This guide provides step-by-step instructions for installing JAGS and the JAGS-WIENER module on macOS systems.
First, check if Homebrew is installed:
which brew
If Homebrew is not installed (no output from the above command), install it:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
After installation, if you're using an Apple Silicon Mac (M1/M2/M3), add Homebrew to your PATH:
echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> ~/.zprofile
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
Verify Homebrew installation:
brew --version
Now install the required build tools:
brew install autoconf automake libtool
Install JAGS using Homebrew:
brew install jags
Open R and install the required packages:
install.packages(c("rjags", "R2jags"))
If you encounter any package installation errors, try reinstalling with:
install.packages("rjags", type="source", INSTALL_opts = "--no-compress-data")
cd ~
git clone
cd jags-wiener
# Check if modules directory exists
if [ ! -d "/opt/homebrew/lib/JAGS/modules-4" ]; then
echo "Creating JAGS modules directory..."
sudo mkdir -p /opt/homebrew/lib/JAGS/modules-4
echo "JAGS modules directory already exists"
# Verify JAGS installation location
brew list jags
# Verify JAGS include files
ls /opt/homebrew/Cellar/jags/4.3.2/include/JAGS/distribution/
# If ScalarDist.h is not found, locate it:
find $(brew --prefix) -name "ScalarDist.h"
# Clean any previous attempts
make clean
# Create auxiliary files
autoreconf -fvi
# Configure with correct paths (adjust version if needed based on your JAGS installation)
./configure \
CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/homebrew/Cellar/jags/4.3.2/include/JAGS" \
LDFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/Cellar/jags/4.3.2/lib" \
--prefix=/opt/homebrew \
# Build and install
sudo make install
# Check if module was installed
ls -l /opt/homebrew/lib/JAGS/modules-4/
# If not found, search for it
find /opt/homebrew -name ""
# Check permissions
ls -l /opt/homebrew/lib/JAGS/modules-4/
Open R and run:
A successful installation should show:
- "basemod"
- "bugs"
- "dic"
- "wiener"
If you get the error "File not found: /opt/homebrew/lib/JAGS/modules-4/":
- Check module directory structure:
ls -la /opt/homebrew/lib/JAGS/
ls -la /opt/homebrew/lib/JAGS/modules-4/
- Locate the built module:
find /opt/homebrew -name ""
- If found in a different location, create a symbolic link:
sudo ln -s /path/to/found/ /opt/homebrew/lib/JAGS/modules-4/
- Check file permissions:
sudo chmod 755 /opt/homebrew/lib/JAGS/modules-4/
If you encounter build errors, try completely removing and reinstalling both JAGS and JAGS-WIENER:
# Remove current installations
brew uninstall jags
cd jags-wiener
sudo make uninstall
# Clean up any remaining files
sudo rm -rf /opt/homebrew/lib/JAGS/modules-4/
# Reinstall JAGS
brew install jags
# Then follow the JAGS-WIENER installation steps again