V3 publishing update : Status of exercises per repo: Status Description ✔️ Results verified. Good to go! ❌ Not started This table represents the status of the .NET 5 V3 publishing status on a Per-Repo basis Repo Owner Status Notes windowsdesktop epananth ✔️ arcade-validation epananth ✔️ aspnetcore epananth ✔️ runtime epananth ✔️ installer epananth ✔️ sdk epananth ✔️ efcore epananth ✔️ extensions epananth ✔️ winforms mmitche ✔️ wpf-int mmitche ✔️ wpf mmitche ✔️ templating epananth ✔️ diagnostics tommcdon ❌ aspnetcore-tooling dougbu ✔️ fsharp brettfo ❌ symuploader tommcdon ❌ symstore tommcdon ❌ sourcelink tmat ❌ clrmd leculver ❌ msbuild marcpopMSFT ❌ roslyn-analyzer epananth ✔️ Nuget.Client epananth ❌ mono/linker masafa ❌ llvm-project epananth ❌ icu masafa ❌ wcf epananth ❌ source-build-reference-packages epananth ❌ Was this helpful?