An experimental study on Standard-Chinese to Cantonese translator models.
Two major approaches are included:
- Copy-Enriched Seq2Seq Models (Jhamtani., 2017)
- Enriched dictionary table by Translation-Matrix (Mikolov., 2013)
This version of code is initiated from the work by Jhamtani .
Python 3.5
Tensorflow 1.1.0 (framework)
Change working directory to /code/v1/
python init
to download the pre-trained Cantonese and Chinese embeddings from fastText; and also to build token-dictionaries for the Chinese tokenizer
First run initialization
Change working directory to /code/v1/
python preprocessing
to pre-process and save train/valid/test data for the two models. -
The used dictionaries for tokenization can be changed at
First run pre-processing
Change working directory to /code/v1/
python train <iter_num> <output_model_name>
orpython validation <saved_model_name>
Training settings can be modified at
Trained models and temporary results are saved in /data/mt_model/
Link to the original paper:
First run pre-processing
Change working directory to /code/v1/
Download and get the Cantonese language model (wiki.zh_yue.bin), put under data/embedding/
and a linear projection matrix between the embedding spaces would be learnt using Stochastic Gradient Descent -
Trained matrix and temporary results are saved in /data/mt_translation_matrix/
Link to the original paper:
(Assume trained models are ready)
Change working directory to /code/v1/
to check performance of the two baseline methods (saved in /code/eval/baselines/) -
python test <saved_model_name>
to check performance of the Copy-Enriched Seq2Seq Model (saved in /code/eval/mt_model/MOVIE-transcript/) -
to check performance of the Translation-Matrix Model (saved in /code/eval/mt_translation_matrix/MOVIE-transcript/)
- Movie transcripts are used to create a collection of sentences in pairs {Standard-Chinese(繁), Cantonese (粵)} as the parallel corpora. (/data/transcript/)
- A Cantonese-SC dictionary mapping consisting ~1600 entries are created from the online database from A Comparative Study of Modern Chinese and Cantonese in the Development of Teaching Resource (/data/static/canto2stdch_full.dict, see script at
- Tokenziation by the tool Jieba with customized dictionaries. Cantonese sentences are tokenized based on token words from PyCantonese and also available words in the embedding.
- Pre-trained embeddings for Chinese and Cantonese are downloaded from FastText (Wiki word vectors)
- Conversion of traditional-vs-simplified Chinese characters is done by the python wrapper OpenCC-Python with respect to Open Chinese Convert.
BLEU metric evaluation is provided by the toolkit MOSES
BLEU evaluation is adjusted to consider only single-Chinese-character tokenization
- OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory: Make sure one have enough RAM; restart the computer, or try adding a new swapfile (e.g. make to 4G total).
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- Jackson L. Lee, Litong Chen, and Tsz-Him Tsui. 2016. PyCantonese: Developing computational tools for Cantonese linguistics. Talk at the 3rd Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics, The Ohio State University. March 12. 2016.
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- Wong, Tak-sum, and John Lee. "Register-sensitive Translation: a Case Study of Mandarin and Cantonese (Non-archival Extended Abstract)." Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Volume 1: Research Papers). 2018.
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- Bojanowski, Piotr, et al. "Enriching word vectors with subword information." Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 5 (2017): 135-146.
- Added reference and improved README.
- Restart the project. Rename /code/main to /code/v1
Summarized the result with a report titled "Dialect as a Low-Resource Language: A Study on Standard-Chinese to Cantonese Translation with Movie Transcripts" . Abstract:
Cantonese, a major Chinese spoken dialect, can be viewed a a low-resource language given that its raw written form of collection is scarce. This project develops a pipeline to accomplish the low-resource Cantonese translation task with its closely-related rich-resource language counterparts, Standard Chinese (SC). The pipeline consists of two major translation methods: (1) the sequence-to-sequence neural-network approach suggested by Jhamtani et al. (2017), and (2) the translation-matrix approach suggested by Mikolov et al. (2013). Our implementation to perform machine translation from SC to Cantonese, in a simplified setting, do not have satisfying results nor perform better than the baselines. This report describes the similarities and difference between our implementation and the original approaches, and also discusses possible future improvement.
Submitted the report for the UWaterloo course CS680 - Introduction to Machine Learning. Grade 21/25.
- Initialized the repository