Execute batch jobs in KBase.
kb-sdk install KBParallel
Below is an example of running KBParallel.run_batch
-- read the comments for details:
# invoke from an App like any other KBase SDK function call
parallel_runner = KBParallel(self.callback_url)
# build a list of tasks
# ---------------------
# The parameters ('parameters': { ... }) are the parameters that are sent to
# align_reads_to_assembly_app. For instance, if you are trying to align
# multiple fastq files in parallel, then the parameters will include
tasks = [
'module_name': 'kb_Bowtie2',
'function_name': 'align_reads_to_assembly_app',
'version': 'dev',
'parameters': { ... } # your app parameters
# NOTE: modules called by kbparallel (i.e. kb_Bowtie2) have to be registered
# in appdev as 'release', 'beta', or 'dev'.
# configure how tasks are run
# ---------------------------
# you can set how many concurrent jobs you want running on the local
# machine, and how many nodes you want running in parallel.
# For example, in this case, if you have 5 tasks, 2 will be submitted to 2 njsw nodes and the
# remaining 3 will get run in serial on the local machine.
batch_run_params = {'tasks': tasks,
'runner': 'parallel', # parallel | local_parallel | local_serial
'concurrent_local_tasks': 1,
'concurrent_njsw_tasks': 2,
'max_retries': 2 # how many attempts at running a task before admitting defeat
# submit the tasks
results = parallel_runner.run_batch(batch_run_params)
KBParallel will give you back nested python dictionaries of results for every task that was run. Below is a description of this data structure.
# results data structure
# ----------------------
# The results of the function being called by kbparallel
# (align_reads_to_assembly_app), must be returned or it will not be accessible;
# for instance, if align_reads_to_assembly_app creates a new alignment
# file, the path to this file must be returned in the output dictionary.
'results': [
'is_error': 0,
'result_package': {
'error': None,
'function': {
'function_name': 'align_reads_to_assembly_app',
'module_name': 'kb_Bowtie2',
'version': 'dev'
'result': [ ... Method call return data ... ]
'run_context': {
'job_id': '81e3f2c4-5386-45f3-9bbf-d5a7bd23731a',
'location': 'local'
For a simple hello world example that runs 3 tasks in parallel; each job creates a .txt file. The jobs are run on 1 local & 2 njsw nodes. To try it, search for kbparallel example in 'dev'. (also see https://gitlab.com/jfroula/kbparallel_example.git) .
For an example that actually does something: search for bowtie2 or Align Reads using Bowtie2 v2.3.2. (also see https://github.com/kbaseapps/kb_Bowtie2) .
This example is tricky because it calls the same function ("align" in Bowtie2Aligner.py) twice, once to set up the parallel tasks (runs this section first if input_info['run_mode'] == 'sample_set'
) and then again to run each task (runs this section second if input_info['run_mode'] == 'single_library':
). This section actually does the work by calling single_reads_lib_run.
- The TaskManager creates all the tasks, starts jobs, manages the local and remote job queues, and polls for the statuses of running jobs.lib/KBParallel/utils/task.py
- A Task represents a KBase module and method with parameters to be run either locally or remotely. A task can have multiple jobs (if some fail).lib/KBParallel/utils/job.py
- A Job represents an attempt to run a Task either on NJS or locally.lib/KBParallel/utils/validate_params.py
- Utility to validate the parameters passed intoKBParallel.run_batch
and set defaults for the data
Edit test_local/test.cfg
with the following settings:
Then run:
kb-sdk test