All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
- fixed issue with manifestTransforms option
- fixed issue with offlineAnalyticsConfigString option
- fixed error when glob patterns matched directories
- minor dependency updates
- fixed output formatting
- fixed typo that let build fail
- added
option - use
to reduce size of included lodash build.
- provide exports for individual default routes
- allow custom defines that get passed to webpack's DefinePlugin
- removed some dev artifacts from published npm package
- fixed some leftover occurrences of references to gatsby-plugin-offline instead of gatsby-plugin-offline-next
- fixed documentation link
- Upgraded workbox from v4.x to v6.x
- No longer uses workbox-build/generateSW. public/sw.js is now generated during the build-javascript stage via the workbox-webpack-plugin
- precache resources gathered from built pages is no longer inlined in the sw.js itself, but written after the build to a separate file that gets included via importScripts in the service worker. The file name contains a content hash to ensure that a service worker update is triggered it it's content changes
- default runtime caching handlers: only cache successful (HTTP status 200) responses
- added deletePreviousCacheVersionsOnUpdate for cleaning up old cache versions in case cacheId changes
⚠️ breaking changes to the structure of the options of this plugin due to workbox upgrade -> see Migrating from official gatsby-plugin-offline (v4.x)