Version: 1.0.0
Last modified: 06 Apr 2016
Copyright (c) 2016 Kingston Chan. This software is provided as-is under The MIT Licence (Expat). Full legal text can be found in licence
stencilTemplates.JS is a logical extension to stencil.JS, providing various generic stencil templates along with accompanying logic, resulting in full fledge reusable, themeable page components.
stencilTemplates.init("table" || ["table", "etc..."])
.done(function onTemplatesLoadComplete() {
//Code in this block is guaranteed to have templates functions avaliable
var tableBuilder = stencilTemplates.table("myTableId");
Version: 0.9.0
Last modified: 11 Apr 2016
Table is a fully featured data table that allows you to easily generate a div table layout quickly and easily without writing complicated table features. Table comes with pagination, text searching, column sorting and selection.
To use tables, first ensure that the table template files (stencil, js and css) are in the specified templates directory (stencilTemplates.opts.templates.path). Next, when initialising, make sure to pass in "table"
as the template name. Anytime after stencilTemplates has initialized, the table builder will be avaliable via stencilTemplates.table()
. With the table builder, you can add the necessary data into the table and then using the render()
function, the resulting HTML fragment can be appended/inserted to any location on the page, complete with any optional click bindings.
The hierarchy of a table is rather simple. Headers are always before row sets. While you can have only 1 header group, you can have 0 or more row sets. Within each, you can have 0 or more header rows and dividers and rows and dividers respectively. Within each header and row, you can have 0 or more columns. Row sets are used to logically group rows together. For normal tables with single rows, use 1 row in 1 row set. Click/double click selections are applied to row sets and not rows. Do note that you can have different number of columns in each header/row.
˪ Headers
˪ * Header rows
˪ * Header columns
˪ * Header dividers
˪ * Row sets
˪ * Rows
˪ * Row columns
˪ * Row dividers
where * means 0 or more
Creates a table builder object. This object will provide the APIs as listed below.
- tableID - The html id of the main table object
- css - Additonal css classes to append to the table html tag
- style - Additional styles to append to the table html tag
- return - A table builder object
Adds the provided CSS classes to all cells in that column. Useful for setting global widths or a header column.
- css - Additonal CSS classes to append to every cell tag of the specified column
- columnIndex - The column index to add the css classes to, starting from 0
- return - The current table builder object
Adds the provided styles to all cells in that column. It is better to use CSS classes instead of styles whenever possible.
- styleName - Additonal style to append to every cell tag of the specified column
- value - The value of the style to append
- columnIndex - The column index to add the style to, starting from 0
- return - The current table builder object
Adds a header row to contain header columns. You may add multiple header rows and it will always append the new header row to the bottom of all header rows.
- headerRowID - The html id of the header row
- css - The CSS classes to append
- style - Any inline styles (in
style: value
format) to add to the header row - return - The current table builder object
table.addHeaderColumn(content [string], headerColumnID? [string], css? [string], style? [string], headerRowIndex? [int])
Adds a header column to a header row. You can add multiple header columns to a header row but only affects that particular row. If you don't specify a header row index, it will add the column to the last header row.
- content - The HTML content you want to insert into the column cell. Beware of the HTML escaping options in stencil.
- headerColumnID - The html id of the header column
- css - The CSS classes to append
- style - Any inline styles (in
style: value
format) to add to the headerRow - headerRowIndex - The headerRowIndex you want to add the column to. Defaults to the last header row if not specified
- return - The current table builder object
Adds a header divider to a header row. If you don't specify a header row index, it will add the column to the last headerRow.
- headerRowIndex - The headerRowIndex you want to add the column to. Defaults to the last header row if not specified
- return - The current table builder object
Adds a row set to contain rows. You may add multiple row sets and it will always append the new row set to the bottom of all row sets. A row set is a collection of rows which consists of a bottom border. Rows do not contain bottom borders. This allows you to logically group rows together. For single rows, just a add row in a row set.
- rowSetID - The html id of the row set
- css - The CSS classes to append
- style - Any inline styles (in
style: value
format) to add to the headerRow - return - The current table builder object
Adds a row set divider to a row set. If you don't specify a row set row index, it will add the column to the last row set.
