+// -1 and `dims` can be null. If a dimension is unknown, the
+// corresponding entry in the `dims` array must be -1.
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrShape(TFE_Op op, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongPointer dims,
+ int num_dims,
+ TF_Status out_status);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrShape(TFE_Op op, String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongBuffer dims,
+ int num_dims,
+ TF_Status out_status);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrShape(TFE_Op op, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") long[] dims,
+ int num_dims,
+ TF_Status out_status);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrShape(TFE_Op op, String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongPointer dims,
+ int num_dims,
+ TF_Status out_status);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrShape(TFE_Op op, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongBuffer dims,
+ int num_dims,
+ TF_Status out_status);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrShape(TFE_Op op, String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") long[] dims,
+ int num_dims,
+ TF_Status out_status);
+// Sets the attribute attr_name to be a function specified by 'function'.
+// TODO(ashankar,iga): Add this functionality to the C API for graph
+// construction. Perhaps we want an AttrValueMap equivalent in the C API?
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrFunction(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Const TFE_Op value);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrFunction(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Const TFE_Op value);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrFunctionName(TFE_Op op, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer data, @Cast("size_t") long length);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrFunctionName(TFE_Op op, String attr_name,
+ String data, @Cast("size_t") long length);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrTensor(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ TF_Tensor tensor,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrTensor(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ TF_Tensor tensor,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrStringList(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const void*const*") PointerPointer values,
+ @Cast("const size_t*") SizeTPointer lengths,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrStringList(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const void*const*") @ByPtrPtr Pointer values,
+ @Cast("const size_t*") SizeTPointer lengths,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrStringList(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const void*const*") @ByPtrPtr Pointer values,
+ @Cast("const size_t*") SizeTPointer lengths,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrIntList(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongPointer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrIntList(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongBuffer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrIntList(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") long[] values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrIntList(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongPointer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrIntList(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") LongBuffer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrIntList(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const int64_t*") long[] values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrFloatList(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Const FloatPointer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrFloatList(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Const FloatBuffer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrFloatList(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Const float[] values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrFloatList(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Const FloatPointer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrFloatList(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Const FloatBuffer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrFloatList(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Const float[] values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrBoolList(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const unsigned char*") BytePointer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrBoolList(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const unsigned char*") ByteBuffer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrBoolList(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const unsigned char*") byte[] values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrBoolList(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const unsigned char*") BytePointer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrBoolList(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const unsigned char*") ByteBuffer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrBoolList(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const unsigned char*") byte[] values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrTypeList(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const TF_DataType*") IntPointer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrTypeList(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const TF_DataType*") IntBuffer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrTypeList(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const TF_DataType*") int[] values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrTypeList(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const TF_DataType*") IntPointer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrTypeList(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const TF_DataType*") IntBuffer values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrTypeList(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Cast("const TF_DataType*") int[] values,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrShapeList(
+ TFE_Op op, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @Cast("const int64_t**") PointerPointer dims,
+ @Const IntPointer num_dims, int num_values, TF_Status out_status);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrShapeList(
+ TFE_Op op, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @Cast("const int64_t**") @ByPtrPtr LongPointer dims,
+ @Const IntPointer num_dims, int num_values, TF_Status out_status);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrShapeList(
+ TFE_Op op, String attr_name, @Cast("const int64_t**") @ByPtrPtr LongBuffer dims,
+ @Const IntBuffer num_dims, int num_values, TF_Status out_status);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrShapeList(
+ TFE_Op op, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @Cast("const int64_t**") @ByPtrPtr long[] dims,
+ @Const int[] num_dims, int num_values, TF_Status out_status);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrShapeList(
+ TFE_Op op, String attr_name, @Cast("const int64_t**") @ByPtrPtr LongPointer dims,
+ @Const IntPointer num_dims, int num_values, TF_Status out_status);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrShapeList(
+ TFE_Op op, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name, @Cast("const int64_t**") @ByPtrPtr LongBuffer dims,
+ @Const IntBuffer num_dims, int num_values, TF_Status out_status);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrShapeList(
+ TFE_Op op, String attr_name, @Cast("const int64_t**") @ByPtrPtr long[] dims,
+ @Const int[] num_dims, int num_values, TF_Status out_status);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrFunctionList(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Cast("const TFE_Op**") PointerPointer value,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrFunctionList(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer attr_name,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TFE_Op value,
+ int num_values);
+public static native void TFE_OpSetAttrFunctionList(TFE_Op op,
+ String attr_name,
+ @Const @ByPtrPtr TFE_Op value,
+ int num_values);
+// Returns the length (number of tensors) of the input argument `input_name`
+// found in the provided `op`.
