The page /tests/vnc_playback.html
can be used to playback KasmVNC session recordings. The playbacks can be ran in realtime or as fast as possible for performance testing.
In order to create a new recording, you will need to disable KasmVNC's built-in web server, enable the legacy VNC TCP port, and disable authentication.
sudo apt-get install websockify
vncserver -noWebsocket -disableBasicAuth
websockify --web /usr/share/kasmvnc/www --record=/home/ubuntu/record.bin 8444 localhost:5901
Websockify automatically adds a number to the end of the filename, so the above example might be record.bin.8. After you are finished recording, Ctrl+C the running websockify process and mv the file to the noVNC www directory.
sudo mkdir /usr/share/kasmvnc/www/recordings
mv /home/ubuntu/record.bin.8 /usr/share/kasmvnc/www/recordings
Place recordings on the KasmVNC server in the /usr/share/kasmvnc/www/recordings directory, you may need to create this directory. Then navigate to https://server-ip:8444/tests/vnc_playback.html?data=record.bin.8 where record.bin.8 is the name of the playback file you placed in the recordings directory.
Before running performance testing using recording playback, you need to run noVNC from source, rather than the 'compiled' webpack. See the docs at docs/ for running noVNC from source.
The following recordings are used by Kasm Technologies to provide repeatable performance statisitics using different rendering settings.
Name | Description | URL |
newyork.1 | Default 'Static' preset mode. | |
losangeles.1 | Default static preset mode with webp disabled | |
This table keeps track of performance of pre-defined recordings, defined in the previous section, on static hardware that can be replicated over time to track performance improvements.
File | Commit | Hardware | OS | Browser | Webpacked | Result Avg |
newyork.1 | 08233e6 | Macbook M1 Pro, 32GB RAM | macOS 12.2 | Chrome 106 | False | 2446ms |
losangeles.1 | 08233e6 | Macbook M1 Pro, 32GB RAM | macOS 12.2 | Chrome 106 | False | 2272ms |
newyork.1 | base64opt | Macbook M1 Pro, 32GB RAM | macOS 12.2 | Chrome 106 | False | 2273ms |
losangeles.1 | base64opt | Macbook M1 Pro, 32GB RAM | macOS 12.2 | Chrome 106 | False | 1847ms |
newyork.1 | 4a6aa73 | Macbook M1 Pro, 32GB RAM | macOS 12.2 | Chrome 119 | False | 2128ms |
losangeles.1 | 4a6aa73 | Macbook M1 Pro, 32GB RAM | macOS 12.2 | Chrome 119 | False | 1766ms |