- rowDividerID - The html id of the row set divider
- css - The CSS classes to append
- style - Any inline styles (in
style: value
format) to add to the headerRow - headerRowIndex - The headerRowIndex you want to add the column to. Defaults to the last header row if not specified
- return - The current table builder object
Gets the number of rowSets.
- return - The current the current number of row sets
Adds a row to a row set. You may add multiple rows to a row set and it will always append the new row to the bottom of the row set. If you don't specify a row set row index, it will add the column to the last row set. Rows do not contain bottom borders and needs to be contained in a row set.
- rowID - The html id of the row
- css - The CSS classes to append
- style - Any inline styles (in
style: value
format) to add to the headerRow - return - The current table builder object
Gets the number of rows in a row set.
- rowSetIndex - The index of the row set index to check
- return - The current the current number of rows
table.addRowColumn(content [string], rowColumnID? [string], css? [string], style? [string], rowSetIndex? [int], rowIndex? [int])
Adds a row column to a header row. You can add multiple row columns to a row but only affects that particular row. If you don't specify a row or row set index, it will add the column to the last row in the last row set.
- content - The HTML content you want to insert into the column cell. Beware of the HTML escaping options in stencil.
- rowColumnID - The html id of the header column
- css - The CSS classes to append
- style - Any inline styles (in
style: value
format) to add to the headerRow - rowSetIndex - The row set index you want to add the column to. Defaults to the last row set if not specified
- rowIndex - The row index you want to add the column to. Defaults to the last row if not specified
- return - The current table builder object
Gets the final JSON dataset object for use in rendering the stencil based template
- return - The stencil table dataset object
Clears out all data from the table but leaves sort, search and paginate options alone to preserve user's existing context.
- return - The stencil table dataset object
Clears out all data from the table including sort, search and paginate options.
- return - The stencil table dataset object
Renders the dataset through the table stencil template passing the output DOM fragment as the first parameter to the onComplete callback.
- return - The stencil table dataset object
Updates the table (based on its tableID) with its existing dataset.
- return - The stencil table dataset object
Enables column sorting functionality. It will apply the sortable columns to the last header row.
- allowMultipleColumns - Allow sorting on multiple columns based on click order. Default is false
- limitSortColumns - Limit sorting to the specific columns
- return - The stencil table dataset object
Enables the search functionality.
- searchColumnIndexes - The column indexes you want to limit the search to
- searchRowIndexes - The row indexes you want to limit the search to. This is the row index, not row set index. e.g. Limit search to the
[x, y, z]
row of every row set only - return - The stencil table dataset object
Enables table pagination functionality.
- rowsPerPage - The number of rows (not row sets) to display in a table page. This is to allow for even pages as some row sets may contain different number of rows
- return - The stencil table dataset object
table.enableSelector(selectRowIndexes [int | Array[int]], selectColumnIndexes [int | Array[int]], allowMultipleSelects? [boolean], onClick? [function([cellContent, ...])], onDblClick? [function([cellContent, ...])])
Enables the selector functionaity.
- selectRowIndexes - The row index in integer or indexes in an Array of integers in a rowSet as a rowSet can have more than one row. Indexes start from 0 for the first row in a rowSet
- selectColumnIndexes - The column index in integer or indexes in an Array of integers; Indexes start from 0 for the first column
- allowMultipleSelects - Can multiple rowSets be selected at the same time? Default is false
- onClick - Sets a callback to be activated on click of a rowSet. Passes in an Array of cellContents of the specified columnIndex. Passes in an Array of cellContents of the specified columnIndex
- onDblClick - Sets a callback to be activated on double click of a rowSet. Passes in an Array of cellContents of the specified columnIndex. allowMultipleSelects does not affect double clicks.
- return - The stencil table dataset object
Gets an Array of selected items and its contents from the columns specified in the columnIndexs parameter in the clicked order, [[cellContent, ...], ...]
- return - The stencil table dataset object
Clears the selection from this table.
- return - The stencil table dataset object
Table Icons by Entypo Released under CC BY-SA 4.0.