+public static native int TFE_OpGetInputLength(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer input_name,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native int TFE_OpGetInputLength(TFE_Op op,
+ String input_name,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Returns the length (number of tensors) of the output argument `output_name`
+// found in the provided `op`.
+public static native int TFE_OpGetOutputLength(TFE_Op op,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer output_name,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native int TFE_OpGetOutputLength(TFE_Op op,
+ String output_name,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Execute the operation defined by 'op' and return handles to computed
+// tensors in `retvals`.
+// 'retvals' must point to a pre-allocated array of TFE_TensorHandle* and
+// '*num_retvals' should be set to the size of this array. It is an error if
+// the size of 'retvals' is less than the number of outputs. This call sets
+// *num_retvals to the number of outputs.
+// If async execution is enabled, the call may simply enqueue the execution
+// and return "non-ready" handles in `retvals`. Note that any handles contained
+// in 'op' should not be mutated till the kernel execution actually finishes.
+// For sync execution, if any of the inputs to `op` are not ready, this call
+// will block till they become ready and then return when the kernel execution
+// is done.
+// TODO(agarwal): change num_retvals to int from int*.
+public static native void TFE_Execute(TFE_Op op, @Cast("TFE_TensorHandle**") PointerPointer retvals,
+ IntPointer num_retvals, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TFE_Execute(TFE_Op op, @ByPtrPtr TFE_TensorHandle retvals,
+ IntPointer num_retvals, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TFE_Execute(TFE_Op op, @ByPtrPtr TFE_TensorHandle retvals,
+ IntBuffer num_retvals, TF_Status status);
+public static native void TFE_Execute(TFE_Op op, @ByPtrPtr TFE_TensorHandle retvals,
+ int[] num_retvals, TF_Status status);
+// Add a function (serialized FunctionDef protocol buffer) to ctx so
+// that it can be invoked using TFE_Execute.
+public static native void TFE_ContextAddFunctionDef(
+ TFE_Context ctx, @Cast("const char*") BytePointer serialized_function_def, @Cast("size_t") long size,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TFE_ContextAddFunctionDef(
+ TFE_Context ctx, String serialized_function_def, @Cast("size_t") long size,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Adds a function (created from TF_GraphToFunction or
+// TF_FunctionImportFunctionDef) to the context, allowing it to be executed with
+// TFE_Execute by creating an op with the same name as the function.
+public static native void TFE_ContextAddFunction(TFE_Context ctx,
+ TF_Function function,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Removes a function from the context. Once removed, you can no longer
+// TFE_Execute it or TFE_Execute any TFE_Op which has it as an attribute or any
+// other function which calls it as an attribute.
+public static native void TFE_ContextRemoveFunction(TFE_Context ctx,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer name,
+ TF_Status status);
+public static native void TFE_ContextRemoveFunction(TFE_Context ctx,
+ String name,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Checks whether a function is registered under `name`.
+public static native @Cast("unsigned char") byte TFE_ContextHasFunction(TFE_Context ctx,
+ @Cast("const char*") BytePointer name);
+public static native @Cast("unsigned char") byte TFE_ContextHasFunction(TFE_Context ctx,
+ String name);
+// Enables tracing of RunMetadata on the ops executed from this context.
+public static native void TFE_ContextEnableRunMetadata(TFE_Context ctx);
+// Disables tracing of RunMetadata on the ops executed from this context.
+public static native void TFE_ContextDisableRunMetadata(TFE_Context ctx);
+// Populates the passed-in buffer with a serialized RunMetadata protocol buffer
+// containing any run metadata information accumulated so far and clears this
+// information.
