diff --git a/src/pages/talks.md b/src/pages/talks.md
index 585d0a69b..396959279 100644
--- a/src/pages/talks.md
+++ b/src/pages/talks.md
@@ -4,6 +4,79 @@ import ReactPlayer from 'react-player/lazy'
## 2023
+### December 6th
+#### Optimizing Microservices with WebAssembly and Linux Containers: Exploring Hybrid Container Architectures — Miley Fu, WasmEdge
+### December 5th
+#### Lightweight and High-Performance Microservices with Dapr and WasmEdge — Michael Yuan, WasmEdge
+### December 5th
+#### Efficient and Cross-Platform AI Inference Apps Using Rust and Wasm — Michael Yuan, WasmEdge
+### September
+#### Develop Wasm Applications with Docker - Angel M De Miguel Meana, VMware & Justin Cormack, Docker
+### May 10th
+#### Exotic Runtime Targets: Ruby and Wasm on Kubernetes and GitOps Delivery Pipelines by Kingdon Barrett, Weaveworks
+### May 11th
+#### Microservices and WASM, Are We There Yet? by Will Christensen, Defense Unicorns and Kingdon Barrett, Weaveworks
+### April 21st
+#### Create and Deploy a Lightweight Microservice in WebAssembly - Tai Hung-Ying & Vivian Hu, Second State
+### April 19th
+#### Love, Death and Robots - with Wasm & K8s on Boston Dynamics Spot - Max Körbächer, Liquid Reply & Kevin Hawryluk, Roboverse Reply
+### April 19th
+#### Hands on with WebAssembly Microservices & Kubernetes- J Zhou D Justice K Goldenring R Matei
### March 16th
#### Introduction to WebAssembly (WASM) with Rust and WASMEdge