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A superhuman chess engine written in Java.

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Calvin is a UCI-compatible chess engine written in Java.

It features an alpha-beta search algorithm paired with a neural-network-based evaluation function.

Calvin can play standard chess, fischer random chess (FRC) and double fischer random chess (DFRC).

My aim with this project was to combine my passion (playing mediocre chess) with my profession (writing mediocre code). My secondary goal was to learn about chess programming. I hope that my code is well-documented so that first-time readers can learn too. If you find some information is missing or poorly explained, don't hesitate to let me know!

How to Play

Calvin communicates via the Universal Chess Interface (UCI), meaning you can run it via the command line or paired with your favourite chess GUI:

  1. Download the latest release from Releases.

  2. Ensure Java 17+ is installed locally.

  3. Start Calvin from the command line:

    java --add-modules jdk.incubator.vector -jar calvin-chess-engine-6.0.0.jar
  4. Type "help" or refer to UCI documentation for further information on available commands.


Version Release Date 🎯 Elo CCRL Blitz CCRL Rapid CEGT Rapid
6.0.0 2025-03-02 3600
5.1.0 2025-01-16 3500 3501 3394 3344
5.0.2 2024-11-16 3400 3403 3312 3225
4.3.0 2024-10-05 3300 3332 3277 -
4.2.0 2024-09-19 3230 - 3224 -
4.1.0 2024-09-04 3150 3171 3161 -
4.0.0 2024-07-30 3000 3011 3029 -
3.4.0 2024-05-19 2500 - 2492 -
3.3.0 2024-05-10 2450 2453 - -
3.2.0 2023-12-09 2250 2233 - -
3.1.0 2023-12-05 2220 - - -
3.0.0 2023-12-02 2200 - - -
2.6.2 2023-11-12 2175 2173 - -


Calvin features a pretty traditional chess engine architecture. The engine can broadly be split into three parts: Move Generation, Search, and Evaluation.

Move Generation

Every chess engine requires an internal board representation, in order to track the position of the pieces, the move history, and so on. From there, for any given chess position the engine needs to be able to generate legal moves for that position, to be used during exploration of the game tree during search. As with everything chess-engine-related, the faster the movegen the better!


The search algorithm is all about exploring the possible positions in the game tree, in the most efficient manner possible. To achieve this Calvin uses a classical alpha/beta negamax algorithm.

Search enhancements

Pruning, reductions, extensions

Move ordering

Time Management

  • Hard/soft time bounds
  • Best move stability scaling
  • Score stability scaling
  • Node TM scaling


  • Calvin communicates using the Universal Chess Interface (UCI) protocol.
  • Pondering, where the engine thinks on the opponent's move. Can be disabled using the 'Ponder' UCI option.
  • Hash size and number of search threads are also configurable via UCI.
  • Calvin is connected to Lichess where he plays regularly in the engine pool:


For any given chess position, the engine needs a method of obtaining an estimate of how good the position is for the side to move. Chess engine evaluation mechanisms can be split into two camps: traditional Hand-Crafted Evaluation (HCE), and Efficiently Updatable Neural Networks (NNUE). Since version 4.0.0, Calvin has switched to a neural-net based eval.

The neural network was trained using the excellent bullet trainer on a dataset of 1.2 billion positions taken from the Leela dataset, that I re-scored using Calvin's own search and evaluation.


I am hugely grateful to the many people who have shared their knowledge and resources with me throughout Calvin's development. Without them, Calvin would be nowhere near the level it is at today. To name just a few people, places and things that I am thankful for:

  • The Engine Programming and Stockfish Discord servers, both amazing resources for chess engine knowledge and full of patient, helpful people.
  • Jamie Whiting, the author of bullet, an incredible tool for training NNUEs among other things, which I have used to train all of Calvin's neural networks.
  • The Chess Programming Wiki and TalkChess forums, both a huge help in the early days of Calvin's development.
  • Other engines - I have drawn inspiration from countless others' engines, including but not limited to: Chess Coding Adventure (whose Youtube video inspired me to write my own engine); Stockfish (the queen of all engines); Leorik (whose author keeps an excellent devlog on the TalkChess forum); Lynx; Simbelyne; Stormphrax; Viridithas, and many more.

If you would like to contribute to Calvin, or just talk about chess/chess programming, get in touch!