+// If async mode is enabled, this call blocks till all currently pending ops are
+// done.
+public static native void TFE_ContextExportRunMetadata(TFE_Context ctx,
+ TF_Buffer buf,
+ TF_Status status);
+// Some TF ops need a step container to be set to limit the lifetime of some
+// resources (mostly TensorArray and Stack, used in while loop gradients in
+// graph mode). Calling this on a context tells it to start a step.
+public static native void TFE_ContextStartStep(TFE_Context ctx);
+// Ends a step. When there is no active step (that is, every started step has
+// been ended) step containers will be cleared. Note: it is not safe to call
+// TFE_ContextEndStep while ops which rely on the step container may be running.
+public static native void TFE_ContextEndStep(TFE_Context ctx);
+// #ifdef __cplusplus
+// Targeting ../Tensor.java
+ // namespace tensorflow
+public static native TFE_TensorHandle TFE_NewTensorHandle(@Const @ByRef Tensor t,
+ TF_Status status);
+// #endif
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_Buffer.java b/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_Buffer.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f1739e8512e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_Buffer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Samuel Audet
+ *
+ * Licensed either under the Apache License, Version 2.0, or (at your option)
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation (subject to the "Classpath" exception),
+ * either version 2, or any later version (collectively, the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
+ * http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html
+ *
+ * or as provided in the LICENSE.txt file that accompanied this code.
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Properties;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public abstract class AbstractTF_Buffer extends Pointer {
+ protected static class DeleteDeallocator extends TF_Buffer implements Pointer.Deallocator {
+ DeleteDeallocator(TF_Buffer s) { super(s); }
+ @Override public void deallocate() { if (!isNull()) TF_DeleteBuffer(this); setNull(); }
+ }
+ public AbstractTF_Buffer(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ /**
+ * Calls TF_NewBuffer(), and registers a deallocator.
+ * @return TF_Buffer created. Do not call TF_DeleteBuffer() on it.
+ */
+ public static TF_Buffer newBuffer() {
+ TF_Buffer b = TF_NewBuffer();
+ if (b != null) {
+ b.deallocator(new DeleteDeallocator(b));
+ }
+ return b;
+ }
+ /** Returns {@code newBufferFromString(new BytePointer(proto)). */
+ public static TF_Buffer newBufferFromString(byte[] proto) {
+ return newBufferFromString(new BytePointer(proto));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calls TF_NewBufferFromString(), and registers a deallocator.
+ * @return TF_Buffer created. Do not call TF_DeleteBuffer() on it.
+ */
+ public static TF_Buffer newBufferFromString(Pointer proto) {
+ TF_Buffer b = TF_NewBufferFromString(proto, proto.limit());
+ if (b != null) {
+ b.deallocator(new DeleteDeallocator(b));
+ }
+ return b;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calls the deallocator, if registered, otherwise has no effect.
+ */
+ public void delete() {
+ deallocate();
+ }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_Graph.java b/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_Graph.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..164a40477aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_Graph.java
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Samuel Audet
+ *
+ * Licensed either under the Apache License, Version 2.0, or (at your option)
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation (subject to the "Classpath" exception),
+ * either version 2, or any later version (collectively, the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
+ * http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html
+ *
+ * or as provided in the LICENSE.txt file that accompanied this code.
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Properties;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public abstract class AbstractTF_Graph extends Pointer {
+ protected static class DeleteDeallocator extends TF_Graph implements Pointer.Deallocator {
+ DeleteDeallocator(TF_Graph s) { super(s); }
+ @Override public void deallocate() { if (!isNull()) TF_DeleteGraph(this); setNull(); }
+ }
+ public AbstractTF_Graph(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ /**
+ * Calls TF_NewGraph(), and registers a deallocator.
+ * @return TF_Graph created. Do not call TF_DeleteGraph() on it.
+ */
+ public static TF_Graph newGraph() {
+ TF_Graph g = TF_NewGraph();
+ if (g != null) {
+ g.deallocator(new DeleteDeallocator(g));
+ }
+ return g;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calls the deallocator, if registered, otherwise has no effect.
