#Speaking Resources#
A crowdsourced list of resources for women who want to get into public speaking.
###For Speakers:###
- @callbackwomen — follow CallbackWomen to find opportunities for professional programmers to speak at professional programming conferences. Website: CallbackwWmen.com
- 9 Things Great Speakers Always Do — An Inc. article by Jeff Hayden on the things great speakers do to make a real impact on their audiences.
- Ladies In Tech — Articles and podcasts from women in public speaking.
- Speaking.io — Thoughts on public speaking by Zach Holman.
- We Are All Awesome — Speaker resources and motivation for underrepresented would-be speakers.
- The Op Ed Project - workshops and mentorship across many cities and universities for using your voice in public
- The Women's Room - list yourself as a source
- So Why Should I Speak Publicly? - Designer Jessica Ivins on how to get started.
- How to Give the Killer Tech Talk - A clear outline from Jan Lehnardt.
- Neil Gaiman's Tips for Speaking in Public - "Mean it. Whatever you have to say, mean it."
- On Speaking - Brad Frost talks about talks.
- Is Your Conference Proposal Good Enough? - A guide to writing a compelling conference proposal, from someone who helps with speaker selections.
- Confessions of a Public Speaker - Funny and practical book full of advice on how to be an effective speaker and strategies to overcome fear of public speaking.
- How to Give a Great Ignite Talk - Great info for building a lightning-round size talk in a simple format.
- Q&A from Toughest Public Speaking Situations - Helpful Q&A follow up from Scott Berkun's presentation on overcoming tough presentation situations.
###For Conference Organizers:###
- Ask And They Will Come — On encouraging those people who are missing to feel invited and show up.
- Beating The Odds: How We Got 25% Women Speakers At JSConfEu — How JSConfEu got more women speakers at their conference in 2012.
- Putting An End To Conferences Dominated By White Men — Nuff said by Sarah Millstein.
- Why More Women Conference Speakers? — Sarah Allen on her search for role models and the quest to make women more visible within the Ruby and tech communities.
- Increasing Diversity at Your Conference - Based on a series of round-table discussions, Ashe Dryden highlights different kinds of diversity and provides suggestions for conference organizers.
- She Source - an online braintrust of female experts on diverse topics designed to serve journalists, producers and bookers who need female guests and sources.