- [[Moot Video Archive]] - Every single talk or panel that Moot gave before 2011. This was created by our predecessor, the Yotsuba Society, and we're trying to restore what we can.
- A good story to add to the Father and Daughter collection.
- Someone's Story Collection on Google Docs
- [[Tasha's Brother]] - Story has finished. An archive is here, to be converted.
- /r9k/ - Horrible Monster Greentext - Archive.moe
- (Complete!) Longest Lasting 4chan Thread (on /i/) - Born: 01/20/12(Fri)00:52:21, Died: 01/29/15(Thu)19:42:22. Lasted 3 years, 10 days. Goodnight Sweet Prince. - Download ZIP
- (Complete!) - 4GBs of 4chan threads from 2009-2012. Uploaded to the Internet Archive, since the torrent was dead.
- 9ch.in - Anonymous BBS Overscript - A page listing all the anonymous imageboard and textboard software that people have used over the years.
Other archival institutes or link pages.
- Cyberlife - Awesome cyberpunk archive that links back to this wiki. What treasures are found there?
- United Chans Wikia - Tons of great history articles on 4chan.
These are stories or webpages that need to be converted and added to the Bibliotheca Anonoma.
- [[Chanarchive]] - RIP Edgeworth E. Euler. He went MIA and thus, all data from Chanarchive died with him. I deeply regret failing to convince him to send the backup somewhere safe... After all he did to try and save it, it is lost forever...
- At least a significant fraction has been saved by archive.org, so we can attempt to reconstruct it and at least catalogue what was lost.
- iiichan Wiki - Humblefool (David Ashby)'s personal wiki, made in the style of [[Shii]]'s wiki. Also deleted, but at least archives do exist.
- [[Shii]]'s Wiki (Done!) - Tons of interesting content was lost in Shii's wholesale deletion of a personal wiki that pretty much inspired the work of the Bibliotheca Anonoma.
- The Oppressors and the Oppressed - Downloaded before chanarchive went down. This is an AMA from a British military contractor who fought for Gaddafi during the Arab Spring in Libya; a brutal look at how the winners of war write the history.
- [[Oral Hygiene]] (Archived) - Pastebin, Newer Pastebin - A Wikichan-era tale about some guy who brushes his sister's teeth. Reminiscent of that episode of Monogatari...
- ArchiveTeam - 4chan - The Archive Team wiki (part of the Internet Archive) has a list of important targets to archive. Chanarchive is a big one that was lost. Twice.
- Stanford Digital Repository - Henry Lowood (@Liebenwalde), Curator of History of Science & Technology, supports the archival of internet culture, happens to be constructing a 4chan section for the digital repository, and can provide archival space for much of our static data on Stanford servers.