+ */
+ public void delete() {
+ deallocate();
+ }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_ImportGraphDefOptions.java b/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_ImportGraphDefOptions.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a92446d0b10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_ImportGraphDefOptions.java
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Samuel Audet
+ *
+ * Licensed either under the Apache License, Version 2.0, or (at your option)
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation (subject to the "Classpath" exception),
+ * either version 2, or any later version (collectively, the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
+ * http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html
+ *
+ * or as provided in the LICENSE.txt file that accompanied this code.
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Properties;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public abstract class AbstractTF_ImportGraphDefOptions extends Pointer {
+ protected static class DeleteDeallocator extends TF_ImportGraphDefOptions implements Pointer.Deallocator {
+ DeleteDeallocator(TF_ImportGraphDefOptions s) { super(s); }
+ @Override public void deallocate() { if (!isNull()) TF_DeleteImportGraphDefOptions(this); setNull(); }
+ }
+ public AbstractTF_ImportGraphDefOptions(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ /**
+ * Calls TF_NewImportGraphDefOptions(), and registers a deallocator.
+ * @return TF_ImportGraphDefOptions created. Do not call TF_DeleteImportGraphDefOptions() on it.
+ */
+ public static TF_ImportGraphDefOptions newImportGraphDefOptions() {
+ TF_ImportGraphDefOptions o = TF_NewImportGraphDefOptions();
+ if (o != null) {
+ o.deallocator(new DeleteDeallocator(o));
+ }
+ return o;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calls the deallocator, if registered, otherwise has no effect.
+ */
+ public void delete() {
+ deallocate();
+ }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_Session.java b/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_Session.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ff42a38ece0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_Session.java
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Samuel Audet
+ *
+ * Licensed either under the Apache License, Version 2.0, or (at your option)
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation (subject to the "Classpath" exception),
+ * either version 2, or any later version (collectively, the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
+ * http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html
+ *
+ * or as provided in the LICENSE.txt file that accompanied this code.
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Properties;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public abstract class AbstractTF_Session extends Pointer {
+ protected static class DeleteDeallocator extends TF_Session implements Pointer.Deallocator {
+ DeleteDeallocator(TF_Session s) { super(s); }
+ @Override public void deallocate() { if (!isNull()) TF_DeleteSession(this, TF_Status.newStatus()); setNull(); }
+ }
+ /** References to prevent deallocation. */
+ protected TF_Graph graph;
+ protected TF_SessionOptions opts;
+ protected TF_Status status;
+ public AbstractTF_Session(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ /**
+ * Calls TF_NewSession(), and registers a deallocator.
+ * @return TF_Session created. Do not call TF_DeleteSession() on it.
+ */
+ public static TF_Session newSession(TF_Graph graph, TF_SessionOptions opts, TF_Status status) {
+ TF_Session s = TF_NewSession(graph, opts, status);
+ if (s != null) {
+ s.graph = graph;
+ s.opts = opts;
+ s.status = status;
+ s.deallocator(new DeleteDeallocator(s));
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calls the deallocator, if registered, otherwise has no effect.
+ */
+ public void delete() {
+ deallocate();
+ }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_SessionOptions.java b/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_SessionOptions.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fd3485ecee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_SessionOptions.java
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Samuel Audet
+ *
+ * Licensed either under the Apache License, Version 2.0, or (at your option)
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation (subject to the "Classpath" exception),
+ * either version 2, or any later version (collectively, the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
+ * http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html
+ *
+ * or as provided in the LICENSE.txt file that accompanied this code.
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Properties;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public abstract class AbstractTF_SessionOptions extends Pointer {
+ protected static class DeleteDeallocator extends TF_SessionOptions implements Pointer.Deallocator {
+ DeleteDeallocator(TF_SessionOptions s) { super(s); }
+ @Override public void deallocate() { if (!isNull()) TF_DeleteSessionOptions(this); setNull(); }
+ }
+ public AbstractTF_SessionOptions(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ /**
+ * Calls TF_NewSessionOptions(), and registers a deallocator.
+ * @return TF_SessionOptions created. Do not call TF_DeleteSessionOptions() on it.
