The UI code typically resides in the ui-common repo. To test out new UI components you can follow the following basic steps.
cd deploy_dev
git clone
cd ui-common
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ..
echo << EOF >> Dockerfile
ADD ./ui-common /kb/dev_container/modules/ui-common
The ADD is all that is required, since the UI deployment is currently handled in the entrypoint script. Note that the submodule update may take a signficant amount of time.
After you make changes in the UI-common space, you can test the changes by rebuilding the image and restarting the front-end.
docker build -t kbase/depl:latest .
docker-compose up -d
The docker-compose will restart several containers including the container that serves up UI-common (narrative).
Note that if any of the changes in UI-common are required in the narrative backend, then you currently will need to separately rebuild that image. Follow the instructions in on how to rebuild that narrative backend image.