Join the conversation @ "#uex-tool-for-jamf" On the MacAdmins Slack
I'll have a more comprehensive readme later
Please check out the Wiki Here
You can uses this verison right off the bat for testing.
Update the "title" and any desired icon paths in the following scripts
If you want to add the icons in the jamfHelper & CocoaDialog windows
- Add them in the Payload inside the packages folder
- Set the owner:group to 'root:wheel' (chown root:wheel $targetFile)
- Set the RW mode to 755 (chmod 755 $targetFile)
- Then to create your UEXresource package run the ""
If you want to update the title and icon in the open the project in xcode from the PleaseWaitMini folder
- Go the MainMenu.XIP and change the title in the inspector attributes
- to update icon simply replace the PleaseWait.icns
- Build your project with your teamID/Cert
- Replace the that's in the payload
- Set the owner:group to 'root:wheel'
chown -R root:wheel $targetfile
- Set the RW mode to 755
chmod -R 755 $targetFile
- don't forget to make a new UEX resource package
- Create your UEXresourcesInstaller PKG with
- Upload the Pakcage to your jamf Pro Server
- Upload the 'UEX - Deferral Detection.xml' Extension Attibute to your jamf Pro Server
- Upload all the scripts in the 'Scripts' folder to your jamf Pro Server
- Open and edit the 'UEX Jamf Pro configuration' with your UEX Resouce PKG name, and the jamf pro URL + credentials
- Run the script