+ */
+ public static TF_SessionOptions newSessionOptions() {
+ TF_SessionOptions o = TF_NewSessionOptions();
+ if (o != null) {
+ o.deallocator(new DeleteDeallocator(o));
+ }
+ return o;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calls the deallocator, if registered, otherwise has no effect.
+ */
+ public void delete() {
+ deallocate();
+ }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_Status.java b/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_Status.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e4748c345a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_Status.java
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Samuel Audet
+ *
+ * Licensed either under the Apache License, Version 2.0, or (at your option)
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation (subject to the "Classpath" exception),
+ * either version 2, or any later version (collectively, the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
+ * http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html
+ *
+ * or as provided in the LICENSE.txt file that accompanied this code.
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Properties;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public abstract class AbstractTF_Status extends Pointer {
+ protected static class DeleteDeallocator extends TF_Status implements Pointer.Deallocator {
+ DeleteDeallocator(TF_Status s) { super(s); }
+ @Override public void deallocate() { if (!isNull()) TF_DeleteStatus(this); setNull(); }
+ }
+ public AbstractTF_Status(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ /**
+ * Calls TF_NewStatus(), and registers a deallocator.
+ * @return TF_Status created. Do not call TF_DeleteStatus() on it.
+ */
+ public static TF_Status newStatus() {
+ TF_Status s = TF_NewStatus();
+ if (s != null) {
+ s.deallocator(new DeleteDeallocator(s));
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calls the deallocator, if registered, otherwise has no effect.
+ */
+ public void delete() {
+ deallocate();
+ }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_Tensor.java b/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_Tensor.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..52725d7809f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/AbstractTF_Tensor.java
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Samuel Audet
+ *
+ * Licensed either under the Apache License, Version 2.0, or (at your option)
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation (subject to the "Classpath" exception),
+ * either version 2, or any later version (collectively, the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
+ * http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html
+ *
+ * or as provided in the LICENSE.txt file that accompanied this code.
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.tensorflow.c_api;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Properties;
+import static org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow.*;
+@Properties(inherit = org.tensorflow.c_api.presets.tensorflow.class)
+public abstract class AbstractTF_Tensor extends Pointer {
+ protected static class DeleteDeallocator extends TF_Tensor implements Pointer.Deallocator {
+ DeleteDeallocator(TF_Tensor s) { super(s); }
+ @Override public void deallocate() { if (!isNull()) TF_DeleteTensor(this); setNull(); }
+ }
+ /** TensorFlow crashes if we don't pass it a deallocator, so... */
+ protected static Deallocator_Pointer_long_Pointer dummyDeallocator = new Deallocator_Pointer_long_Pointer() {
+ @Override public void call(Pointer data, long len, Pointer arg) { }
+ };
+ static {
+ PointerScope s = PointerScope.getInnerScope();
+ if (s != null) {
+ s.detach(dummyDeallocator);
+ }
+ }
+ /** A reference to prevent deallocation. */
+ protected Pointer pointer;
+ public AbstractTF_Tensor(Pointer p) { super(p); }
+ /**
+ * Calls TF_NewTensor(), and registers a deallocator.
+ * @return TF_Tensor created. Do not call TF_DeleteTensor() on it.
+ */
+ public static TF_Tensor newTensor(int dtype, long[] dims, Pointer data) {
+ TF_Tensor t = TF_NewTensor(dtype, dims, dims.length, data, data.limit(), dummyDeallocator, null);
+ if (t != null) {
+ t.pointer = data;
+ t.deallocator(new DeleteDeallocator(t));
+ }
+ return t;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calls TF_AllocateTensor(), and registers a deallocator.
+ * @return TF_Tensor created. Do not call TF_DeleteTensor() on it.
+ */
+ public static TF_Tensor allocateTensor(int dtype, long[] dims, long length) {
+ TF_Tensor t = TF_AllocateTensor(dtype, dims, dims.length, length);
+ if (t != null) {
+ t.deallocator(new DeleteDeallocator(t));
+ }
+ return t;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calls the deallocator, if registered, otherwise has no effect.
+ */
+ public void delete() {
+ deallocate();
+ }
diff --git a/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/presets/tensorflow.java b/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/presets/tensorflow.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..54a36472a31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/core-api/src/main/java/org/tensorflow/c_api/presets/tensorflow.java
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Samuel Audet
+ *
+ * Licensed either under the Apache License, Version 2.0, or (at your option)
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation (subject to the "Classpath" exception),
+ * either version 2, or any later version (collectively, the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
+ * http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html
+ *
+ * or as provided in the LICENSE.txt file that accompanied this code.
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.tensorflow.c_api.presets;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.BytePointer;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.Loader;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Platform;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.Properties;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.tools.Info;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.tools.InfoMap;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.tools.InfoMapper;
+import org.bytedeco.javacpp.tools.Logger;
+ *
+ * @author Samuel Audet
+ */
+ value = {
+ @Platform(
+ value = {"linux", "macosx", "windows"},
+ include = {
+ "tensorflow/c/tf_attrtype.h",
+ "tensorflow/c/tf_datatype.h",
+ "tensorflow/c/tf_status.h",
+ "tensorflow/c/tf_tensor.h",
+ "tensorflow/c/c_api.h",
+ "tensorflow/c/env.h",
+ "tensorflow/c/kernels.h",
+ "tensorflow/c/ops.h",
+ "tensorflow/c/eager/c_api.h"
+ },
+ link = {"tensorflow_framework@.2", "tensorflow@.2"}
+ ),
+ @Platform(
+ value = "windows",
+ preload = {
+ "api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0",
+ "api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0",
+ "api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0",
+ "api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-core-file-l1-1-0",
+ "api-ms-win-core-namedpipe-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-core-handle-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-0", "api-ms-win-core-heap-l1-1-0",
+ "api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0",
+ "api-ms-win-core-processenvironment-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0",
+ "api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0", "api-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0",
+ "api-ms-win-core-rtlsupport-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1", "api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0", "api-ms-win-core-profile-l1-1-0",
+ "api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-core-util-l1-1-0", "api-ms-win-core-interlocked-l1-1-0", "ucrtbase",
+ "vcruntime140", "msvcp140", "concrt140", "vcomp140"
+ }
+ ),
+ @Platform(
+ value = "windows-x86",
+ preloadpath = {
+ "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/redist/x86/Microsoft.VC140.CRT/",
+ "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/redist/x86/Microsoft.VC140.OpenMP/",
+ "C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Redist/ucrt/DLLs/x86/"
+ }
+ ),
+ @Platform(
+ value = "windows-x86_64",
+ preloadpath = {
+ "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/redist/x64/Microsoft.VC140.CRT/",
+ "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/redist/x64/Microsoft.VC140.OpenMP/",
+ "C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Redist/ucrt/DLLs/x64/"
+ }
+ )
+ },
+ target = "org.tensorflow.c_api",
+ global = "org.tensorflow.c_api.global.tensorflow")
+public class tensorflow implements InfoMapper {
+ public void map(InfoMap infoMap) {
+ infoMap.put(new Info("TF_CAPI_EXPORT").cppTypes().annotations())
+ .put(new Info("TF_Buffer::data").javaText("public native @Const Pointer data(); public native TF_Buffer data(Pointer data);"))
+ .put(new Info("TF_Status").pointerTypes("TF_Status").base("org.tensorflow.c_api.AbstractTF_Status"))
+ .put(new Info("TF_Buffer").pointerTypes("TF_Buffer").base("org.tensorflow.c_api.AbstractTF_Buffer"))
+ .put(new Info("TF_Tensor").pointerTypes("TF_Tensor").base("org.tensorflow.c_api.AbstractTF_Tensor"))
+ .put(new Info("TF_SessionOptions").pointerTypes("TF_SessionOptions").base("org.tensorflow.c_api.AbstractTF_SessionOptions"))
+ .put(new Info("TF_Graph").pointerTypes("TF_Graph").base("org.tensorflow.c_api.AbstractTF_Graph"))
+ .put(new Info("TF_Graph::graph").javaText("public native @MemberGetter @ByRef Graph graph();"))
+ .put(new Info("TF_Graph::refiner").javaText("public native @MemberGetter @ByRef ShapeRefiner refiner();"))
+ .put(new Info("TF_ImportGraphDefOptions").pointerTypes("TF_ImportGraphDefOptions").base("org.tensorflow.c_api.AbstractTF_ImportGraphDefOptions"))
+ .put(new Info("TF_Operation", "TFE_MonitoringCounterCell", "TFE_MonitoringSamplerCell",
+ "TFE_MonitoringCounter0", "TFE_MonitoringCounter1", "TFE_MonitoringCounter2",
+ "TFE_MonitoringIntGaugeCell", "TFE_MonitoringStringGaugeCell", "TFE_MonitoringBoolGaugeCell",
+ "TFE_MonitoringIntGauge0", "TFE_MonitoringIntGauge1", "TFE_MonitoringIntGauge2",
+ "TFE_MonitoringStringGauge0", "TFE_MonitoringStringGauge1", "TFE_MonitoringStringGauge2",
+ "TFE_MonitoringBoolGauge0", "TFE_MonitoringBoolGauge1", "TFE_MonitoringBoolGauge2",
+ "TFE_MonitoringSampler0", "TFE_MonitoringSampler1", "TFE_MonitoringSampler2").purify())
+ .put(new Info("TF_Operation::node").javaText("public native @MemberGetter @ByRef Node node();"))
+ .put(new Info("TFE_MonitoringCounterCell::cell").javaText("public native @MemberGetter @ByRef CounterCell cell();"))
+ .put(new Info("TFE_MonitoringSamplerCell::cell").javaText("public native @MemberGetter @ByRef SamplerCell cell();"))
+ .put(new Info("TFE_MonitoringIntGaugeCell::cell").javaText("public native @MemberGetter @ByRef IntGaugeCell cell();"))
+ .put(new Info("TFE_MonitoringStringGaugeCell::cell").javaText("public native @MemberGetter @ByRef StringGaugeCell cell();"))
+ .put(new Info("TFE_MonitoringBoolGaugeCell::cell").javaText("public native @MemberGetter @ByRef BoolGaugeCell cell();"))
+ .put(new Info("TFE_Context::context").javaText("@MemberGetter public native @ByRef EagerContext context();"))
+ .put(new Info("TFE_Op::operation").javaText("@MemberGetter public native @ByRef EagerOperation operation();"))
+ .put(new Info("TF_ShapeInferenceContextDimValueKnown").skip())
+ .put(new Info("TF_Session").pointerTypes("TF_Session").base("org.tensorflow.c_api.AbstractTF_Session"))
+ .put(new Info("TF_WhileParams").purify());
+ }
diff --git a/core/pom.xml b/core/pom.xml
index ac6b62c0ad4..edaf7a13f6b 100644
--- a/core/pom.xml
+++ b/core/pom.xml
@@ -32,11 +32,685 @@
- tensorflow-core-native
- tensorflow-core
+ core-api
+ core-api-platform
+ ${os.adjusted.name}-${os.arch}
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ ${javacpp.platform}
+ linux-armhf${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ linux-arm64${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ linux-ppc64le${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ linux-x86${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ linux-x86_64${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ macosx-x86_64${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ windows-x86${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ windows-x86_64${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ javacpp-platform-default
+ !javacpp.platform
+ ${os.name}-${os.arch}
+ javacpp-platform-custom
+ javacpp.platform
+ ${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ ${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ ${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ ${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ ${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ ${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ ${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ ${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ javacpp-platform-host
+ javacpp.platform.host
+ ${os.name}-${os.arch}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ ${os.name}-${os.arch}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ ${os.name}-${os.arch}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ ${os.name}-${os.arch}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ ${os.name}-${os.arch}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ ${os.name}-${os.arch}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ ${os.name}-${os.arch}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ ${os.name}-${os.arch}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ ${os.name}-${os.arch}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ javacpp.platform.custom-true
+ javacpp.platform.custom
+ javacpp-platform-none
+ javacpp.platform.none
+ javacpp-platform-linux-armhf
+ javacpp.platform
+ linux-armhf
+ ${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ javacpp-platform-linux-arm64
+ javacpp.platform
+ linux-arm64
+ ${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ javacpp-platform-linux-ppc64le
+ javacpp.platform
+ linux-ppc64le
+ ${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ javacpp-platform-linux-x86
+ javacpp.platform
+ linux-x86
+ ${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ javacpp-platform-linux-x86_64
+ javacpp.platform
+ linux-x86_64
+ ${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ javacpp-platform-macosx-x86_64
+ javacpp.platform
+ macosx-x86_64
+ ${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ javacpp-platform-windows-x86
+ javacpp.platform
+ windows-x86
+ ${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ javacpp-platform-windows-x86_64
+ javacpp.platform
+ windows-x86_64
+ ${javacpp.platform}${javacpp.platform.extension}
+ javacpp.platform.linux-armhf-true
+ javacpp.platform.linux-armhf
+ linux-armhf
+ javacpp.platform.linux-arm64-true
+ javacpp.platform.linux-arm64
+ linux-arm64
+ javacpp.platform.linux-ppc64le-true
+ javacpp.platform.linux-ppc64le
+ linux-ppc64le
+ javacpp.platform.linux-x86-true
+ javacpp.platform.linux-x86
+ linux-x86
+ javacpp.platform.linux-x86_64-true
+ javacpp.platform.linux-x86_64
+ linux-x86_64
+ javacpp.platform.macosx-x86_64-true
+ javacpp.platform.macosx-x86_64
+ macosx-x86_64
+ javacpp.platform.windows-x86-true
+ javacpp.platform.windows-x86
+ windows-x86
+ javacpp.platform.windows-x86_64-true
+ javacpp.platform.windows-x86_64
+ windows-x86_64
+ javacpp.platform.custom-linux-arm
+ javacpp.platform.host
+ linuxarm
+ linux-armhf
+ javacpp.platform.custom-linux-armhf
+ javacpp.platform.host
+ linuxarmhf
+ linux-armhf
+ javacpp.platform.custom-linux-aarch64
+ javacpp.platform.host
+ linuxaarch64
+ linux-arm64
+ javacpp.platform.custom-linux-armv8
+ javacpp.platform.host
+ linuxarmv8
+ linux-arm64
+ javacpp.platform.custom-linux-arm64
+ javacpp.platform.host
+ linuxarm64
+ linux-arm64
+ javacpp.platform.custom-linux-ppc64le
+ javacpp.platform.host
+ linuxppc64le
+ linux-ppc64le
+ javacpp.platform.custom-linux-amd64
+ javacpp.platform.host
+ linuxamd64
+ linux-x86_64
+ javacpp.platform.custom-linux-x86-64
+ javacpp.platform.host
+ linuxx86-64
+ linux-x86_64
+ javacpp.platform.custom-linux-x86_64
+ javacpp.platform.host
+ linuxx86_64
+ linux-x86_64
+ javacpp.platform.custom-macosx-amd64
+ javacpp.platform.host
+ mac os xamd64
+ macosx-x86_64
+ javacpp.platform.custom-macosx-x86-64
+ javacpp.platform.host
+ mac os xx86-64
+ macosx-x86_64
+ javacpp.platform.custom-macosx-x86_64
+ javacpp.platform.host
+ mac os xx86_64
+ macosx-x86_64
+ javacpp.platform.custom-windows-amd64
+ javacpp.platform.host
+ windowsamd64
+ windows-x86_64
+ javacpp.platform.custom-windows-x86-64
+ javacpp.platform.host
+ windowsx86-64
+ windows-x86_64
+ javacpp.platform.custom-windows-x86_64
+ javacpp.platform.host
+ windowsx86_64
+ windows-x86_64
+ linuxos
+ linux
+ linux
+ linux
+ macosx
+ mac os x
+ darwin
+ macosx
+ windowsos
+ windows
+ windows
+ windows
+ arm
+ arm
+ armhf
+ aarch64
+ aarch64
+ arm64
+ armv8
+ armv8
+ arm64
+ i386
+ i386
+ x86
+ i486
+ i486
+ x86
+ i586
+ i586
+ x86
+ i686
+ i686
+ x86
+ amd64
+ amd64
+ x86_64
+ x86-64
+ x86-64
+ x86_64
@@ -74,9 +748,5 @@
- ${os.adjusted.name}-${os.arch}